
read2();   The vast and vast area of ​​Taixuan, in addition to the 108 counties suitable for the survival of ordinary race creatures, there are also a large number of extremely sinister and mysterious places, although these places are perilous , But it contains the core and most original law of this world, and the Far East is one of them.

"The land of the extreme east is based on the sacred hibiscus tree, and the nine gods inhabit it, and under the extreme brilliance of the sun, a large number of big day creatures are bred in the periphery of this area, and this big day golden snake is One of the best."

  Shen Ji Ge Ge is worthy of being one of the best learned people in the entire Taixuan Land, so after the appearance of the Great Sun Golden Snake in the Far East, he opened his mouth to explain.

   The special creatures in these mysterious places may be rare for ordinary monks in their lives, but at this time, the entire snake cave was summoned by the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu, at a very close distance. I clearly felt the vast power of the golden snake.

Over the battlefield of the Asura domain, every big sun golden snake that threw forward, except for the exposed fangs, and the huge mouth that swallowed the earth, every scale wrapped around his body was emitting a dazzling bright flame. luster.

   After these golden rays of light merged into one place, looking from a distance, it was as if there were countless golden bridges, from south to north, rapidly extending forward in the void, almost standing directly on the towering walls of heaven and earth.

   Ten thousand golden snakes, flames burning the sky, hard to stop!

After two breaths, a huge big sun golden snake smashed the thunder cannons and countless arrow rains that blasted from the city wall. Then, under the fierce cheers of the monks in the Supreme Profound Land on the battleship below, they directly slammed into Above the fortresses densely surrounded by golden runes.

   "Boom, boom, boom!"

A roar that rushed into the sky suddenly rushed to the sky, and then the huge fortress of the entire horizontal column world began to vibrate violently, and even the sound of war drums that had reverberated throughout the world stopped for a while. It can be seen that the majesty produced by these ten thousand golden snakes colliding together Great energy.

   "All shield armies, guards, release their vitality, and try to keep the fortress stable!"

On the glazed land behind the fortress wall in Da Xia Tian, ​​the roar from the commander rang out, and then the shield armour and guardsmen who were closest to the fortress wall rushed forward, replacing them with internal injuries due to the huge impact. The personnel of the original troops immediately began to mobilize the vitality of the world and pour into the golden barrier ahead.

   The Southern Heavenly King Xiliu is a type of golden snake with supernatural powers. It not only has a vast impact, but also contains a strong and powerful rule of the sun. The rule turns into a flowing arrow, constantly bombarding the fortress wall.

   "Come on, push up the wall puppets, this **** battle will become more and more intense, first push up forty-nine."

A steady stream of sound rang under the roar of the sky, and a steady voice sounded under the city wall. Although this person’s face was ordinary, his eyebrows and eyebrows had a strong color of determination. At the same time, he watched the trembling sky and earth walls in front of him. There is no fear in his eyes.

   This young commander is exactly Xue Beichuan, a young scholar who originally established the Great Summer Palace of Qiushui City in Chuzhou and later returned to Beijing to join the army!

After Xue Beichuan's methodical command sound came out, his tall and tall back, the Daxia Guardian sergeant who had already been prepared, directly pushed forty-nine giant puppets, and quickly approached the golden light-emitting heaven and earth city wall in front of him. .

   These huge puppets look very similar to the Weiyang Army catapult puppets, except that the originally hideous thunder guns on the back have turned into long tentacle-like pipes for the rapid transmission of vitality.

After a few breaths, the forty-nine guardian puppets lined up and were pushed beyond the barrier of the heaven and earth fortress. Under the control of the guardian soldiers, the tentacles of the pipes on the back of the puppets pierced the golden barrier. Among them, the roar from the soldiers then sounded directly:

   "Heaven and earth vitality transmission, get up!"

After the roar, the runes on the giant puppet lighted up at the same time, and at the same time, the large amount of purified water that had been filled in the puppet began to boil quickly under the action of the formation, turning into a pure and pure blue and white heaven and earth vitality. Begin to rush along the pipeline quickly into the fortress barrier in front of him.

These giant puppets specially developed by the Ministry of Industry can double the energy conversion and transmission rate. The most critical point is that they can replace a large number of sergeants to maintain the walls of the heaven and earth fortresses, which are under the impact of the enemy’s magical powers. stable.

Forty-nine guardian puppets are comparable to thousands of troops. Under their effects, the golden barriers that tremble violently under the magical powers of the golden snake suddenly become extremely stable like a mountain. How many big sun golden snakes hit from the front, they all stood still.

   Then behind Xue Beichuan, a middle-aged captain let out a sigh of relief, and said in relief:

"Xue Xiaowei, this special guard puppet made by the Ministry of Industry is more effective in actual combat than expected. Our span of such a long heaven and earth fortress wall, only forty-nine can be used Under the supernatural power of the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu, he was completely stabilized."

   "It is said that the inspiration for this moat puppet came from Wei Yangjin's catapult, but the original sling puppet used to transform the vitality of heaven and earth separately and strengthened, and its power is quite good."

   Xue Beichuan's response sounded still with a calm color, and then he tilted his head slightly and looked behind him for an endless distance, waiting for countless Daxia soldiers, and his solemn voice came out again:

   "This battle has not yet reached the white-hot stage. Don't take it lightly. The black dragon guards from the rear will soon fly into the city wall with the monk troops, so that our guard army will be up to the point and prepare for the subsequent impact."

Xue Beichuan just came down with a solemn voice. Among the army behind him, a roar of dragons suddenly resounded through the world, and then the ancient black dragon opened its wings and formed a piece of dark clouds that rose rapidly, and went straight into the clouds in a blink of an eye. .

In the next breath, the deafening roar of the heaven and earth fortress wall resounded through the sky again, and in the eyes of Wang Jing and others above the city wall, it turned into golden light and countless golden snakes across the sky, moving forward once again in the west of the southern king. With one finger, he opened his huge mouths again.

Inside the huge mouth of every big sun golden snake, there are two fangs on the upper jaw that look like a dagger magnified countless times. Then, under the roar of the big sun golden snake, the fangs began to radiate outward at a speed visible to the naked eye Infinite golden light, in the blink of an eye, it becomes as dazzling as a red soldering iron.

   "Golden snake bites!"

   After the icy voice came out, the fangs of the ten thousand golden snakes were biting down at the fortress in front at the same time, and then the creepy rubbing sound rang across the sky.

  After a few breaths, the fangs pierced deeply into the fortress, and a golden bridge across the sky suddenly appeared over the sky.

   "It's a bridge. The Holy Court Nantian King Xiliu used ten thousand golden snakes to directly build a bridge used by the Holy Court's one hundred thousand fire mansion heaven soldiers to charge!"


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