The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1423: Dayanxiongguan


read2();    Between heaven and earth, there are many changes, calculation and calculation are intertwined. The identity of cicada, praying mantis and oriole is constantly changing. Before all the dust settles, no one dare to say I have a certainty of victory.

   The protracted battle between Qingzhi and Yanjue, at noon today, completely entered the life-and-death shopping stage, and the forbearance of the two decision-makers also exceeded ordinary people's imagination.

One side has the ability to quickly break down the lava enchantment, but hides it for hundreds of years, only to kill with one blow, while the other side takes longer to create the illusion of tyranny and brainlessness. A deep ambush was set.

   The game between the two sides represents the confrontation of one of the most pinnacle forces in the Supreme Profound Land. Regardless of the outcome of this Tianchi battle, one thing is certain.

   That is the dense forest in the eastern part of the Great Profound Land. The flames of war are blazing outward, and it is directly raging in all directions!

   "There is a will between heaven and earth. It is high and unsearchable, but it is lingering around everyone, everywhere."

   To the southwest of the Taixuan Land, there is a huge city with a huge area. This city is so large that it almost directly encompasses a full one-third of the size of the county. It is vast and vast, with countless lives.

   This city is called Dayan Pass, and Dayan Taoist Temple, one of the five sects of Taixuan, resides in it!

Since this huge city named Dayan resides in Xiongguan, it must bear the responsibility of guarding one side. This place is no exception. It is the largest gateway of the Central Plains to the Western Regions in the Taixuan Land, and it also isolates the Western Regions from raging yellow sand to the east. The strongest barrier between heaven and earth.

   Dayan Pass has an extremely long, blue towering city wall that can't be seen at the end, and another point that is well-known by the creatures of the entire Taixuan land is the Taoist temple in the city.

  Countless Taoist temples!

This city accommodates more than ninety-nine Taoist temples in the 108 prefectures of the Taixuan Land. It is a well-deserved Taoist ancestor. Numerous monks wearing Taoist robes come from all over the Taixuan Land. This city took root, practiced Taoism, and then opened sects and contemplations and recruited disciples after completing their studies, and so on.

   This is the pure land belonging to Taoism alone, and it is also a powerful force that cannot be underestimated in the entire Taixuan Land!

   Although there are so many Taoist temples in Dayan Pass, I am afraid that it is not clear who they are, but these monks who have now become masters have not forgotten their original intention when they came to this city.

   That's where to find the Taoist Temple of Dayan.

   Although the entire Dayan City is famous for the existence of the Dayan Taoist Temple, this view, as one of the Five Hidden Sects, has never shown a figure in the world for countless years, just like the ethereal air, hidden in the world.

   Everyone knows that the Dayan Taoist Temple is within this majestic city, but no one knows where this Taoist Temple is in the city. This is the real Dayan hidden in the world.

Inside Dayan Xiongguan, at a corner of a street close to the Western Region Gate Moyue two hundred miles, stands a very inconspicuous little Taoist temple. It is better to call it an ordinary courtyard and courtyard than a Taoist temple. An equally ordinary house.

   At the same time, on the plaque of the house, there are two well-formed characters, Guanyun.

For all Taoist temples in Dayan City, there is a customary rule, that is, the words on the plaque represent the Taoist name of the Taoist temple, so this inconspicuous little Taoist temple is called by the surrounding residents For Guanyun Taoism.

This Guanyun Taoist temple’s sense of existence in the big city is actually very low, and it doesn’t compete with the world on weekdays. Let the surrounding Taoist temples expand, only guarding the small long street where they are located, and only accepting some on weekdays. The preaching of children from poor families, as for the worship of cents, is entirely based on the preferences of others.

   At the same time, a sentence that the master of this view often said on his lips was also regarded as a joke by all the surrounding residents.

   "Everyone is a cultivator, leave a way to survive and give you food?"

   It was noon. Under this plaque with the word “Guanyun”, a middle-aged man wearing a plain-colored Taoist robe was sitting cross-legged on the futon, his peaceful eyes stared forward, and his mellow voice continued to speak:

   "Although it is difficult for ordinary people to directly perceive the existence of Dao Will, if we carefully observe everything that happens around us, we will find that Dao Dao is everywhere and surrounds everyone."

After   's words fell, the middle-aged Taoist priest raised his right hand, opened his hand from the void in front of him, and pulled down a yellow leaf, and raised it to the people in front of him, motioning everyone to see clearly.

Afterwards, the Taoist warrior pointed towards the front, and saw the leaf that continued to fly forward. After tracing an arc, it burned directly at the starting point of Mars, and then the flame burned more and more vigorously, turning into a sky full of stars and dancing in winter. Under the cold wind blowing, it brought a trace of sadness.

   "Wow, it's good practice to observe the subject, we also want to learn this magical power!"

As the sparks danced, voices of worship sounded from the courtyard one after another, which caused the middle-aged Taoist priest’s mouth to rise slightly, revealing a smug smile, but if you listen carefully, you will find that the courtyard is ringing at this time. The voice of worship is extremely immature.

The fact is also true. At this time, in front of the middle-aged Taoist priests, the figures sitting cross-legged on the futon are all very young children, each looking at the flames flying in front of them, with deep yearning in their eyes. color.

   But the middle-aged Taoist priest, who is the master of Guanyun Taoism, didn't care about the immaturity of the children in front of him, and continued to slowly ask:

   "You know how the behavior of the mind and subject just now reflects the will of heaven?"

  As soon as this remark came out, the excited children were suddenly stumped, blushing and unable to answer. At the same time, at the gate of Guanyun Taoist Temple, a cold voice sounded:

"Insect carving skills, use a little vitality to cast the fire amulet, and directly ignite the leaves. This action can be done even by Taoists who have just sensed the vitality of the world, as long as they practice for a few years. Using these tricks to fool some naive children is really disdainful. ."

After the voice of    fell, among the two shadows standing outside the door, the first young girl frowned, turned around, and at the same time the voice came out:

   "Let's go, if the Taoist temples in this Dayan Xiongguan are such perfunctory generations, then the Dayan Taoist temples I'm looking for here are meaningless, and the name of the five sects of the hidden world is nothing more than that."

After    finished their words, the two turned around and walked away. At the same time, the voice of the middle-aged Taoist priest in the Taoist temple rang out, resounding in their ears:

"The reason why this leaf will fall is because its life span has expired, and this life span is the largest and most neglected connection between our living beings and the Dao Dao. You have a life span, and I also have a life span. Our every move, every drink and every peck are within the range of lifespan, which is also called cause and effect."

  As soon as these words came out, the girl who had already stepped one foot directly stopped and turned back slowly.


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