The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1356: Under the fairy island


read2();   The imperial hall of the White Emperor's Palace, the candle flame flickered, flickering left and right, and as the young emperor frowned and thought, the whole hall gradually fell into the audible silence of needles falling .

   At the same time, because of the vast and rich imperial prestige, the original smell of food in the hall was rushed out of the hall, and even the air was gradually approaching solidification.

   Zhao Yu is the lord of Great Xia, and his every move can cause discoloration of the world.

   In the next moment, the majestic and domineering imperial way disappeared without a trace in an instant, and then Zhao Yu's steady voice from above passed:

"You do not need to be cautious and continue to eat. At the same time, the Secretary of Internal Affairs has already placed a bed in the side hall. The elderly can go there to rest first. This is a protracted war. I don't want the Aiqings at the beginning. At that time, he broke his body."

After the voice of the emperor fell, the expressions of the officials in the hall relaxed. The words of the young emperor represented that these important court officials, who had been nervous, had some freedom to move around.

   Then when these officials got up and moved their bodies, Zhao Yu, who was sitting at the back of the table, pushed aside the noodle soup that had been eaten in front of him, waved to Li Chunfeng below, and continued to speak:

   "Li Chunfeng, give my order to open the Baidi Palace arsenal. Before going out to explore, the Sitian Supervisor can apply for a flashing dagger from the palace arsenal to save his life, and return it after the mission is completed."

   As soon as this remark came out, it was not only Li Chunfeng below, but also the six books of knowing what kind of power the flashing dagger had. All his expressions changed, and he opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he bowed solemnly forward and shouted out:

   "We, on behalf of all the officials, thank you, Your Majesty Longen!"

   "I know what you think, but no matter how precious the equipment is, it must be used by someone to give full play to its value. I have my own arrangements for the problem of loss."

After    finished speaking, Zhao Yu waved his hand and continued to pick up a folder beside the table and open it, and then sounded with a solemn emperor's voice:

"You should also understand that the greatest threat to the Supreme Profound Land is those top-level overhauls whose cultivation bases reach the sky. Therefore, what I am more concerned about now is the movement of one of the strongest cultivation bases above the North Sea. They, is Daxia locked in?"

"With the powerful cultivation base of the high-ranking monks, the sleepless giant ao in the North Sea and the violent battlefields of many land gods and gods fighting each other, viewed from the side by the priestess of the night dire, as for the snow that is about to land in the solar empire. The envoy of the Meiguo monarch, the supplicant of the Radiant Army and Xihongchen are already waiting on the shore."

   After Li Chunfeng's coherent and clear response fell, the old man raised his hand and patted down, and immediately an official handed it over with the latest information. Then Li Chunfeng picked it up to check, and the old voice sounded in the hall again:

   "Your Majesty, according to the latest news from the supplicants of the Radiant Army, the monarch of the Xuemei Kingdom has officially come under the Daiyu Fairy Mountain!"

Along with Li Chunfeng’s dignified words, the center of Beihai, the land of Taixuan, was born into a fairy mountain. Starting from the Shenjing City where Zhao Yu was located, he continued westward, passing through the undulating Bingzhou of the billions of Songhai Sea, and straddling the heaven and earth cliffs. Came to the Twisting Yaozhou completely covered by snow.

   Above the Twisting State, a group of Kunlun troops wearing snow armor and holding torches patrolled along the towering Kunlun Mountainside, forming a series of winding fire dragons guarding the frontier mountains and rivers.

   And if you continue to follow the undulating Kunlun Mountains, upwards, and then upwards, across the Kunlun dome, which almost reaches the nine-day pole, it will be the tens of thousands of miles of yellow sand territory where the Solar Empire is located.

   Different from the fertile land and gorgeous mountains and rivers that Daxia possesses, the alien races of the Solar Empire have always been accompanied by the sky and yellow sand, and they have enemies like bone gangrene, which is drought.

During the period when Daiyuxian Island was pulled out of the unknown void by the dragon fishing rod, the entire island experienced countless invasions, especially the bombardment of the celestial sand barrier, which can be regarded as destroying the world, but unlike the entire Daxia, there are mountains and seas for protection. The solar empire, which was already in poor conditions, was completely undefended, so countless aliens died along the way.

   By the time of the night, there was not much light in the entire land of yellow sand, only the infinite silence that was struck by the cold wind.

   Then, starting from Kunlun Mountain, he continued to move his sight to the south. After crossing the entire tens of thousands of miles of yellow sand, he would see a very high cliff. Under the cliff, there is the North Sea with countless waves.

   Suddenly, on the cliff where darkness and cold wind were intertwined, a very weak voice sounded:

   "Thirsty, thirsty, I want to drink water."

   This voice sounded not only weak, but also extremely immature. It is not difficult to guess that it was a very young alien who opened his mouth and begged, and then another similarly weak voice sounded in the cold wind that followed:

"Master hold on again. The old slave has already smelled moisture in the wind blowing ahead. Although this smell is different from what we have heard before, it is definitely moisture, and the breath in the wind is So rich and moist, it means that there may be a big lake in front of it. There is water in the lake that you can't drink for a lifetime. It is a gift from God!"

The word    God’s gift caused a young alien lying on the back of the thin old man, his gloomy eyes suddenly lit up with infinite desire, and then exhausted his last strength, and let out a loud shout:

   "You go quickly, water, I want water!"

After the voice of    fell, the young man continued to lie down weakly, sticking out his dry tongue, licking his dry lips as if after a drought, and continued to make a faint voice:

   "Where are my parents?"

   "Master, it's gone, it's gone, the gods were angry and dropped countless colorful meteorites, completely destroying the entire town. Few people escaped and ascended to heaven, and the entire race was only a few people."

   After the ragged, weak-breathed old man responded, he stopped walking forward, turned around with great difficulty, looked at the downward **** behind him, showing a sad look.

   Amidst the rolling darkness, there were only a few figures behind the two who continued to stagger and follow behind. After counting the heads, the old man desperately found that the clansmen behind were more than half the number before.

   "God, if you still have a little compassion, then have mercy on us!"

   After a desolate plea, the old man raised his head and wanted to cry, but because there was no excess water in his body, he could only cry.

Fortunately, in the wind that continued to hit the front, the more and more dense water vapor gave him the best hope, causing the old man to exhaust his last strength, turn around and carry the young alien on his back, and continue to walk step by step to the end of the cliff. .

  The **** of the sea cliffs is not steep. These foreign races with flexible hands and feet can basically walk on the ground, but at this time, every step is so difficult.

   The cold wind roared. I don't know how long it took. The old alien finally came to the end of the cliff with the little alien on his back. He staggered to the ground, and then climbed forward with his hands and feet.

   The water vapor rolling in front reached its peak in an instant, and the old alien slowly stepped his head out, and his already dim eyes suddenly brightened at this moment.

  Because in the darkness ahead, there is a vast ocean beyond sight!

   "Such a big lake, this is God, God has given a gift!"

   The old alien stretched out his hand forward, howling and laughing, as if mad, and at the end of the line of sight that the former couldn't see, dozens of large ice and snow ships were coming in the wind and waves tearing through the darkness.


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