The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1304: Would you like to come down for a drink?


read2();   "A little monk who dares to spy on the general situation is stupid except for his own ability."

   At the surface of the North Sea in the middle of the night, a thick fog of Daoqi entangled the sky, and then a clear voice sounded under the fog of Daoqi.

   This voice came from a young man dressed in white. His brows were jade-like, his face was handsome, and his white clothes fluttered. It was Sima Annan, the important minister of the Daxia Military Aircraft Department.

   Behind Sima Annan stood a girl holding a sword, with a mask painted with white weird runes, standing silently on the lake, looking at the darkness ahead, without saying a word.

The place where Sima Annan stood at this time was not far from the vast land of Shenzhou that was born in the center of the North Sea behind him. In the depths of the sea beneath his feet, a corner of the seabed that no one can see, erected an outward corner. A huge altar exuding a blue and white atmosphere of ancient times.

Zhao Yu and the entire Great Xia court, after turning around and tumbling up to emerge from the Taixuan Land, did not wait for the mighty Taixuan Land army to come to the door without any reaction, but according to the will of the young emperor, they started The holy orders were implemented methodically.

   Including descending behind the enemy, occupying the entire Shenxian City with thunder, sending Hongyou Temple officials headed by Sun Qian, and going south to Liusha County to instigate countermeasures, etc.

   "I said Miss Jiansheng, from the beginning to the end you are like a sword without saying a word. There is nowhere to talk about the pressure in my son's heart. It is really hard to breathe."

   In the freezing cold wind, Sima’s voice sounded again, and then this very young emperor’s assistant, who was actually very young, took out a folding fan from nowhere, swayed gently, and continued to speak bitterly:

"Now, in front of us, there are countless army of monks rushing from the front, and the Secretary of the Supervision and Supervision Department used the news from the investigating guards to describe these monks in one sentence. That is to cover the sky. , Like a plague of locusts."

After   's voice fell, Sima Annan continued to swing the folding fan, and sighed:

   "The monks are like a plague of locusts. It can be seen that there are so many. It is the first time that Sima Annan has confronted so many monks. The pressure is not small."

   "With your majesty and Daxia as your backing, there is no fear, no matter who comes, there is only one sword to cut it!"

   A serious and meticulous voice came from Jiansheng behind Sima Annan, and then the girl who had disappeared for two years in retreat, holding the sword in her arms tightly, her steady voice came out again:

   "Master Sima, don't worry, I take your majesty's order to protect you, so death will die before you."

   "Girl Swordsman said and laughed, how could Sima Annan let a woman die in front of him, otherwise, in front of other colleagues, I can't lift my head."

After    finished speaking, Sima Annan raised his hand and reached out to the flying messenger who broke out of the darkness to the side, took out a secret order to unfold, lowered his head and scanned, and then a more solemn voice came out:

"Girl Swordsman, the latest news from Sitianjian, the first batch of monks from the land of the Supreme Profound Land, will arrive here at dawn, but there is good news, Master Wei Guogong is leading the army. He has already occupied Shenxian City and is now spreading out on the shores of the North Sea. At the same time, the officials of Hongyou Temple have also moved south. The first phase of the Xuebancheng plan has been deployed smoothly."

   The voice fell. Although the Jiansheng behind him did not respond, Sima Annan, who was not calm at this time, continued to speak, and the voice came out:

"Xuebancheng, this guy really deserves to come out of the extreme north snowfield. The arrangement of each step is like walking a tightrope. Even my bold and careful chasing young man is scared when he looks at him. I really admire your majesty's courage."

   The North Sea was calm and waveless, but above the gray misty sea, Sima Annan’s young voice continued to ring in the night. Perhaps even Sima Annan’s self-confidence was hard to detect, and his words at this time were much more than usual.

   Behind Sima Annan, Jiansheng stood with his sword in his arms and listened quietly to the words of the former, because a girl who used to have an exquisite sword heart knew that once the heart became nervous, she would speak many words invisibly. This is human nature.

The young man in front of her, although rising in the end with the young lord of the Great Summer, Zhao Yu, not only walked in the world of the Shenzhou Haotu Shenji Pavilion, explored the flowers and the first place, entered the military aircraft, and became the most important under the seat of Emperor Fuyao. 'S chief staff, but under this legendary title, he is still a teenager under twenty years old.

When others were seventeen or eighteen years old, they had thin spring clothes, riding on a leaning bridge and full of red sleeves. But at this time, Zhao Yu and the young people under his command had already shouldered the heavy responsibility of the family and the country, and used their swords in the army. prior to!

The night in Beihai, the land of Taixuan, is deeper. This is the first night after the birth of Daxia, the vast land of Shenzhou. Although the power of the mountains and seas and the heavens cover the sky and firmly protect hundreds of millions of people, there are still too many people. I took a lamp and accompany the whole family, staying up all night.

On the vast land of Shenzhou born in the center of Beihai in the Taixuan Land, the lights are shining like stars, but the light is completely surrounded by the dense fog of Taoism, unable to show the slightest outward, and on the outside of the fog of Taoism, above the sea Sima Annan, who put away the folding fan, simply sat cross-legged on the ground at this time, took out a bottle of mellow and soft peach blossom wine, and tasted it deliciously.

   The mouth-watering pale pink jelly shook in the wine glass. After Sima Annan lifted the wine glass and took a sip, the misty light of the eastern morning light above his head slowly appeared at the end of the sky.

Suddenly, between the faint light and the gray mist, a tiny spatial fluctuation came from the south at an extremely fast speed, like a teleport. In the depths of this wave, there was a young and tall figure. In the gap of the space, push away the dense space bubbles and swim freely.

   One of the Five Ancient Hidden Sects, Wujiang Sect, is born with the top talent to blend into the power of the void, and as a young man who walks the world, he is unrestrained, borderless and domainless, and the world can go.

   In fact, in the eyes of the Wujiang Sect, everything around them will become extremely slow, just like ants crawling. That is the illusion caused by the huge speed difference.

   In the next instant, the face of the young Wujiangzong in the depths of the void changed, because two figures sitting and standing on the sea in front of him suddenly appeared in his sight.

   "Unfamiliar monk, and very young!"

   The color of interest rose from the heart of the young man, and then it swayed slightly, and then appeared on the top of the two people's heads on the sea in an instant, lowering their heads to see more real.

   Then the complexion of the young man really changed wildly, because Sima Annan and Jiansheng above the sea raised their heads at the same time, and their eyes were fixed.

   At the next breath, the young and handsome voice from Sima Annan sounded directly:

   "This little brother, do you want to come down for a drink?"


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