The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1287: Knock on door to find someone


read2();  The sun rises in the east and rises slowly, and then the light of the blazing sun spills over the messy Taixuan place.

The light dispels the darkness, and also indicates that everything that is happening in the depths of the North Sea will be more clearly reflected in the eyes of all the monks who gather on the banks of the North Sea. When the sun falls on this heavy North Sea city, every monk is I feel the light above my head is much brighter than before.

   The tense atmosphere of confrontation in Shenxian City, instead of being relieved by the constant shocking anomalies and loud noises from the north, has become more and more tense.

In the depths of the North Sea, the gray mist that connects the heavens and the earth swallows the air column, and the roaring dragons, the cracking of the void, and the roar of the sea are like the drums that urge everyone to march towards the fate of heaven and earth. The sound made the blood that could not be restrained in the powerful monks boil even more violently.

Because the northern boundary city completely shattered the void, and gradually rammed the two islands of Daiyu and Yuanqiao into the depths of the northern sea of ​​the Taixuan land, the power of the boundary city’s absorption of the mist of Dao abandoned completely reached its peak, and every minute Every second, infinite gray fog is swallowed, and looking up from Shenxiancheng, you can even see a vague outline of the sun hanging high in the east.

   This is the first time in tens of thousands of years that Beihai County has seen the shadow of Da Il!

The light of dawn shone down through the increasingly rare gray fog, showing a very strange orange-green color, and in the shadow of a building near the five peaks in the center of Shenxian City, a group of people was in a small courtyard Inside trim.

   In the corner of the courtyard, many monks whose throats were directly crushed were piled up and down. The robes on these monks were of different styles, which showed that they belonged to different forces.

   The strong **** smell that rose to the sky permeated this small courtyard, and then the gold ingots squeezed in the corner, raised his chubby right hand, wiped his nose with his sleeve, and said gently:

   "All night, I just walked here from the Shenji Pavilion, listening to the earth-shattering noise outside, I want to come to the depths of the North Sea that something has happened."

After Jin Yuanbao's words fell, because the surrounding blood smell was too strong, he wiped his nose again with his sleeves, and then turned his gaze to the side of Xue Dao, who was sitting in the shadow, with a dark robe covering his whole body, and continued to ask. Road:

   "Big Brother Xue, now the people in the two palaces above us are looking at the depths of the North Sea. Shouldn't we take this opportunity to rush directly into the place where the Five Immortals are located?"

   "No, there is still will in the so-called Holy Court Palace above, and the rest may be able to rush directly into the Five Immortal Sect Mountain Gate Great Formation, but you can't make gold ingots, you are too fat."

After Xue Dao fell with a little cold voice, Jin Ingot's round face was suddenly embarrassed, and he looked around embarrassedly for a week. I saw this small courtyard sitting around at this time, except for Xue Dao and Li Dingshan in black robes. In addition, there are the middle-aged butlers of Jin Jinzong who have achieved half a step in the land fairyland, Master Duobao, and several monks who have cultivated the best on the Jin Jinzong ships.

   These cultivators have the lowest cultivation level, and they are only one step away from the Master of Palm Edge Birth and Death Realm, so at this time the gold ingot in the courtyard, besides the fattest body, has the lowest cultivation level.

  Thinking about this, Jin Yuanbao shrank his head, raised his hand and wiped a round face, weakly turning away from the topic and saying:

   "I don't know where Brother Ye went this evening?"

   After the gold ingot was finished, Xue Dao, who was concentrating on his side, raised his head, looked at the two holy palaces that covered half of the sky, and responded:

   "For Yasi Cheng, who is in charge of the entire night, he should already be in the Five Immortal Sect at this time."

   After Xue Dao finished speaking, he stretched out his left hand to catch a drop of sea water that had fallen from the sky above the small courtyard, gently pinched it, and a smile appeared under the robe, and then an uncontrollable excitement came out directly:

   "This drop of North Sea water tells me, here comes the great land of Shenzhou!"

   After the four words Shenzhou Haotu came out from under the hood of Xue Dao, both the gold ingots and the people around them had their faces changed wildly. This was the first time they clearly confirmed the origin of Ye Yi and the others.

Although I had guessed in my heart, I really heard Xue Dao say it, and I still felt madly in my heart, especially the gold ingot. Once I thought that I would crush the gold sect on top of the foreign forces that I heard and heard, I felt that A cold sweat broke out.

   Then Jin Dashao took a deep breath, tried to restrain his trembling hands, pretending to speak easily:

   "Dare to ask Brother Xue, this vast land of China has meat and wine?"

Jin Yinbao’s question made the Jinzong who was frantically stunned around his eyes, but he couldn’t laugh or cry, but both Jin Yinbao and Duobao knew that they had boarded the same boat, and now the only thing they can do Yes, it is to pray that this mysterious fairy mountain force that has been pulled back from outside the domain will be stronger and stronger!

   "Shenzhou has a vast land and abundant resources, and luck is prosperous. Naturally, wine and meat are indispensable. Besides, everything on it is beyond your imagination."

   Xue Dao's response sounded with a natural color, and even deep-seated self-confidence. Then he turned to look at the trembling gold ingot with the whole round face on the side, and continued to speak word by word:

   "Gold Ingot, you and I have been together for more than two years, and I can tell you responsibly, this will be a decision that you can brag about in your life!"

   Xue Dao's voice fell. For some reason, Jin Ingot's uneasy heart suddenly became extremely stable, and then he nodded heavily, just about to speak, but heard three knocks suddenly sounded outside the courtyard.

   "咚, 咚, 咚!"

   These three knocks were not light or heavy, but they suddenly resounded in the hearts of everyone in the courtyard like a terrifying thunder. How weird the knocks that sounded under such a rattling atmosphere.

   Then the gold ingot narrowed his eyes, and opened his mouth to speak:

   "Knock on the door is a guest, it means that the person is not very malicious, I will open the door."

After a few breaths, the gold ingot opened the gate of the yard, and the girl who was not tall was directly greeted by a little girl who was wearing a raincoat and carrying a long sword behind her back. , If it were not for the hilt of the sword, it would even make people think that it was a long spear.

"who are you looking for?"

   After opening the door, Jin Yinbao saw a little girl with a lighter expression, and asked, then the latter shook his head and responded with a crisp voice:

   "It's not me looking for someone, it's my uncle looking for someone."

  As soon as the voice fell, behind the little girl, under the incredible gaze of the gold ingot, a figure suddenly appeared, and then the mellow voice was clear and clear to everyone in the courtyard:

   "I take the liberty to interrupt, to find a destined person."

After finishing the sentence, the middle-aged man in the same clothes raised his hand and pointed at someone in the courtyard. Everyone looked at the former's fingers, and saw that the middle-aged man's finger was sitting next to Xue Dao. A very quiet figure.

   Li Dingshan!


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