
read2();  Lingbo Inner Hall, the unextinguishable lamp next to the old queen’s bed, the flames flicker more vigorously, perhaps the omnipotent, great grandfather of Zhaoji also longed The whole house is full of knees, and I want to see my grandson with my own eyes.

Because of drinking the purification potion, the old lady who chatted with Zhao Yu became ruddy and spoke more than usual. I quietly listened to Zhao Yu's account of what happened in the small world, inserting a sentence or two from time to time. Then, ask some questions. At the end of hearing, after knowing that Zhao Yu almost wiped out the entire Sun Empire alien race with one person, the smile on his face became stronger, and he admired:

"Yu'er, you are much better than I thought, and the unheard of magical things in your hand, no matter which one can be used as a Daxia heavy weapon, if used properly, it can completely change something unexpectedly. In a large-scale war, you can discuss this with Wei Guogong. He has great ideas in terms of fighting."

Zhao Yu nodded. Wei Guogong Xu Sheng was originally known as the Bow of the Great Xia, not only because of his Xu family's great bow spirit is unparalleled in the world, but also because of his unique sense of smell in the marching battle, which seems to be an example. The archer of the gods can always find the weakness of the enemy. One hit is extremely good at defeating the strong with the weak!

  The old lady turned her gaze from the unextinguished light to Zhao Yu, her eyes full of expectation:

   "Daxia never lacks strong generals, the times make heroes, and Yuer will have to explore them in the future."

   "Grandma, tell me about Zhenyuhou."

   After pondering for a while, Zhao Yu asked softly in a flat voice.

  The name of the person, the shadow of the tree, the sixth in Daxia Mountains and Seas, and the name of the Ten Thousand Marshal of Xijiang endless mountains, everyone knows in Daxia.

   If Guan Zhengqing is a mountain that the younger generation can only look up to, then Zhenyuhou is the sky above all the monks and lieutenants in the world, which is beyond reach.

   Zhenyu, Zhenyu, only the imperial clan of the Sun Empire can obtain this title. Since the opening of the Great Xia Dynasty, this is the only person who has given the name of Zhenyu to the Hou Baixiang!

   "That kid, I grew up watching all the way."

   Some memories flashed across the face of the old lady, and she continued:

"He and his wife ran a blacksmith's shop in the capital of God. They are exquisite craftsmanship. When your father was young, he often took your aunt and two to build weapons. Once they were familiar with each other, they became confidants. Later, they were dying. Clan’s rebellion, your father was killed in battle at Yulong Pass, and Daxia fell to the endless mountain. The foreign race of the empire rushed out from the gate of space and besieged the capital city. The last month is the most difficult. The moat outside the city is **** than water. Many, when the situation was most critical, Lin Lang's child and his wife appeared on the wall of Vermilion Bird Gate.

   "I was on the city wall at the time, and the two children knelt in front of me and said a word to me, which I still remember."

   Zhao Yu's eyes were filled with doubts, and he was also very curious what kind of words Zhen Yuhou said at that time.

   "He said that Caomin Lin Lang will bring his wife Bai to go down the city to kill the enemy commander, and begged the Queen Empress to open a path with the magical mountain and sea map. If I have not returned, please take care of my two children."

   Zhao Yu’s eyes were filled with respect, and he slowly spoke:

   "It's really a human hero."

   The old lady nodded, suddenly becoming a little embarrassed.

"The final ending is known to all Daxia. The kid killed the second prince of the empire in front of the alien formation to relieve the siege of the gods in March, but he only returned one person. Since then, he has been fighting with the empire. On the front line, there are countless foreign blood on his hands, including the subsequent planning of Da Xia to retake the Three Passes outside the endless mountain, to seal the town of Yuhou, and the official to pay the Marshal of Xijiang!"

   After hearing this, Zhao Yu's heart could not be calm for a long time, Zhen Yuhou Lin Lang's originally vague figure suddenly became clear in his heart, Zhen Yuhou and his father were the same kind of people, so they became confidants.

   Hundreds of millions of people are behind, leaving their lives and deaths out of their lives!

   Human races and alien races have been fighting to this day, and it is precisely because of these evocative characters that they can still stand upright from the crisis.

   Although the dynasty has changed, the human spirit is immortal.

   Shenjing, Liuye Alley, Zhenyuhou Mansion, Martial Arts Field.

   Since the young master, the little killer, Lin Xiao, returned from the endless mountain, the second master, Lin Xiao, has converged a lot. He also practices in the mansion on weekdays without leaving the house.

   The eldest son Lin Xiao’s character is in the same line as Zhenyuhou, and he doesn’t talk much, but he is thoughtful and his eldest brother is like a father. He doesn’t show mercy when he trains his younger brother, so a brutal beating was staged in the martial arts field.

The second son, Lin Xiao, had no power to fight, and he couldn't even see his brother's moves, so he was beaten away from a distance. After returning from the small world, the little killer god, let go of the arrogance in his heart, and became simple and refined. .

   Lin Xiao slowly walked towards his younger brother who was already lying on the ground and panting, and said lightly:

   "Your talent is not bad, but you are too lazy. I can't protect you forever."

   "Brother, are the empire alien races in the small world as powerful as you?"

   Lin Xiao’s voice was filled with curiosity and eagerness to try. Although he was stubborn on weekdays, he was still a hot-blooded young man, eager to fight the enemy.

   Lin Xiao stretched out his hand and pulled up his brother on the ground, and responded:

   "The young generation at the top of the empire is naturally powerful. Every realm is much higher than that of your kid, so if you don't work hard, you will be a dead word on the battlefield in the future!"

The second son took the towel and wiped the sweat on his face. He was silent. Lin Xiao patted him on the shoulder and continued: "The personal strength of the imperial alien race is higher than the average human race. Naturally, there are some who are stronger than me. But someone is stronger, so we can master that small world."

   "Is that your highness?"

Lin Xiao nodded, the color of reverence in his eyes flashed away, and then he thought of something, and said: "Almost forgot, you [Liancheng] is only one year younger than any of your Highness, and you should be yours next year. Crowned, time flies so fast."

   Lin Xiao hesitated for a while and asked:

   "His Royal Highness and the Crown Ceremony are such an important matter, won't my father come back?"

   "Before I left, I asked my father the same question, and he replied that he would naturally come back when it was time to return."

   The great young man Lin Xiao said before he finished speaking, suddenly a black shadow ran over Zhenyuhou's mansion, stepped on the roof, and fled into the distance.


   Xiao Sha's expression was cold, and after spitting out a word, his figure disappeared in place.

   Suddenly, the entire Zhenyuhou Mansion skyrocketed, chasing them in the distance. After thinking for a while, the second son, Lin Xiao, also stood up from the ground and followed behind.

   At the same time, at the entrance of Willow Leaf Alley, Sima Annan dressed in white fluttering, raised his right hand and pinched his fingers, with a cold face, walked through the traffic of cars and horses, and slowly walked into Liuye Alley.

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