
read2();   In this world, there are always more important things that give people the courage to defeat death and fear.

   At this time, on the Beihai Liuli battlefield, the big Xia Erlang roaring at the charge, are they afraid? Are you afraid?

Facing a completely unknown world, facing the powerful monks in the Taixuan Land, they are of course afraid, of course afraid, but this **** battle is related to the rise and fall of their homeland behind them, the continuation of their blood, and the entire human race in Tai The life and death of the mysterious land is a battle to settle down.

   Da Xia Erlang cannot retreat!

   "Come on! Come on! Come on!"

  The roar of battle roars like mountains and seas, roaring out from the mouths of every soldier on the battlefield, the blood and raging smoke are connected to each other, and together with the sky-shaking war drums, they form a charge that belongs to the human race of Daxia.

At the same time, in this rolling battlefield, Jiang Yue, Li Yi and Zhong Li fight against the three Radiant Army Taboos, and the violent and shocking weather released by their full strength completely blocked the upper round of the central Shang Guozun and descended into the void. The golden country, a battle between the top powers, is about to happen!

In a sense, this kingdom released by the land gods on the top of the head is undoubtedly the last support of countless monks in the land of the Great Profound Land on the North Sea battlefield. After all, these legendary characters carry With the greatest pride in the hearts of the powerful monks.

Although with the big killing of Daxia soldiers, almost all the pride and belief in the hearts of these powerful monks who participated in the **** battle were ruthlessly destroyed one after another, but the power of the land fairyland is beyond doubt, so all eyes are concentrated. Go to the golden kingdom above, hoping that it can explode with unstoppable power and destroy the assault of the human race.

   "My father said that he didn't care about the life and death I was waiting for in the North Sea, but secretly let the majesty follow him. Sure enough, no matter how far away, everyone's every move cannot escape the eyes of his old man."

   Complicated and difficult words came from the mouth of the prince of Yangshangguo, and then he seemed to have thought of something, and continued to spit out a word with a very unkind expression:

   "This also means that Lao Jiu's head was cut off in front of me, and it will soon be passed on to his old man's ears. All the emperors present at the scene will inevitably be punished!"

After   , the prince who was a bit taller than the other princes, looked around for a week, looked at the golden palaces of the other princes around him, and the cold voice continued:

   "The third lunatic and the second nerd didn't come to the depths of the North Sea. Under the circumstances, the current situation is beneficial to the two aliens. It's really a steal!"

   As the prince squinted his eyes alone, secretly calculating the gains and losses of this trip to the present, the monks in the lower hall suddenly sounded in exclamation:

   "His Royal Highness, the situation has changed. The supreme kingdom of the Central Government, watching its situation, seems to be retreating!"

  As soon as he said this, the big prince who came back to his senses jumped directly in his temple, and then suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky above.

I saw that the round of exalted kingdoms that were difficult to look at the golden light directly. Under the violent attack of the three taboo auras below, they did not choose to shoot hard, but very strangely raised the kingdom directly upwards and avoided it. This is an astonishing operation.

   "How could this be possible, the land gods and fairyland, the Supreme Power, would take the initiative to avoid it, it's impossible!"

   A large number of incredible exclamations sounded directly, indicating that the minds of all the monks who watched all this were surging, and then between the heavens and the earth, the voice belonging to Jiang Yue violently continued to sound:

   "The land of the Great Profound Land, the land fairyland, don't hide, come and fight!"

   The sound of the coming battle that echoed back and forth on the battlefield was tantamount to a powerful catastrophe hammer, hammering again and again on the beliefs of all the monks in the Supreme Profound Land.

Afterwards, these monks looked at the above-mentioned provoked, still unmoved by the Central Shangguo, the Supreme Power, as if they heard the sound of faith shattering and collapsing in their hearts, and then their entire bodies were trembling. .

The monks on the North Sea battlefield didn’t know that the Central Shangguo Shangguo who was descending at this time was just a phantom projection of will, and the noumenon of the nobleman was doing his best to resist the violent impact of the sleepless giant. There was no time to take care of this, and then the old and vast voice came from within the kingdom again:

   "You, the Fairy Island people, really want to go to a full-scale war with our central government?"

   "My Daxia is not willing to fight, but I am not afraid of it. Daxia has already given a warning. It is an aggression launched by you first. On the order of Emperor Fuyao, anyone who violates my Daxia will be punishable even though it is far away!"

   Jiang Yue's roar in response, with boundless confidence and domineering, and then a dashing warrior from the Daxia human race below, swung a sharp blade to chop off the head of the monk surrounded by the shield army, and shouted:

   "Long live your majesty, long live Daxia!"

Under the roar, Jiang Yue held a sword, and together with the Valkyrie behind him, he soared into the sky and shot towards the golden kingdom above the sky. At the same time, he jumped into the air, and outside the altar, releasing the blood kingdom and the earth kingdom. The rudimentary Li Yi and Zhong Li fight.

   For a time, over the entire Beihai battlefield, the prototype of the black, red, and yellow kingdoms surrounded the golden kingdom on the central state, exuding infinite light that competes with the sun.

   After a breath, the three streams of light containing the power of the extremely powerful kingdom blasted out of the great summer taboo kingdom, and began to encircle the golden kingdom in the middle. Looking from below, the golden sun surrounded by the three parties was inevitable.

   "There will be a long time in Japan, and when the deity is free, you will wait forever!"

   The violent roar came from the golden light, and at the same time, the dragon eyes in the kingdom contained boundless anger and humiliation.

  In an instant, the Supreme Profound Earth Lord suddenly disillusioned this projection of will on his own, and the golden kingdom above the sky suddenly burst, and countless golden lights sputtered outward.

   The originally dim depths of the North Sea directly lit up at this moment, and then dense golden law fragments fell from the sky and covered it down, making the entire North Sea battlefield seem to be raining extremely brilliantly.

   The Central Upper Kingdom, the Land Fairyland, the Supreme Kingdom burst, and on the entire battlefield, countless monks from the Supreme Profound Land, looking up at the golden light pouring down like a torrential rain, their open mouths could not close for a long time.

   "Run, even the land gods are fleeing, run away, escape back to the interior!"

After   , the only conviction in the hearts of these monks in the Great Profound Land was shattered along with the brilliant light and rain, and the whole army was depressed and howled and turned and fled.

  Kill, punish the heart!


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