The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1398: Make a coffin


read2();   the vast land of China, the vast expanse of 36 states, there is silence at this time. Everyone who lives on the land of Daxia is clear, regardless of age or sex. Hold your breath together, then look up at the mountain and sea map that flashes with light and shadow above the sky.

  The flashing scene in the mountain and sea chart is exactly the front line of the fiercely warring North Sea Asura Region!

   Daxiasi Tianjian, according to the supreme will of the young emperor Zhao Yu, showed all the battle scenes of the entire Beihai battlefield on the mountain and sea map.

  Because at this critical moment of life and death, the ups and downs of the nation’s fortunes, every citizen of Daxia has the right to witness with their own eyes, and regardless of success or failure, the destiny of all Daxia’s citizens is closely linked to the frontline soldiers at this time.

Under the cover of the nest, there are no eggs. When the Daiyu Mountain, where the vast land of Shenzhou is located, was born in the North Sea, the billions of Daxia’s people and Zhao Yu stepped on a path to fight against the entire Taixuan. The **** journey of the land!

   At the foot of the Hexu Mountain in the southeast of Daxia, there is a city that reveals a sturdy and rugged atmosphere. Its name is Fengcheng.

   Since the founding of Daxia, Fengcheng has not been overly eye-catching in the entire city of Daxia with many stars. The only thing that makes people remember is the extremely cheap alien fur because of the city’s proximity to Hexu Mountain.

   But in recent years, all this has suddenly undergone tremendous changes, and the reason for all this comes from two young people.

   Wangjing and Peng Mu!

These two young lieutenant generals were known to everyone throughout Daxia. They became the marshals of the frontline soldiers at the age of less than thirty. Such an accomplishment, not to mention no one to come. , At least in the record of Shenzhou Haotu, is unprecedented.

Even when some people were discussing after a meal, they firmly believed that under the mutual support of the two stars, if they could win the battle of the northern sea in the land of the profound, they could use this to make the lord and become the number one in the summer. Champion!

Over the years, along with the new era opened by Zhao Yu, one after another young talents have risen to fame, and they all say that heroes emerge from troubled times. In this upturned era, Wang Jing and Peng Mu are undoubtedly the most dazzling. Two people.

The noon blazing sun, through the large array of mountains and seas above, shining on a large mansion in the middle of Fengcheng. Since the morning, this mansion has flooded with a large number of people from Fengcheng. The people sat on the open space of the Zhongtang Square, looking up at the sky, holding their breath.

   They gathered at the mansion of Mr. Wang, and together they silently supported the twin generals who came out of Fengcheng!

   The frontline battlefield in the entire North Sea Asura region is changing rapidly, and every change in the situation will affect the heartstrings of all the people.

   When Peng Mu bombarded the five-day generals of the Huo Mansion, they raised their arms and shouted, and when the Tianhui Army three people besieged the Nantian King Xiliu, they all sighed.

   At this time, when the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu violently attacked and forced the entire Daxia to make a decision, tragic and anger directly enveloped the entire 36 states of Daxia.

In the lobby of the Fengcheng Palace, everyone is watching the mountains and seas above their heads. The whole body is exuding the ultimate sun, like Xi and the **** mother driving, slowly falling on the crown of the Nantian King Xiliu , Clenched his fists and said nothing.

   Under the extremely repressive atmosphere, whether it is the old man sitting on the main table or the other respectable squires in Fengcheng, their faces are green and their mouths move, as if they want to talk but stop.

   In the end, Elder Wang, who was still the principal, tried to stabilize his slightly trembling right hand, put down the creaking teacup in his hand, and opened his mouth:

   "My Great Xia has a strong army and a strong horse, up to your majesty, down to me and other ordinary people, all working together, Peng Mu will surely be safe and sound!"

When the old man Wang said the word Pengmu, everyone in the lobby subconsciously took a breath, and then continued to look at the three tall and tall silhouettes standing proudly outside the walls of the fortress in the mountains and seas. A deep worry appeared.

Under the shroud of wave after wave of great power, although Peng Mu, Li Yi and Jiang Yue still have blood on the corners of their mouths, and the aura on their bodies is no longer the strong and violent before, but the spine is still straight, and they have both eyes. There is no fear inside, and some are just stable and open!

   In front of the three of them, there is the big sun crane that occupies the entire half of the sky, and the Nantian King Xiliu who stands on it and exudes the sun's brilliance.

   Then the still steady gazes of Peng Mu and others came into the eyes of Shengting Nantian Wang, who showed a little incomprehension.

Because in the face of such a vast and crushing magical power, she had never seen such a plain gaze, so plain that people thought that the situation of the two had been directly exchanged, and then the cold voice came from the mouth of the Nantian King Xiliu Out:

   "Everyone in the world will be afraid, maybe you are not afraid of death, but this king does not believe that you will not fear that you will be abandoned by the kingdom, and this king will now let you face this fear!"

After speaking, the Nantian King Xiliu opened his hands to both sides, and the five-fire and seven-ling fan in his hand lit up to an unprecedented degree. The next breath, whether it was the towering crane under the former or the Shengting Nantian himself, both It began to emit light ten times the vastness, and the entire surrounding void was completely boiled.

At the same time, the six Da Ri Cang who wandered in the void opened their mouths and uttered a roar, and before flying back to the crane, they got into the leash and began to violently pull this huge and boundless Da Ri Tian forward. car.

   "From the rising sun, we will go out of Fusang, illuminate the world and brighten up!"

   After an instant, the beautiful singing sounded from inside the crane, like countless young elves of the East Fire Mansion, singing and worshiping for the great sunrise.

   Then on the overhead crane, the Southern Heavenly King Xi*** who supported the rail with his left hand, the divine light on his face became more and more majestic, and the Huanghuang voice continued to roll down from the sky:

"Under the rotation of heaven and earth, how fragile the creatures are, this king will tell you today about the cruel nature of these newly born immortal island human races, the Taixuan land, or open the enchantment to let the three return, but everyone should be buried. Either in the presence of the monks in the entire Taixuan Land, abandon the **** and protect the car, and abandon the national character!

The words that flowed out from the south to the west, like an invisible sharp blade, directly pierced into the hearts of all the people of Daxia. Then, in the hall of the Fengcheng Wang Family Mansion, he struck his hand next to the old man, and he had already stretched out his hand to death. Girl Wan'er, who covered her lips to prevent the choking, couldn't help but let out a sob.

   Two strings of hot tears gushed from Wan'er's eyes, and then another whimper came out:

   "The younger brother will be fine, and Xiang Gong, Xiang Gong is standing on the stage at this time. He is the marshal of soldiers and horses on the front line. He will definitely be able to save the wood!"

   murmured over and over again from the mouth of the girl Wan'er, and everyone in the whole hall suddenly became red, including the always kind-hearted Wang and old lady, even crying, putting their hands together and praying:

   "Your Majesty Bless, Your Majesty Bless!"

   The atmosphere in the lobby of the Fengcheng Palace was suddenly completely enveloped by rich sorrow. Suddenly, under the choking of tears, a pretendingly flat voice sounded from the corner:

   "Girl, don't cry, give my dad a fire."

As soon as this statement was made, the entire lobby suddenly became audible, and then everyone turned their eyes to an honest, dark-skinned man sitting in the corner, then his complexion changed slightly, and then the king on the main seat. The worried voice of the old man sounded:

   "Peng's family, you?"

   "I'm fine, but I have a bitter mouth, I want to smoke dry tobacco, come here girl."

After the dark middle-aged man finished speaking, he took out a dry smoke from his hand and beckoned to Peng Wan'er. After a few breaths, the girl Wan'er walked to the former and felt the firewood to burn it, perhaps because of tears streaming down his face. In ancient times, this firewood could not burn.

   "Forget it, I can't even smoke dry cigarettes."

   a grunt came from the dark man's mouth, and then he stood up directly from his seat, patted his **** and strode out of the door.

   "Where are you going to Peng's house?"

   The high-pitched question of the old man fell, the middle-aged man stopped slightly, and then the voice came out:

"I've been a carpenter all my life. I can't help in any way. I'm clichéd and stubborn. My son also ran out to join the army early. Fortunately, I was very useful in the end. I made him a coffin, seven feet two, that day. When making clothes, I remember."


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