The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1382: Body armor shield


read2();  As the saying goes, when a narrow road meets, the brave wins!

Under the rule of the young emperor’s will, Daxia of China, in the Shura domain deep in the North Sea, only took a short encounter, allowing all monks in the Supreme Profound Land on the sea to clearly feel what it means to be overwhelming. The suffocation and powerful.

Not to mention the celestial general of Huofu who was pressed and hit by Pengmu above the sky, the warship in the Shura domain that was completely covered by the arrow rain of ten directions, under the violent bursting arrow explosion, continued to fly left and right, the whole defensive enchantment suddenly Bright and dark, maybe it will be completely broken in the next moment.

A monk on the battleship, under the roar of roars, on the one hand, filled the gaps torn by the demon-breaking arrows of the stars, and on the other hand used the attack magic weapons on the battleship to launch sporadic attacks against the fortresses in front of the world. Fight back.

Then the chaotic magical powers flowed into the sky, some bombardment exploded above the arrow rain, and some directly bombarded the golden fortress wall connecting the sea and the sky in front of them, and suddenly disappeared without even a single wave. cause.

And if you take a bird’s eye view of the entire Shura battlefield from the sky, you will find that above the sea filled with scarlet blood fog, the raging light exploded by countless bursting arrows at the same time, forming one after another extremely gorgeous fireworks, one after another. After that, it was both poignant and dangerous.

   "The monk fleet below is much more than the first batch of monks before it. This is undoubtedly a battle of exhaustion."

   Under the deafening sound of war drums, Wang Jing’s young Yinglang’s voice continued to sound, and then a Shield Armored General of the Ministry of War next to him nodded and said in salute:

"This Beihai, known as the Land of Abandonment, cannot replenish any weather vitality. Although this has an impact on our soldiers, it is even more deadly for the monks in the Great Profound Land. Judging from the current situation and the current chaotic situation, they are not fully prepared."

   After the generals of the military department fell, Wang Jing, dressed in a simple uniform, but with piercing eyebrows and becoming more and more majestic, stretched out his hand to receive the information passed by the soldier by his side, and continued to speak:

   "There is a saying in the old saying that there is no more disaster than underestimating the enemy. After all, the sect of the Taixuan Land still underestimated us."

"It's more than a small look. I didn't even put Daxia in my eyes. I thought that we were fish meat that was slaughtered. We didn't even carry the spirit treasures that replenish the vitality of the world. And we not only have the convenience of holy altar transmission, but also the whole Daxia is supplying supplies from the rear, and the general believes that this war of attrition is a win!"

   The words that came from the collar of the Great Xia Shield Armor were categorized, and then Wang Jing smiled at the corner of his mouth and continued to speak:

"For the deduction and grasp of the battle situation, the staff of the Military Aircraft Department are much better than you. What you have to do is to defend the fortress wall of the world for this commander. This battle has just begun. The monk has recovered from the suppression blow, and the counterattack will be much sharper.

"At that time, there will be people with strong cultivation bases who use all kinds of methods to cross the dense firepower and directly rush to the city wall. This is the only way for them to conquer the fortress of heaven and earth. This handsome thinks that the so-called above The holy court will not understand."

   After Wang Jing finished speaking, he put away the secret folds, and looked up at the huge Nanxing Palace still suspended above the sky, and the red figure standing outside the palace.

At the same time, the red-haired Nantian King Xiliu stood proudly outside the immortal gate with his hand in his hand. He also turned his head and looked directly at him. In this gaze, he carried the extremely hot power, like the flames of the sun, almost Burn the entire void.

   I think everything burns!

   After an instant, in the void between the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu and Wangjing, a flash of golden light suddenly appeared, and at the same time, in this stream of light, there was a sudden sound of an ancient and sharp cry.

   "Marshal Wang, your majesty has asked me to come to the front and wait for your instructions."

   In the next breath, a sound full of magnetism resounded on the walls of the Heaven and Earth Fortress, and then in front of Wang Jing, a figure as large as a hill appeared, with a bright bald head and a calm and mellow aura.

   Then Liang Po appeared on the city wall, on the extremely delicate face, a smile appeared, and the voice continued:

   "Marshal Wang, please give me your advice."

   "Master Liang came to the front in person, this commander's confidence in this battle has increased tenfold!"

After Wang Jing fell with a little excitement, Liang Po continued to raise his feet and stepped, quietly blocking Wang Jing's body with his body. At the same time, on the exquisite face of the Nantian King Xiliu outside the fairy gate, Suddenly there was a thick color of consternation.

  Because of this burly bald figure, not only did she obscure her vision, it also instantly dissipated the golden crow's light that had previously traversed the void.

   "It's really interesting. There seems to be a bottomless abyss in this person's body. Even the light of the Golden Crow can't be seen through. It's really interesting."

   An interesting voice came from Xiliu's mouth, and then the fire of warfare in the eyes of the holy court Southern Heavenly King began to burn, and then he looked at the void ahead, frowning tightly.

   I saw that above the scarlet sky, the original fire dragon transformed into three-color raging flames still roared and raged, intertwining and cooperating, facing a figure above the void, spraying the flame dragon's breath with all his strength.

The scorching and fierce breath can still be clearly felt even from a great distance, but anyone with a discerning eye can see it. At this time, above everyone’s head, it is a duel between top-level overhauls. For the remaining three fires Futian is not optimistic.

Although the flames of the tricolor origin are strong, they have nothing to do with Pengmu, who is proud of the void. The flames of the **** of war rise up outside the latter's body, like a barrier that can hardly be invaded by fire, and complete the magical powers of the fire man Keep it out.

   At the same time, Pengmu, who was a burly body, pierced the two Fire Palace Heavenly Generals with the Spear of the God of War, then removed the heavy shield behind him and stood in front of him, and then a thick and incomparable breath spread out, suppressing the entire world.

   Offensive and defensive guards are for the God of War!

   If the spear just now showed Pengmu's unparalleled offensive power, then today's invincibility is the best portrayal of strong defense.

The heavy shield in Peng Mu's hand is glowing with scarlet light, and at the same time pure golden runes, on the heavy shield outlines a radiant shadow of the big sun. From a distance, it is even more dazzling than the roaring fire dragon flames around. .

   "Peng Mu, it's almost there, a quick fight!"

   On the wall of the fortress of heaven and earth, the voice from Wang Jing came into his ears, and then Peng Mu, who was standing with a shield in the flames, lifted up abruptly with a slight disclosure, and let out a roar that shook the sky.

   At the next breath, Peng Mu stepped forward fiercely, and the battle shield in his hand smashed forward in the air. Suddenly an infinite suction burst suddenly, instantly absorbing all the original flames in front of him.

   "Ancient taboo magical powers. Body armor shield!"

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