The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1434: Kill all before talking


read2();   "The words of the sirs are in the clouds, but I don't understand them."

In Xiaoyao City Market, Liusha County, the small stall owner where Sun Qian and others are located is a wandering and casual repairer who does not seem to be very old. His right arm was directly cut off, but his face was kind. Looking at the extremely mysterious three people in front of him, the voice continued to sound:

"However, in the era of Xiaoyao scattered people, they are indeed our gods of casual cultivating. Although every time passes, there will be some chances in the wandering and casual cultivators, and the generation of successful cultivation, but at most they are only palms. The Master of the Predestined Life and Death Realm was immediately enlisted by some so-called great forces."

   As soon as the words of the stall owner and vendor made Song Xinhao, who was wearing a black robe, interested, he immediately asked:

   "According to what you said, a fellow Taoist, could it be that this Xiaoyao Sanren once cultivated to the upper realm of the land gods?"

  "That's natural, maybe more than that. It is said that the cultivation level of this Xiaoyao Sanren even reached the realm of the sky, and the face is beautiful, attracting the pursuit of countless great practitioners in the entire Taixuan land.

"And what is even more legendary is that she showed her true face only once in her life in Xiaoyao City. At that time, the countless lihuang sands that were raging crazily throughout Liusha County were directly suspended in the air because they were dumped under the former's perfect beauty. There is no longer a flow in it, and the wood carvings in your hands were carved by those you saw at that time, and they have been handed down to this day."

After    finished speaking, perhaps in order to better promote his own items, the casual repairer immediately continued to add:

   "You don't know anything about this, but this woodcarving of the free and unrestrained people came from the ancestors. It is already out of print. You can't even find another one in the whole market. If you miss this village, you won't have this shop."

  The voice of this profligate cultivator hasn't finished yet, but Sun Qian in front of him has already put down the wood carving and led the two people behind him away. This made the former look anxious and raised his hand and shouted:

   "Hey, fellow daoists, don't go, I'll sell them cheaply. How much can you pay directly?"

However, let the broken-arm monk call, from Shenxian City along the coast of Beihai, across the entire Beihai County, to the Daxia Hongxun Temple in Xiaoyao City, the three Sun Qian continued forward without looking back. .

  "Sun Sicheng, based on the few words of the stall master who has just made loose cultivators, it can be seen that in the whole of Xiaoyao City's loose cultivators, the prestige of that Xiaoyao looser is extremely high, and even now, these people are still making fuss about it."

  After a few breaths, the three of them turned into another street, and then Song Xinhao's young voice sounded. At this time, the street where the few people were located was full of small vendors who had just stopped and stopped, lined up along both sides.

   What is worth mentioning is that in front of these vendors, there are just as many woodcarvings of scattered people, arranged in densely packed rows.

  In this situation, Song Xinhao under the hood showed a thick weird color, and then continued to open his mouth and spit out:

   "Good fellow, there are too many woodcarvings from the ancestors, right?"

"According to your Majesty’s words, the so-called economy is simply buying and selling, but Xiaoyao City is surrounded by yellow sand wasteland, and there are only a handful of things that can be bought and sold. This woodcarving business is also taking advantage of the opportunity of the North Sea. It was just formed after the monks poured in."

   After the reply of Sun Qian, the chief minister of the Great Xia Hongshen Temple, fell, he raised his head, looked around in front of him, and then said:

"But there is one thing you are right. This Xiaoyao Sanren's position in the minds of Sanxiu is indeed unusual, and our company Cheng has a faint foreboding that the person behind Xiaoyao Market may be related to the legendary Xiaoyao Sanren. , There is a little relationship."

  Sun Qian’s voice fell, and he was extraordinarily tall but still silent, Tie Zhu, the guardian of the Night Dire Treant, suddenly spoke, and a strong voice sounded:

   "There is no particularly strong atmosphere of the great monk in this Xiaoyao City, but there is one thing worth noting, that is the enchantment inside and outside the Xiaoyao City Market around us."

After    finished speaking, Tie Zhu stretched out his right hand and pointed at the periphery of the market, the misty starlight barrier that separated the yellow sand and violent wind, and the voice continued to sound in everyone's ears:

   "This enchantment contains extremely powerful original power, and even concealed a weak will. This will is very hidden, but the realm of the core of the law is extremely high."

   Tie Zhu’s strong voice, the surrounding Sun Qian and Song Xinhao looked at each other, and both saw a little shock in each other's eyes.

   Then Sun Qian, who was missing half of his teeth, showed a deep interest in his black eyes, and he directly uttered a word:

   "If there are hidden secrets in this Xiaoyao City, it will become more and more interesting!"

As soon as the voice fell, a familiar figure appeared directly at the end of the street corner. It was the old Sanxiu who hurriedly left before. Then the old Sanxiu ran all the way to the three of Sun Qian, bending over and bowing deeply, an old voice. Outgoing:

   "Three sirs, my master read the note you wrote earlier, and would like to invite you to have a cup of tea, and please come with me."

After    finished speaking, the old Sanxiu took the lead in leading the way, unknowingly, his walking body bends lower, and the voice that continued to sound became more respectful:

   "My master runs a restaurant in this market. A small business may not be in the eyes of your big people."

   "Whether it can be in the eyes of me, you still have to see it first."

   In the voice of Sun Qian's words, there was still not too much emotion, and then he paused, and suddenly he continued to ask:

   "I want to know that the fascinating barriers around here are also related to the master behind you, right?"

   After this questioning sounded, the old Sanxiu in front of him fell into silence for a while. After a while, he seemed to have thought of something and nodded directly:

"Your Excellency really has good eyesight. The master’s family path has fallen, and now I rely on this enchantment to be able to stand firm in this Xiaoyao City Market. In fact, in Xiaoyao City, because of the existence of sandstorms that cover the sky and the sun, this protects the market. Enchantment seems particularly important. Once something goes wrong, it will be a disaster for the entire wandering and scattered repair gathering place."

   "Then the second question, how does this enchantment and the master behind you have anything to do with the former Xiaoyao scattered people?"

   Perhaps he had already planned to break the jar. Facing Sun Qian’s second question that followed, Lao Sanxiu did not hesitate too much, and directly explained:

   "The descendant of the Xiaoyao Sanren in this city is my master."

   "It turns out that it is so, so everything can be said to make sense, in this way, it saves us a lot of effort and time."

   The voice from under Sun Qian's hood contained a hint of excitement, and then his forward footsteps paused slightly, and a voice in front of him that the old Sanxiu heard was a thunderbolt in the sky:

   "In fact, I like to communicate with smart people, because time is extremely important to me.

"Since the master behind you is so sincere, I have to show that you are being so miserably persecuted by the sects stranded in Xiaoyao City, so how about we kill them all before talking? "

  Sun Qian’s voice just fell, and the burly, black robe-shrouded night dire sage tree spirit hygienic iron pillar instantly disappeared in place.


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