
read2();   "I’m crazy, these Buddhist monks are completely crazy, how confident is it that they can make them make such a move of breaking the boat and leaving no way out. It’s really a big deal. Does the door exist in vain?"

Above the sky in the depths of the Western Regions, the words from Taoist Guanyun were extremely solemn. Of course, everything that was happening below completely exceeded his imagination. Then the middle-aged Taoist continued to take a bird’s-eye view below, and the thoughts in his eyes became more serious. For violent boiling.

   Under the yellowish-brown dome of the Western Regions, starting from the extremely large core Lunar Oasis, one after another Buddhist temples seemed to have been ordered by the collective, and a raging red lotus fire was burning at almost the same time.

   When the red-red fire lotus karma burned, the light of the Buddha in all sky rose into the sky, and the Sanskrit sound that shook the sky became louder and louder, making the entire western region, which was filled with yellow sand, turned into a real Buddha country at this moment.

   But at this time, all the monks who gathered towards Tingshan Temple knew in their hearts that this short-lived Buddhist kingdom was not the other side of detachment that they were looking for, because their homeland was in the east and in the Central Plains.

   "Amitabha, Buddha said, I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell, before the other side of the Central Plains, there is Dayan Hell, breaking it, detachment can be expected!"

When the fire lotus industry was burning fiercely at the Buddhist temple, an old Buddha sound suddenly rose into the sky beside the Lunar Lake in the Western Regions, and then outside the gate of Tingshan Temple where half of the building had been burned by the fire, countless monks in gorgeous robes faced the gate of the temple. Outside, an old monk wearing a golden robes gave a salute, and his loud voice directly sounded:

   "Amitabha, if I don't go to hell, who will go to hell!"

   After the mountain whistling and tsunami-like high chants fell, because it was too old. The elder monk, whose entire cheek has been stretched, took a step forward towards the blazing Tingshan Temple in front of the sky, and then prostrated three times on the ground, and used it to go back and forth for hundreds of times before he came to the temple. Under the plaque.

   Then the old monk raised his hands, and let out a roar in sorrow:

"The Lord Buddha forgives sins, and the little monks and others are incompetent. They have placed you in the yellow sands of the Western Regions for countless years. If we are reorganized today, our Buddhism will soon move east back to the Central Plains. This time we will surely be able to re-enter the Central Plains and restore our former glory , To shine the light of Buddhism all over the world and save all beings from fire and water."

After the shout fell, the Tingshan Temple plaque burned in the fire of the lotus industry suddenly emitted a strong and extremely Buddha light, and then flew directly and floated down, slowly falling between the hands raised by the old monk. on.

  At this moment, all the creatures on the shore of Lunar Lake, whether they are monks in cassocks or other races who have converted to Buddhism, all kneeled and bowed together, opening their mouths in front of them and shouting:

   "Welcome to the Lord Buddha and get up!"

The shouts rolled, straight into the sky, and the infinite Buddha's light was even worse. The entire Western Regions with Luoyue Lake as the center suddenly changed a lot. Then the Master Guanyun above the white clouds pressed his lips tightly and spit out an extremely cold speech:

   "Little Baiyun, go back to Dayan Pass, this battle is not easy to fight!"

After    finished his words, the middle-aged Taoist made a seal on his right hand. Just about to release his magical powers, the old monk in front of the Tingshan Temple below suddenly turned around abruptly, and the sound of the Buddha came out:

   "The Taoist priests of Dayan Pass, since they are here, it is not so easy to leave!"

The sound of the Buddha that shook the sky pierced through the whole world, and at the next breath, on the clear surface of Luoyue Lake, a statue of the Buddha headed upright appeared suddenly, and the magnificent Buddha light poured out crazily, and then the Buddha statue stretched out his right hand. Directly print out the sky where the Taoist Guanyun is.

   "The magical powers of the Great Seal of Buddhism. All four are empty!"

   The four great emptiness is one of Buddhism's strongest heaven and earth magical powers. At this time, he used it directly without hesitation, which shows that the old monk attaches great importance to Taoist Guanyun.

The four big seals of the Buddha are printed against the vastness in front. After an instant, the entire half of the sky above the Western Regions is empty, and the four core laws of the four avenues of ground, water, fire and wind are completely removed in an instant, just as if the foundation and load bearing were directly erased. Liang's house began to collapse and destroy without any accident.

   "The sky is empty, the sky, the ground is empty, the human is empty, and the supreme magical powers of the Buddha's door are really extraordinary.

The Taoist Guanyun above the white cloud uttered a heartfelt sigh. At the same time, he raised his hands and severely tore it outwards in front of him. He only heard a loud bang, the void in front of him was directly torn apart, and then he watched the man and his body. Along with the white clouds, they shuttled directly to the end of the other side of the sky before the four void seals struck.

In the next instant, the middle-aged Taoist priest who had moved countless li to the east continued to make a circle with his right hand, and slapped his back. The countless yellow-brown gas above the sky instantly condensed into a giant cloud facing the sky-shattering Buddha statue. Rushed away madly.

   "Yunjuanyunshu, the way is proud!"

After the Master Guanyun uttered a loud shout throughout the sky, Daoyun burst outward, and the entire Western Region experienced an unprecedented explosion directly over the entire Western Region. The power of destroying the sky and the earth instantly blasted the sky over thousands of miles. There was a huge hole, and even the Dayan Xiong Pass, which was countless miles away, could be sensed clearly.

   After more than a hundred breaths, outside the burning Tingshan Temple, a golden-robed monk stepped behind the old monk, and the voice of inquiry came out:

   "Abbot, do you want to send Arhat to pursue?"

   "No need."

After    finished speaking, the old monk solemnly put away the plaque in his hand, and then the entire statue of Buddha also disappeared, and the latter's voice continued to sound:

   "The Taoist priests in Dayan City can practice the technique of soaring the clouds and driving the fog to such a degree. It is not to watch the clouds. This person is the only one in the world. You can't catch up."

  The words fell, the old monk looked at the true east, and in his eyes, the red lotus industry was on fire, burning!

Following the old monk’s gaze to the east, the aftermath of supernatural power from the west, across the vast yellow sand, blasted on the head of Dayanguan after a half-pillar incense, and the young people gathered on the wall A generation of Taoist priests rushed back three steps directly, and then horrified voices came from these young people:

   "Such a shocking aftermath of supernatural powers, it is that there are amazing powers at war, and there are changes in the depths of the Western Regions!"

   At the same time, on the dark blue city wall of Dayan Xiongguan, one rune after another lit up, and then turned into yin and yang to rise up into the sky, directly forming a huge enchantment covering the entire Xiongguan.

Afterwards, all the creatures in the entire Dayan City looked towards the top of their heads. Under the eyes of all the people, a Taiji Dao circle that covered the sky and the sun appeared above the enchantment. At the same time, within the Dao circle, the word Dayan was glowing. Shine the world.

   "Dayan Taoist Temple, the Dayan Taoist Temple that has disappeared for tens of thousands of years has been born again!"

   At the next breath, within the Tai Chi Dao circle above Dayan Xiongguan’s head, a brilliant Dao tone sounded directly, resounding in everyone’s ears:

   "The Buddhism in the Western Regions fully invaded, and all the Taoist temples in Dayan Pass are ready to fight, so as to protect the Central Plains and the West."

  As soon as the words came out, Dayan Xiongguan suddenly boiled, and then the voice above the sky stopped for a while, and the louder and louder voice rolled down again:

   "This battle is endless!"


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