The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1351: I'm late


read2();  , in the center of the North Sea, the main island of Jiuyao Island under the shadow of darkness, the cold wind is raging, the temperature drops sharply, the billowing wind roars among the neatly arranged camps, and then it is like a camp with dots of stars. In between, a group of people walked slowly from the darkness.

   Afterwards, the Daxia sergeants who were patrolling on both sides saw the appearance of the leader, and hurriedly stood upright, respectfully saluted Daxia, and said:

   "I saw Wang Shuai in a humble post!"

   "You don't need to make a noise, this commander and the generals stand up here, you can continue to patrol."

Under the night, Wang Jing was still wearing light armor and waved his hand. After the response came out, he continued to stand quietly outside the camp. Together with all the powerful generals of the Nine Lights Army, he stared at the camp in front of him and was illuminated by the light. Two shadows of young people appeared.

   "Marshal, do you think that from these eight princes, can you get some information that is beneficial to me?"

   The general's question fell behind him, Wang Jing raised his hand and touched his beard, which had grown a lot, his thoughts flowed in his eyes, and the response came out:

   "It now appears that the eight princes are smart people. It is simple but difficult to deal with smart people. There will naturally be news that is beneficial to us, but this is his bargaining chip. The key is how much he can pry."

   As soon as Wang Jing's voice fell, in the camp in front of everyone, the voice from Sima Annan continued:

"Only in the North Sea battle, although our company was beating the drums for the soldiers behind the battlefield, he was also observing the situation of the entire battlefield. If I read correctly, the eighth prince, your original plan, but you have to join the nine princes. , Launched a surprise attack on my Daxia soldiers?"

   Sima Annan’s words, although they are still very slow, but they contain extremely sharp edges. Then the white-clothed boy in the camp opened the folding fan and swayed gently, and Yinglang's voice continued to spread:

"If you violate my Daxia, you must be punishable. It is the collective will of your majesty and all Daxia people. On this battlefield outside, 90% of the monks in the Taixuan Land who came to invade are dead, so you can still sit down. Here, it is undoubtedly a favor from above."

   "I understand the truth naturally, Lord Sima doesn't have to sell offenses, he will show his own value in the next."

   After the eighth prince finished speaking, he raised his hand and continued to hold the tea cup that was still full in front of him, and said again:

"In the land of the Supreme Profound Profound Land, no matter what position you are in, even if you are an emperor like me, you are still struggling to survive in this jungle. Since this prince was named by the old man to participate in this event The fight for power, then if I go north in Tangbu, I will die. If I come to the north, if I don’t fight, I will die. If Lord Sima stands at my side, what will I do?"

   Yin Xun’s words were neither humble nor uttered, but this rhetorical question was extremely sharp. Not only did he describe his situation extremely thrillingly, but also answered Sima Annan’s previous questions from the side.

   At this time, the two young men sitting opposite each other in the camp, the simple verbal confrontation, but it is no less than a life and death fight!

"The eighth prince you said that the body is involuntary is the normal state of the living beings under the whole world. As long as you survive under this road, you will inevitably encounter it. Therefore, the Secretary Cheng remembered a sentence that his Majesty once said. "

   After speaking of this, Sima Annan’s young but historically-precipitated gaze stared at the eyes of the eighth prince Yin Xun in front of him, and the voice sounded again:

   "This world is not as simple as black and white. In an involuntary situation, the key lies in how you choose and who can support you in making these choices."

After    finished speaking, Sima Annan suddenly opened his arms, with a frenzied aura of embracing the entire world in his arms, and then a more and more domineering voice sounded inside the camp:

"My Daxia Shenlu has been under the North Sea for tens of thousands of years. It can be said that I don’t know anything about you and other Taixuan places. However, my Majesty and the traffickers and pawns all choose to be surrounded by countless powerful enemies. The country is fighting, what is supporting this decision?"

The voice of    fell, and a confidence and domineering deep into the bones rolled out from Sima Annan's tall and straight body, and then he stared at the eyes of the eight princes in front of him, and then spoke word by word:

   "Your Majesty is wise, the soldiers are strong and the horses are strong, the government and the people are united, and the prosperity is prosperous, etc., all are the confidence to support my choice. How can I fear such a great country?

   When Sima Annan said these words, the entire camp suddenly fell into a long period of silence, only the burning candle in the tent made extremely faint crackling noises.

   After a long time, the eighth prince of Shangguo sitting upright in the center of the camp, exhaled and said:

   "Master Sima is very eloquent, and he deserves to be a young talent who has not changed his face in front of countless sect monks!"

   Yin Xun raised his head, put down the cup after taking a sip of tea, and continued to speak:

"After Lao Jiu was killed by the human race of your country, the prince's purpose of going north has changed. As everyone knows, Daiyu and Yuanqiaoxian Island have been stripped of Taixuan Land for tens of thousands of years, and during this period, After that **** battle in the North Sea, the entire landscape of the Supreme Profound Land has undergone an earth-shaking change."

   Yin Xun sounded in the tent at this time, trying his best to keep it steady, then he patted the table in front of him lightly, and the voice sounded again:

"The fairy palace collapsed, the holy court rose, and countless forces shuffled. More importantly, under the reward order, Er and others were in a bad situation. Although the monks of the Western Region Tingshan Temple often confuse the crowd, there is one thing. That's right, that's the attitude of the holy court towards the human race, and it has always been killing them all.

"In other words, we people are just the beginning, and once the two palaces of the holy court arrive in the depths of the North Sea, it will be a **** battle in the true sense. Therefore, whether it is for the present or future development, your country needs Taixuanzhi. Support from external forces on the ground."

   "My Shi Cheng listens to what you mean, the eighth prince thinks that Da Xia can defend my home under the attack of the two palaces of the Holy Court?"

   "As a prisoner, Master Sima, do you think I have a choice? Just to show my greatest usefulness, because your country needs cooperation and alliances."

After    finished speaking, Yin Xun, the eighth prince of the Central Government, seemed to have thought of something, waved his hand, and an explanation came from his mouth again:

   "Of course, I am not referring to the direct conversion to income as in the monasteries of the Western Regions, but an equal alliance."

   Then the eighth prince looked at the handsome Sima Annan and showed a very gentle smile. Then the latter nodded slightly, his lips lightened, and the voice came out:

   "His Royal Highness the Eighth Prince wants to form an alliance with Daxia?"

   The voice fell, Sima Annan did not wait for the eighth prince to continue to speak, then continued:

   "But the Eighth Prince, you are a bit late. We already have a more suitable candidate. Coincidentally, he is also an emperor of the Central Government."


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