
read2();   "Boom, boom, boom!"

   Accompanied by the muffled sound that rang from the cliff side after another, the heads of the survivors of the Yellow Sand Wolf clan burst outward one after another, blood was spilled all over the ground, and the scene was extremely bloody.

   Compared with inter-verbal inquiries, the monks in the land of the profound mystery undoubtedly believed more in the soul-searching methods of high-level monks, because words can be deceived, and searching in the depths of the soul is more reliable.

   However, the latter also has its drawbacks. The soul-searched person is either dead or insane. Once the soul of the soul-searched person is too fragile, he will headshot and die at the moment of divine consciousness invasion, and there is very little information that can be obtained.

At this time, the people of Xuemei Nation under the curtain of night encountered such a problem. The will of the Xuemei Nation's monarch is so vast, even a tiny bit, it is not the people of the Yellow Sand Wolf clan who have no cultivation base can bear, so The heads exploded.

"The power of these people's souls is even more fragile than ordinary beasts in the land of our profound mystery. They can't withstand the power of soul searching at all. Except for the old man who was able to persist in two breaths at the beginning, the rest can't even stand it for an instant. live."

   After the head of the last yellow sand wolf alien race burst open, a low voice came from the priest of Xuemei Country, and as he said, this time the soul search method had little effect, and there was very little information that could be obtained.

   "My Lord, this place is barren, and it is not as blessed as recorded in historical materials. How should we proceed?"

After the inquiries that belonged to the sacrifice of the Xuemei Kingdom fell, the slender figure shrouded in frost and snow, and the blurry slender figure stretched out his white and flawless fingers, pinched the colorful frost flower in front of him, flicked forward, and the voice spread. Out:

   "Although there is little information, the monarch still saw something."

After    finished speaking, the colorful frost flower that popped forward suddenly brightened, and at the same time, a picture that turned from blur to clear appeared in the light.

It was a huge mountain that towered high into the clouds, but was cut off by people. At the same time, above the truncated mountain peak, there was a huge huge city. From a distance, it looked like a huge ancient squatting on the mountain. The fierce beast exudes an extremely vicious and tyrannical atmosphere.

   "This city is called Tongtian City, and it is the capital of the so-called solar empire. This appearance is the memory of this city in the minds of these people."

After    Xuemei Kingdom’s monarch’s voice fell, behind him was an old temple priest who continued to speak:

"The power of this city is not bad, it's not too bad, but when the little princess disappeared back then, she was accompanied by an exalted land god, and her subordinates did not believe that these people had the power to deal with the exalted. "

   "If it can be done, just go and see."

   is still cold, without any emotional voice coming from under the frost and snow, the figure of the monarch of the Xuemei Kingdom once again disappeared in place, and the voice continued to sound in everyone's ears:

   "Continue to go north and open up the spiritual sense to the maximum. This monarch always feels that he has his eyes around him."

   Before the words fell, countless icy air suddenly exploded in all directions, and it took only a moment to completely cover the surrounding large area. Whether it was the ground or the void, it was completely frozen by ice, but there was still no abnormality.

Then a soft whisper came from the monarch of the Xuemei Kingdom. He stretched out his hands like icy jade and severely tore the void in front of him. The vast colorful kingdom encompassed all the monks of the Xuemei Kingdom behind him. Inside, violently crashed into the space rift in front of him.

After this group of people left, this place of high cliff suddenly fell into silence and loneliness again, only the headless corpses scattered on the ground, and the blood of dazzling blood, silently narrated what happened before. A tragic story.

The deeper and deeper cold night continues to envelop the world, but the night on the shore is destined not to be calm. After about half an hour, on the undulating sea, a young man in plain clothes walked towards him. .

The breath on this person's body is not obvious, just like an ordinary person who has no cultivation skills, taking step after step above the sea, and every step forward, he can directly cross the vast distance and appear in the distance. A closer location to Fairy Island.

As the saying goes, Wangshan ran to death. Although this young man was marching forward with almost no distance, it still took a certain amount of time to really get under the high cliff, his stature jumped, and the next moment he looked tragic. On the high cliff.

On the cracked high cliff everywhere, even if it has been blown by the cold wind for so long, there is still an extremely pungent **** smell. Then the young man Xuan bowed his head and watched the yellow sand wolf clan lying on the ground. Head to the corpse, frowned, lost in thought.

   "The breath of the colorful country, the monarch of the Xuemei Kingdom has landed on the island in advance."

The murmur came from the mouth of the young man. The voice sounded no fluctuations in the rest, like an emotionless machine saying that people could not feel any emotions. Then the former stretched out his right hand over his fingers Suddenly a cyan flame ignited slowly.

Different from the light emitted by other lights, there are countless runes flashing between the light from this blue flame. At the same time, the runes are combined and interwoven to form a mysterious hexagram image, as if they are telling. what.

The runes are densely covered and the hexagrams are chaotic, like complex and difficult to understand heaven and earth articles, and even those with low levels will break their minds at a glance. Then these runes rush inward to form a huge hexagram, and at the same time dazzling blood It shoots out suddenly.

   Scarlet, represents the big murder!

   The young man Xuan under the red light still showed no expression on his ordinary face, then he made a fist to extinguish the dazzling hexagrams in his hand, and continued to raise his hand to light a green flame again, and the dense runes continued to interweave.

   After a few breaths, the runes merged into the hexagram, and the dazzling blood reappeared, and it was another evil hexagram!

   The second hexagram is still a sign of great evil, but the complexion of the young man Xuan remains unchanged. He waved his hand to interrupt the second round of hexagrams, and lit the third Qiyun flame in his hand.

   The third hexagram comes out, the fierce hexagram!

   As soon as this hexagram came out, Xuan's brow furrowed deeper, and his lips moved extremely rarely. A soft voice came out:

   "Three hexagrams in a row, all hexagrams are fierce, it is better to go back."

   The voice fell, Xuan turned around and left. After taking a step, he returned to the North Sea, and suddenly disappeared into the night sky while the figure was shaking, leaving or staying without any muddle.

   Long after the mysterious figure of the young man disappeared, there was a faint fluctuation in the void of this high cliff, and then a voice sounded:

   "This person is very strong, perhaps the strongest peer we have encountered in the land of Supreme Profound."

   After the words fell, another cold female responded:

   "This time he turned and left. If he wants to kill him in the future, it may not be easy."


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