
read2();  "Your eyes?"

In the main hall on the first floor of the Haihe Building, Lin Xing looked at the young monk named Xue Dao with billowing smoke in front of him. His voice came from his mouth, and then above, the Master of the Haihe Guild held a solemn voice. The voice went on:

   "It's such a sophisticated method of law control, it can be dormant for so long before it erupts, which is beyond imagination."

At the next breath, the power of the law of a blue wave was thrown from the hands of the GCC leader, turning into a river, volleying from top to bottom, rushing into the young man's forehead in the center of the hall, penetrating down, at the same time In the entire hall, there seemed to be roars from the sea.

  After a few breaths, the Law River rushed out with a fiery breath, just as if the burning flames were completely extinguished, and then the voice of the Master of the GCC in the hall continued to sound:

   "The remnants of magical powers have been removed, brother, you can continue to tell."

After the voice of    fell, the rest of the heads of the sect who came back to their senses, the solemn color in their eyes became thicker, and they agreed:

   "After Pei Jian was killed, what happened?"

   "After Pei Jian was killed, the monks of the Tingshan Temple in the Western Regions directly appeared, and proposed that if this fairy island tribe can convert to Buddhism, they can directly accept the blessing of the Western Regions, and the rest of the Taixuan place is not to be tainted."

  The voice of the young monk Xue Dao in the hall has not yet fallen, and a large number of sect leaders have slapped the table and let out an angry roar:

   "The demon monks confuse the people. These Western demon monks are hiding in the Western Regions safely. We are the people of the sect who are already gracious and dare to covet the land of the Central Plains. What a death!"

After the rolling roar fell, everyone's expressions were extremely unkind, because this undoubtedly released an extremely unpleasant signal, and perhaps there was a sudden change in the Supreme Profound Land.

   "Everyone, stay calm and wait for the little brother to finish."

The voice of the GCC leader continued to sound in the temple, suppressing the heads of the major sects who were beginning to be restless, and then restored quiet in the temple, the former raised his hand and yelled, signalling the young monk below to continue speaking, and the voice of inquiry Outgoing:

   "Does this so-called fairy island race accept the proposal of the monasteries in the Western Regions and completely convert to Buddhism?"

   "They refused."

   The young people continued to sound, causing the eyes of the people around them to suddenly fluctuate, and they clenched the wine glasses in their hands, and then the former brought a little fearful voice and sounded in his ears again:

"Those immortal island races have the confidence to refuse. They are so strong, so strong that the warships and monks that we are proud of are as fragile as paper under the storm-like blows. "

   The young man’s words contained a tremor caused by too much fear, then he took a deep breath and continued to speak:

  "After the two powerful high-ranking human cultivators retreated into the dense fog, the entire northward cultivator team continued to advance. However, in front of the horizontal column was an invincible army and a country called Daxia.

"The war is about to start, ice, mudslides, flames, and thunder are flooding the entire world. In a situation comparable to the vastness of the sky, I waited for these pathfinder dogs to be as small as ants, slightly wiped by the aftermath. At one point, it will be the end of utter destruction."

   "For this battle, can you tell me more carefully, brother?"

   talked about the most critical point. In the main hall, whether it was the GCC leader or the other monks, they all sat in great danger, holding their breath and continuing to listen.

"The chaos, it's completely chaos. I am at the back of the monk group, and under the mutual impact of the two magical powers, I can't even lift my head. I can only lie on the ground and fill my ears. Only explosions, roars and roars."

   "The creatures born in Fairy Island are the human races among the rest of the population?"

  As soon as this question came out, the young man with eyes closed in the temple began to shake his head violently and muttered:

"I didn't see the true face of the enemy. I only heard the word human being mentioned when the cultivator screamed. Since the beginning of the war, my body and all sides have been filled with arrows and thunder and thunder. A large number of cultivators huddled together, creating a dilemma. .

   "Then I vaguely felt that the eighth and ninth princes of the Central Kingdom took the lead in the charge with the monks under his command, and then they died. Even the land gods of the Kingdom came up, and they were not saved."

This short word of the young monk at this time contained a message that made all the monks in the temple terrified. The death of the emperor of the central kingdom and the appearance of the monks in the land fairyland directly removed the **** battle that took place in the north. Has risen to an extremely terrifying level.

   "The turning point of the battlefield occurred after the land gods were forced to retreat, and the entire army of monks fell into a state of complete collapse. Under the defeat of the whole army, everyone just wanted to escape, and there was no time to pay attention to the situation of the enemy ahead."

The words that continued to be heard from Xue Dao’s mouth, with a particularly palpitating look of fear, made some young monks heard in the temple stand upside down for a while, as if they were directly on the violent battlefield where countless blood rushes and heads fell. on.

   When Xue Dao's voice fell, and the whole hall fell into silence for a long time, he carefully thought about the GCC leader afterwards, and then asked:

   "Since you haven't seen the appearance of the enemy, how can so many monks going northward be killed so that there are only so few people left?"

   This is also what the rest of the monks want to know, so they agreed:

"Member Master Daoist said that although on the frontal battlefield, the monks who went north in the Supreme Profound Land may not be able to defeat the immortal island creatures, but they said they were crushed and wiped out. This suzerain is absolutely unbelievable. ."

   After this person's voice fell, he raised his hand and slammed his punch on the desk in front of him, and continued to speak:

   "We have worked so hard to get here, and now the great opportunity of Xiandao is ahead. If we retreat like this, I don't know other people, but I am the first one to be reconciled!"

   The roar of this person lingered back and forth in the entire Haihelou hall, but there were few echoes, and most of the monks fell into silence.

Just as the Daxia Military Aircraft Department analyzed the Taixuan Land, the first purpose of each force on this continent is to center on their own interests. Therefore, in the face of this situation, some sects have begun to retreat. .

   After that, in the large hall on the first floor of the Haihe Building, countless thoughts were intertwined in the void, which represented some familiar sects, and they were in extremely close exchanges.

   For a time, the monks had different expressions, and at the same time, behind the GCC leader, an elder stepped forward and said in the ear of the former:

   "Master Huizhu, the army is distracted. These monks need a leader to gather the quicksand."

   As soon as the three words for the leader came out, the eyes of the GCC Guild Master Yin Mei suddenly lit up, nodded, and just wanted to make a strong declaration, his complexion suddenly changed.

   At the same time, above the void of the North Sea, a domineering and majestic female voice rolled down, blasting everyone's ears like thunder:

   "The Holy Court Palace is here, and all the monks of the sect of the Taixuan Land have half an hour to prepare. When the time is up, everyone will go north!"


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