
read2();   When Zhao Yu and Liang Po walked out of the elementary school outside Gangneung City and walked towards Shenjing City, he understood that everyone’s life is composed of one A choice constitutes.

   These choices are big or small, big enough to affect the fate of hundreds of millions of people in the entire Great Xia kingdom, and small enough to just eat what food to eat for lunch today.

For Zhao Yu, in the past few years, he has made too many decisions called earth-shattering. Each of these choices seems so incredible to the rest, but it is precisely because of these decisions of the young emperor. , Let Daxia enter a new era.

   The strongest era ever!

Therefore, in a sense, on the battlefield of the North Sea, the decision made by the Shengting Nantian King Xiliu to force Daxia to make a decision seems bluffing, but to Zhao Yu, it is not at all Not difficult.

  Because the answer is the only and firm one, Daxia has never given up on a single pawn, not before, and naturally not at this time!

In today’s world, if anyone knows Zhao Yu best, then Liang Po, who is standing on the platform at this time, is none other than Liang Po. Therefore, this young man who has been taciturn since the start of the war is flying on the sky on the big day crane. When the mighty face of the city wall fell, he spoke first.

  Liang Po's thick and magnetic voice is not heavy, but the complexion of all the people who heard it on the stage is slightly loosened, and then a natural color is revealed.

   Then Wang Jing and the other generals bowed to Liang Po, who was walking forward in front of him, and said:

   "You have a job, Sir!"

After   , Wang Jing's handsome face began to show more and more intense coldness and anger. The blood in the whole body was boiling, and he opened his mouth and let out an angry roar:

   "Send an order to protect the city, open the walls of the city to enchant the barrier, and bring the celestial army to return!"

  The rolling roar suddenly resounded through the sky, and then a soldier of the commander rushed out from the platform, and at the same time roared out:

   "The guard army opened the barrier and came close to the return of the celestial army robe!"

   There was a sound of transmission ringing around the entire city fortress wall, and then countless Daxia soldiers who heard about it, stood up straight together, clenched fists and beat the chest, rhythmically tapping the solid armor on the chest.

   "咚, 咚, 咚!"

   The thunderous crashing sound swept outwards, and at the same time the roar of the cracked sky rolled:

   "Daxia glory, Daxia glory!"

  The roar came out from the city wall and continued to extend towards the glazed continent behind. Then under the city wall, the excitement of the adjutant of the city guard rang directly in Xue Beichuan’s ears:

   "Commander Xue, the marshal has ordered, open the barrier, open the barrier!"

   "The commander heard it."

   Xue Beichuan’s voice contained a hint of joy. From beginning to end, the young commander’s right hand kept making a fist and raising it without a square. Then Xue Beichuan showed a smile on his face, and he gave a loud roar to the sky:

   "The guard army obeys the order and opens the fortress boundary!"

   The command sound fell, and on the glazed continent behind the city wall of heaven and earth, all the countless sergeants of Daxia who were waiting in line also raised their arms and shouted, and the sound of tearing eardrums rolled out:

   "The wind is blowing, the clouds are flying, kill and kill!"

Beneath the screams of killing, the golden barrier of the horizontal fenced heaven and earth suddenly began to fluctuate rapidly, just like the original calm lake, and suddenly began to ripple violently .

Then the guard sergeant under the city wall pushed the huge puppet next to him from under the city wall together. After a few breaths, under the gaze of countless eyes, the runes on the golden barrier outside the city wall were instantly aligned. Qi shattered, and then dense cracks began to appear, and the barrier collapsed downwards at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   At the same time, at the moment when the cracks in the rune barrier appeared, he returned to the Fengcheng Wang Family Mansion in Fengcheng, the lobby, the red-eyed Elder Wang directly trembled, and opened his mouth and shouted:

   "Peng's family, don't leave, come back soon, the front army has opened the barrier, Peng Mu, he can be saved!"

After the grandpa Wang came out with a little hoarse loud shout, the rest of the people in the entire lobby broke out a violent commotion, and then someone rushed out the door immediately, facing the back of the middle-aged dark man at the end of the front view, anxiously Anxiously opened his mouth and said:

   "Master Peng, don't go anymore, your son Peng Mu is back, we Daxia will not abandon any of the people, this is the original words of your majesty, and hundreds of millions of Daxia people will carry it together!"

After the words fell, the middle-aged carpenter who was walking silently on the corridor suddenly stopped, and then his not broad shoulders trembled slightly, and on the back that everyone could not see, the taciturn father had already burst into tears.

As the saying goes, the life of a country lies in the hearts of the people, and the barrier defense barrier composed of guards and soldiers is doing their best. Although it is rapidly shattering on its own at this time, no matter whether it is the soldiers in the front line or the rear, all the people who pay close attention to all this. The people, instead of having any fear, raised their arms and cheered together, loudly.

   Just as Zhao Yu said, the fate of the hundreds of millions of people of Xia is tightly bound, and together we will carry this choice!

   "Daxia's backbone will not bend, and Daxia's glory will never be obliterated. I will stand proudly in the world, support each other and face all powerful enemies!"

On the point of the Heaven and Earth City Wall, the front-line Grand Marshal Wang Jing watched the hibiscus sacred tree whose trunk was bent to the limit, and the Nantian King Xiliu who was about to drive the big sun crane to hit the sky. Announcement.

   Then Peng Mu and other members of the Tianhui Army from above fell straight down, and when they arrived on the stage, they bent over and bowed, and said together:

   "Wang Shuai, Lord Liang, I'm causing you trouble."

After   's words fell, Wang Jing raised his hand and patted Peng Mu on the shoulder in front of him, shaking his head, and replied:

   "The battlefield changes rapidly, no matter how meticulous the deduction, there will always be accidents, but your majesty's will is watching from the top of the dome, even if there is no golden barrier in front of me, the territory of Daxia is still as solid as gold!"

   Wangjing's voice just came out, and the Nantian King Xiliu, who was driving the big sun crane above, exuding divine light like a godmother, had inexplicable thoughts flowing in his golden eyes, and his left hand holding the front railing silently clenched.

   Then, the Southern Heavenly King of the Holy Court did not speak loudly to respond to Da Xia's actions, but just raised the five-fire seven-feet fan in his hand forward and spit out two words coldly:

   "Xun Ming!"

  The crane officially went out with Da Ri Li Fusang Shenmu, for Xu Ming.

   After a breath, the hibiscus sacred tree that the entire Beihai world could not contain, suddenly began to tremble violently, especially the curved sacred tree trunk, crackling more violently.

  In an instant, the trunk of the sacred tree bounced straight, and the Nine Dragon Crane on the branch was violently thrown out, and the whole Beihai world was suddenly bright.

   At the same time, on the wall of the North Sea Asura fortress, a burly figure like a hill leaped off the stage, and then began to run forward on the wall.

   His name is Liang Po.

   Liang Po, a recognized invincible person in the Daxia practice world!


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