The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1321: Nine Days Fall


read2();   As the saying goes, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, but now the depths of the North Sea, which has been barren for tens of thousands of years, are undoubtedly the most barren vitality desert in the Taixuan Land.

The vitality of heaven and earth is a cornerstone for monks of any realm, and it is also the foundation for the formation of supernatural powers. Its role is self-evident, and even when the monarch of the Xuemei Kingdom pulls out the entire sunken island, it depends on its own countless. Years of vitality repair for accumulation.

   The monk uses supernatural powers to fight the enemy, so vitality is the blade!

   Therefore, when the North Sea in front of us was displayed by the Great Xia Fa Xiu army with the cold wave torrent supernatural powers, and it was continuously frozen, the horror of these cultivators in the Supreme Profound Land could be imagined.

   "The North Sea water is different from other places. It is difficult to freeze at any low temperature. Therefore, it is necessary to use magical powers to freeze it. The vitality required is huge. Where can these human races come from such a diverse gas?"

  The monks of the Great Profound Land marched north to the army. Those monks of great power stood on the bow of the warship, looking up at the torrent of frost in front of them like an avalanche, opening their mouths and making an incomprehensible murmur.

   Then more and more solemn expressions began to appear on these people's faces, because they were about to face a huge problem. Once the sea was frozen, the warships these people were on would also have difficulty advancing.

For these big forces that took a long time to prepare for this opportunity in the North Sea, the well-equipped warships underneath them undoubtedly condense 50% of the combat power of the entire sect, whether it is portrayed on board. The defensive runes, all kinds of materials, and the warship ballista that cost a lot of money to build are the biggest reliance on offense and defense.

   In other words, once these monks are allowed to abandon the ship and charge forward at this time, it is tantamount to breaking their own arms. Therefore, the sect masters who are leaders will naturally not abandon the ship, and they will roar:

   "Open the battleship defensive formation, charge forward, set up the ballista, and smash the torrent of frost in front of the lord, how can the ice block stand the turbulent ballista!"

After the roar, round after round of defensive enchantments radiating light spread out from the warship on the sea surface, and then the runes on the entire warship lit up faster and faster, as if pulling back. To the ultimate arrow.

   Then accompanied by a deafening roar, the warship ballista shrank back and spit out, the vast supernatural power streamer blasted out directly, and after drew a dazzling arc above the sea surface, it burst out on the frost sea surface.

As the endless flames burst outward, the North Sea that had just frozen under the frost torrent suddenly cracked, and a large number of shattered ice fragments splashed. For a while, a large number of extremely dazzling appeared directly on the deep blue ice surface. Potholes.

   At the same time, the warships exuding the supernatural powers of the barriers, like sharp swords, pierced directly into the icy sea and pushed forward, leaving dense wounds.

   "This sect master thought how bluffing people were. It turned out to be shattered by a ship cannon. It was so fragile. The ordinary disciple of our sect was enough to punch it with all his strength. The silver gun waxed head, not to be afraid!"

Dao Dao laughed from the warship with disdain, even the dignified faces of the emperors of the Central Kingdom, saw the ice surface in front of them very easily torn into large wounds, and the relaxed and arrogant expression surfaced again. Above the face.

   Then the Grand Prince of the Central Empire on the Golden Palace waved his hands back, and his voice came out faintly:

"His Royal Highness remembers the underground monsters of the Kingdom of Yan Jue. Among the things that were paid tribute to please the relationship, there was a kind of lava thunderbolt ball. The monks were sent forward by flying fighters to crack the ice in front. Your Highness likes to see the desperate expression of the enemy!"

After    finished speaking, the monk on the side of the prince under the golden palace nodded and responded. Just as he wanted to start to move, Wang Jing's command sounded directly into the sky:

   "Southern barbarian French repair army, concentrate on marsh mud flow, let go!"

   The command sound rolled outwards, and the vast vitality fluctuations poured out from the nine islands once again, and this time, what broke out was a huge black light of the earth.

In the next instant, a torrent of gray-brown mudstones replaced the frost, and the entire frozen sea was coated with a layer of gray-brown mud at a speed visible to the naked eye, just like someone was on a piece of white and flawless white paper. Above, scribbles made people frown, and felt a trace of heart palpitations.

   "Small sculpting skills, frost is still useless, the mere mud flows, it is just a laugh."

The wanton laughter continued to be heard from some young monks in the sect. However, for those in power who have had a lot of experience, they all had a deep expression and raised their hands to signal that the ship’s heavy artillery continued to increase the scope of the bombardment. And strength.

After about fifty breaths, the warship’s heavy artillery supernatural powers, which condensed the power of the monks on the ship, fell on a large area of ​​the mud torrent, but what changed everyone’s color was the burst supernatural powers that could easily tear the frost. This layer of mud flow containing the black light of the earth is extremely limited, and can only blast out pits the size of several people.

   "Not good, this thick mudslide has a strong defense force, and it is a hundred times harder to deal with than hard ice."

   And just as the monks issued warnings to the surrounding mud torrents, Wang Jing continued to reverberate through the sky and completely changed the complexions of the monks in the Great Profound Land:

   "Daxia endless mountain law repair army, lifted into the sky in the blazing sun, fell slowly, the sea in front of the target!"

At the next breath, nine rounds of scorching sun released infinitely vast temperatures, slowly rising from the nine islands of the North Sea into the sky, and the whole world suddenly brightened, as if ten suns volleyed in the sky at the same time, pouring a mighty light and hot!


Wang Jing's audible commands continued to roll out, and then he fell at the same time on the next nine days. The unprecedented light and hot temperature swept across the North Sea in an instant, and even the young monks with a shallow cultivation level were instantly blank and hard to see. .

It’s worth mentioning that the blazing sun’s magical powers that are falling at this time are not as violently as they did when the endless mountain killed alien races. Instead, the rate of decline was deliberately controlled to be extremely slow, just like the setting sun sinking into the sea. With a little boundlessness, a little sad and beautiful.

   The time of the entire sea surface in the center of the North Sea seems to have become so slow under the falling of the blazing sun, so that if you look carefully, you can even see the nine rounds of blazing sun, beating like a heart.

"Defensive, defensive, everyone uses defensive powers outwards to block this wave of magical powers, and continuously releases three such vast magical powers of moving mountains and reclaiming the sea. Most of them have to exhaust themselves. As long as they block, it is a display Let me wait for the fish to be slaughtered!"

   The roar of the monks from the land of the Supreme Profound Realm kept ringing, maybe after a long time, maybe just a moment, the nine days of the brilliant fall, and burst out above the sea at the same time, and the strong light and blaze occupied the entire northern Beihai world in an instant.

   The whole world is bright!

   The terrifying supernatural powers of the Daxia Fa Xiu Army, for the first time, let the monks in the Taixuan Land thoroughly appreciate it, and it will be unforgettable for a lifetime!


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