
read2();   "The counterattack of the Immortal Island human race is coming, and they are two top-level overhauls of the two cultivation bases!"

On the battlefield of the North Sea Asura Region, the situation is changing, countless monks from the sect rushed from the sea to the heaven and earth city wall above like a plague of locusts. At the same time, the rest of the monks and disciples on the battleship continued to mobilize the heaven and earth vitality of the whole body, towards the front The battleship ballistas are in full force.

  The growing momentum gradually spread out among every warship on the sea, with a biting killing intent, except for some ships, hiding quietly.

   In addition to the GCC and other sects that have other ideas behind, there is also the Shenji Pavilion.

On the battleship of the Shenji Pavilion, the divine machine dictionary exuding a faint light in front of the old Shenji Pavilion. Since the beginning of the **** battle, it has been in a state of non-stop fast turning pages. This dictionary is searching and recording the battlefield. The rules above belong to the top-level overhaul.

And after Li Yi and Jiang Yue both waved their swords at the same time, and the scarlet blood cut off the fangs in the mouth of the Da Ri Jin She, as expected by the old man, the ancient law that the two slashed out was not in front of the gods. Included in the machine ceremony.

   After that, the old man of Shenji Pavilion with white beard and hair, with a sudden wave of his right hand, closed the ceremony of Shenji, and the old voice continued to be heard:

"When the Great Sun Golden Snake gathers the essence of the law of the whole body into the fangs in its mouth, the texture of these two fangs will become incomparably strong, and they will become the essence of the most treasured Great Sun in the East, and the entire Taixuan land can be cut so easily. There are not many who have broken the latter, so the two people who appeared suddenly have a cultivation base that is not much weaker than the power of the spirit body of the heavenly general who blasted the fire before."

   "I just don't know how many such powerful characters are among the creatures of this fairy island?"

After the sigh of another monk beside    came out, the old man Shen Ji Ge Ge nodded, his lips opened, and the voice came out again:

"If the vast and vast Central Plains of the Great Profound Land are not counted, then the three poles of the south, east, west and west have foreign forces that dominate one side, and now once this fairy island Daxia can stand tall in this battle, then In the Northland, which has been barren for tens of thousands of years, a truly powerful overlord will appear, completely changing the original pattern of this world.

   "So this fairy island creature is not the fish on the chopping board, but the real overlord!"

After the word overlord came out from the old mouth of the Shenji Pavilion, above the battlefield, the red awns transformed by Li Yi and Jiang Yue directly rushed inward at an unstoppable speed from both sides of the ten thousand golden snakes. At the place, blood and light crisscrossed, and the big sword directly cut off all the fangs of the big sun golden snake along the way.

   Then one after another golden snakes, because of the loss of their origin, howled and fell from the sky above the sky. At the same time, the golden streamer sprayed out directly turned into fire and rain in the sky, and fell in all directions.

"The land of the Taixuan is vast and boundless, and the creatures within it are really very weird. Take this big sun golden snake, once it has completely condensed the core source of the whole body into the huge mouth and fangs, this tooth will have a star. The sand-like power of breaking boundaries can even directly penetrate into the golden barriers of our heaven and earth fortresses.

   But on the other hand, this fang has become the strongest and most fragile place of the golden snake. Once it is cut off by the adults of the Radiant Army like this, it will die directly because its source is exhausted. "

Above the fortress of heaven and earth, the generals responsible for collecting intelligence and analyzing reported loudly behind Wang Jing, and at the same time, the Daxia soldiers who stood at Dianjiangtai focused a lot of attention on the southern king west from beginning to end. Flow above the body.

Because of the increasingly vast and tyrannical aura, waves poured out from the West of the Nantian King, and then the golden eyes of the latter clearly reflected the two paths that belonged to Jiang Yue and Li Yi to cut through the void. Blood shadow.

   "It can easily cut off the fangs of the golden snake, this immortal island human race comprehend the law, really more domineering than one."

After the muttered words came out of the mouth of the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu, he once again raised the treasure fan in his hand, swiped it forward, billowing black smoke came out again, and then inside the snake cave in the void, there were again strips The big sun golden snake entwined with golden scales rushed out violently, roaring forward.

Compared with the previous Golden Snake Wandao, the Big Sun Golden Snake that roared out at this time was smaller in size, but faster, just like a violent arrow shot from the string, shattering the billowing suffocation ahead, facing Li Yi and Wang Jing Head down.

At the same time, the Nantian King Xiliu lifted his right foot and stomped it down. Then the golden bridge composed of ten thousand golden snakes suddenly began to ignite infinite flames, and then a long river of lava visible to the naked eye started directly from Xiliu's feet rose, and between the ups and downs, a greater will, slowly rising from within the lava river.

   Supernatural powers. Great day psychic!

"It's another Da Ri creature. Looking at its will, it is even stronger than the Da Ri Golden Snake. I just don't know what kind of existence it is. Can these two Immortal Island creatures continue to cut off Da Ri's golden fangs? "

Along with this grand will pouring in all directions, the monks from the Taixuan Land from below sounded in exclamation. After the words fell, countless eyes were directly locked on the violently undulating lava river on the golden bridge. .

   At the next breath, the body of a behemoth slowly emerged in the lava river flowing rapidly forward. At the same time, on the walls of heaven and earth, the voice of the Grand Marshal Wang Jing of the Great Xia Front billed directly:

   "Peng Mu, blast it back to its nest!"


After he finished speaking, Peng Mu, who was holding the contradiction and standing in the void, made a roar to the sky, and his burly body disappeared in place. In the next instant, the former body appeared on the rolling lava. The spear of the **** of war was raised in his right hand, thunder and lava. Intertwined fighting spirits rose to the sky.


After a loud shout, the red light transformed by the God of War Fast Spear tore through the void again and turned into a violent streamer that shining in the sky, and then the God of War Fast Spear blasted into the flowing lava river below. The huge impact force not only This caused the lava river to be exploded, and the void in all directions produced dense cobweb-like cracks.


   Under the violent bombardment of the God of War Fast Spear, the behemoth in the lava directly let out a painful roar, and the body that emerged out suddenly stopped.

   But the violent attack was far more than that. After an instant, the scarlet battle shield in Peng Mu's hand continued to slap down, the scorching sun totem on the battle shield was brightly released, and the scarlet arc of battle gas swept and released.

   God's condemnation!


   After a bombardment that pierced the eardrum, the battle shield slammed straight against the huge creatures in the lava river, and then the void on the battlefield was completely shattered under the two taboo magical powers.

   At the same time, the power of the violent God of War cut off the entire psychic river, and the vast will that gradually rose was dissipated together.

   Mie Ling!


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