The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1403: Pinch Ssangyong


read2();   Taixuan Land North Sea Center Shura domain battlefield, leaped up from the wall of Liang Po from the Heaven and Earth Fortress, turned into a black line to pierce the void, crashing with the nine gods falling from above The moment the day collided.

   The whole world is completely still at this moment.

Perhaps even this extremely ancient world has never seen such an incredible scene in a very long time, so I subconsciously slowed down the passage of time and wanted to explore the impact of the two collisions. details.

On the other hand, when the Liulong Tianche is away from the Fusang god, the majesty of the sun is becoming more and more prosperous, all the spiritual sensations of the surrounding monks in the Taixuan Land, including the thoughts and the body organs The connection began to fall into a slow stagnation.

   In other words, these monks under the radiance of the infinite sun, although the thoughts in their minds are still violently churning, but their mouths cannot make any sound.

   Then, under the gaze of countless eyes, the small black dots representing Liang Po directly blasted into the red sun halo that occupied the entire sky.

Liang Po's body shape is already in the category of extremely burly in the summer, but if it is compared with Huanghuang Da Ri, it is still as small as an ant, so in the next moment, the former will be directly affected by the crimson outside the Liulong crane Jin Yan completely swallowed it, looking from a distance, it was like a drop of ink falling into the magma, fleeting.

   "If you can't hold on to one's own breath, you will be melted directly into powder!"

Although these cultivators of the Supreme Profound Land in the Asura domain could not speak, it did not hinder the ridicule in their thoughts, but the next breath, in the hard-to-see fiery halo above, first sounded a sound that could shatter the void. There was a loud roar, followed by a creepy dragon roar.

   What is even more shocking is that this scream from the great sun blue dragon immediately took on a bit of pain!

   At the same time, amidst the endless golden flames that burned crazily, there was a huge wave of waves as if two planets collided against each other, together with loud noises pouring out vastly.

   Then countless great sun flames exploded like fireworks bursting open in all directions, forming waves of extremely violent explosions around the blazing sun halo.

At the center of the Cangyan explosion, a black shadow in a large robe continued to tear the surrounding sun’s light and charged upward. At the same time, to the side of Liang Po, there were several Cangyan dragons burning with the flames of the sun, just because they were so powerful and powerful. The force of the hedging screamed and flew backwards.

Liang Po’s robes of the Radiant Army at this time, because of the extreme high temperature, began to burn raging flames, and the cheeks and body surface of the young man with his lips pressed, dense black brown scales began to appear outwards. , And at the same time a heavy and unimaginable cold air began to radiate outwards, and formed an abyssal mask to isolate the power of the sun.

If someone can see the inside through the endless red light from the periphery, they will find that in front of the extremely shining Six Dragon Crane, an unbelievable black spot appeared, just like an endless sea of ​​magma. In the middle, sprinting abruptly on a seemingly fragile bamboo raft.

   This is undoubtedly a challenge to the majesty of the Nine Heavens.

Therefore, after an instant, the great sunlight flames above the void rioted together, swept down directly at the beams that continued to rush upwards, and at the same time, the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu, standing proudly above the great sun crane, appeared in the golden eyes of the gods. With a little unexpected color, he murmured:

   "The breath at the bottom of the abyss is a bit interesting."

   The voice fell, the five fire and seven feather fans in the hands of the Southern Heavenly King of Shengting continued to radiate colorful light outward, and then condescendingly, facing the beam below, the billowing black smoke continued to overturn like a tsunami bursting a bank.

These billowing black smoke that obscured the sky and the sun were injected into the body of the six great sun dragons, and in the blink of an eye, they turned into countless black lines and directly covered all the scales outside the body of the dragon, making the former no matter its speed or momentum. , Directly violent several times.

At the next breath, the six great sun blue dragons, who were extremely angry because they were bombarded by Liang Po, directly opened their mouths to spray out the black and gold sunburst dragon breaths at Liang Po. Then they roared and sprinted down, trying to bring Liang Po. The whole crushed into ashes like dust.

  The speed of the sun bursting dragon's breath is even faster than the flashing thunder, and it does not give Liang Po a chance to dodge. In the next moment, the latter is completely wrapped and frantically strangled.

   But for Liang Po, since he merged with the Roshan Great Demon King's forbidden soul, the words shrinking and dodge have completely disappeared from the life of this taciturn young man.

   Between heaven and earth, there is only one situation that will make Liang Po retreat, and that is Zhao Yu's order.

   Besides, Liang Po will charge to death!

Countless deep deep black light gushes out from the body covered with broken scales, and the densely growing scales under the surface of the body begin to show a very cold rune black awn, this black awn rune is in The crimson golden light was so conspicuous, and the shock of Cyclonus gave people a sense of horror that overturned the sky.

   An instant later, the abyssal black light wrapped Liang Po's body and directly blasted into the breath of Six Dragons. Above the entire North Sea Asura domain, there was another earth-shattering roar, just like countless bombs exploding in the ears at the same time.

At the same time, those monks in the Taixuan Land above the sea, who were imprisoned in place by the vast sun’s might, even if the sun’s rays were too light to see the scene above, they could clearly feel the trembling of the void above, again and again Shattered and reorganized again.

In the next instant, the solar tornado storm formed by the violent breath of the six blue dragons suddenly rose outward, as if a behemoth was about to tear out of it, and seeing that the sunburst dragon's breath had no effect on the beam. And under the situation that his majesty was trampled on by the latter again and again, the earth-shaking angry dragon roar reached its peak at this moment.

After that, two large sun blue dragons with countless black and gold scale armors, exuding the violent sun and majesty, rushed to the outside of the tornado storm one by one, opened the mouth of the ferocious dragon, and faced the beam that was in front of the blazing dragon's breath storm. , Bite down.

   "Double dragon twist!"

In the voice of the Nantian King Xiliu, the killing intent was bold, and the coldness was still there, with an ever-higher power, but the next breath, the holy court Nantian King, who stood proudly on the crown, changed his face, and his golden eyes were directly There was a little consternation.

Because the sunburst dragon's breath below almost connected the entire world, it suddenly extinguished like a flame that was directly extinguished, and then two giant claws that covered the sky and the sun stretched out from the storm without warning, directly He grabbed the necks of the two great sun blue dragons that came from violently biting.

After an instant, countless black and brown beast claws densely covered with runes slammed hard, and under the crackling sound of space shattering, the Great Sun Canglong directly raised up to the sky and issued an extremely painful roar, followed by a vast expanse that had never appeared in the Taixuan Land. The law gushed from the beast's claws, and the flames all over the body of the two dragons were extinguished.


   After a steady voice rolled out, the Great Sun Canglong fell directly above the sky.

   The beam breaks against the sun, the first encounter, and the two dragons are crushed!


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