
read2();  The chaos is torn apart, the sun reappears, and the extremely dim Beihai Shura domain is once again flooded with light.

   Countless golden rays of the scorching sun continued to pour down from above, shining on the face of a sect monk in the land of the Profound Sky, reflecting their expressions completely.

   Wrong, shocked, and unbelievable!

The deafening sound of war drums, the shouts of human soldiers, and the sound of heartbeats rolling down from above, continuously impacted the minds of every monk in the Supreme Profound Land, making them look up into the sky with a thick blur. The color.

  Everything in front of him is too unreal, and even the thoughts that make these monks feel that their minds are pulsing may be deviated.

   was smashed to pieces by the violent supernatural powers, and then quickly reorganized above the void, the Nantian King Xiliu and the entire Nanxing Palace turned into a nine-day sun, still pouring out a mighty light that is hard to look at.

But for some reason, these monks in the Great Profound Land, who looked up at the sky, suddenly felt a very strange feeling, as if compared with the previous, the nine heavens above the sun is no longer so dazzling, nor No matter how violent.

   "The cruelty of this world is that even if it is a god, once he bleeds, then it is no longer strong in the hearts of mortals!"

On the wall of the fortress of heaven and earth, Wang Jing, who was holding the drumstick in his hand, slowly spoke, and then the Grand Marshal of the Great Xia Frontline Soldier continued to raise his hand and bang on the drum in front of him with a smooth and waveless sound Continue to spread:

   "In the near future, when my great Xia Bingfeng is invincible, more and more so-called gods will be cut off the altar. This Southern King is the first, but definitely not the last!"

The voice of Wang Jing’s opening became louder and louder, and it reverberated across the sky in a blink of an eye. At the same time, a roar from a giant Roshan beast on the sky awakened all the monks in the Taixuan Land below from their trance. , Followed by a violent tremor subconsciously.

   Above the void, Liang Po's huge and boundless body still stood proudly, and dense and dense scales poured out a thick and direct abyssal mist, causing the former's violent body to reflect an extremely cold aura under the glare of the sun.

   The power of the arrows blasted by the Sun-Raising Bow in the hand of the Southern Heavenly King, the powerful power need not be repeated, but Liang Po's fierce giant claws still firmly grasped the halo cracks that were nine days away in front of him.

   In other words, the Roshan Giant Beast Liangpo did not have any extra resistance, but directly used his eyebrows to take the Nantian King Xiliu's sharpest daily bow!

A shockingly huge scar, starting from Liang Po's forehead and eyebrows, extending down all the way to the nose, looks so cruel. At the same time, in this scar, Roshan's sturdy scales were blasted outward, and the scales were densely dense. The rune shattered, and a large amount of dark brown blood poured out.

The dark brown blood flowing out of the wound of the Roshan behemoth spreads out with the cold enough to freeze the void, and this deep chill deep into the bone marrow, even the glare of the sun cannot conceal it from such a close distance. The Nantian King Xiliu's heart was as hard as iron, and he couldn't help feeling a hint of throbbing inexplicably.

   This may be Liang Po's first injury, but it is only limited to injuries!

At the next breath, Liang Poblack's huge brown eyes opened again, and an extremely tyrannical aura began to emerge, and then soared like a volcanic eruption. At the same time, the extremely violent aura exploded outward from the body of the giant beast covering the sky and the sun. The whole world.

   This is Liang Po's announcement to countless people that the Nantian King Xiliu's close-up shot from the sun is useless!

After a breath of   , countless abyssal chills continued to gush out, surrounding Liang Po's body, directly forming a gloomy and huge deep [pencil novel] deep cave.

   Inside the abyss cave, a loud howling roar rolled outwards, and then the beam tore the claws of the big sun halo in front of him, and suddenly began to violently tear outwards.


Under the unbelievable gazes, above the large halo of sunlight in front of the Nantian King Xiliu, countless cracks like spider webs appeared, extending outwards extremely fast, looking from a distance, like a cracked by a heavy blow. The egg, perhaps in the next second, will be completely broken.

   "Damn it!"

Sure enough, after only two breaths, after the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu sounded with a little horror, the claws of the Demon King Roshan in front of him severely tore to the sides, directly tearing the entire scorching sun in front of him completely. ,split into two.

   After an instant, a more intense day's flow rolled down from the torn sky above the sky. If it was just a little rain before, then this time, it was undoubtedly a downpour.

   "The sky is above, and the nine gods are completely torn apart!"

   Numerous monks in the Supreme Profound Land who looked up at the sky let out a desperate roar, and then they took the boat with them, and directly under the cover of the golden slurry, it turned into the fire of infinite sun and burned to death.

At the same time, Liang Po’s terrifying beast face, with two sharp fangs, slowly approached the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu standing on the big sun crane. Among his black brown eyes, besides tyranny, there were The dullness and indifference of the personal guard of the Great Emperor.

   A stream of blood gushes down from the wound of Liang's broken eyebrow, and flows onto the sharp and stubborn fangs, exuding a ghostly black luster, as if silently telling the southern king of the Holy Court in front of him.

   The heavens and the earth begin to suffocate, and the time of death is approaching!

   "It’s not so easy to want this king’s life!"

   The Southern Heavenly King Xiliu let out an angry shout, and his figure disappeared directly, appearing directly in front of the Roshan Giant Beast like a teleport, his right fist was clenched, and he punched the wound on the front of Liang Po's eyebrow.

   Xiuquan directly exploded the entire void in front of him, wrapped in an endless wave of fire, and hit Liang Po's eyebrows without fancy. However, countless magical powers have proved before that, in front of absolute defense, any magical powers or blows are just futile.

   It was the Nantian King Xiliu himself. Because of the anti-shock law of the Great Demon King Roshan, he snorted and spit out a mouthful of blood. The color of despair gradually emerged among the proud golden eyes.

   This is a look she has never had in her life, but the existence of Liang Po brings only despair to all enemies!

   At the next breath, Liang Po covered the sky with sharp claws protruding forward again, and immediately under the helpless gaze of the Nantian King Xiliu, he directly grabbed the huge big sun crane in front of him.


   After a thunderous roar, Roshan's giant claws first pressed inward, and then with one stroke, the entire crane was lifted directly above the head, crackling.

   This is the Baojia projection of the godmother Xihe carrying the big day around the world, and it also contains the South Hanging Palace where the entire holy court is proud to fight in all directions.

   But now in the hands of Roshan Giant Beast, it seems to be a big toy that is kneaded at will!


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