
read2();   Taixuan land, all parts of the southeast and northwest, except for the still quiet south, the remaining three areas, under the chaos of heaven, as if agreed upon, broke out at the same time There was an unprecedented war.

These days, the leaders of the great powers who have a little better news in the Taixuan Land, as well as the monks who pay attention to the Shenji Pavilion in each heavy city, are shocked by the explosive news almost every day. Gradually, the entire Taixuan The monks of the sect in the land have already begun to understand firsthand what is the real upheaval of heaven and earth!

"This world has become so fast that too many people are too late to react, and even the so-called top sect [笔趣阁] forces are beginning to panic and at a loss. Measures."

In the central waters of the North Sea of ​​the Taixuan Land, there is a fleet of hundreds of warships, bathed in the gray and chaotic light, crashing on the rolling sea of ​​the North Sea, and the center of this fleet, It is the giant of heaven and earth that the GCC is most proud of.

   Haihe Dabo!

On a deck of Haihe Dabo Ship, a young man wearing a silver robe was standing under the sea breeze, standing with his hands held in hand. After a calm sigh came from his mouth, the surname of Fang next to him Junior brother, a complex color appeared on some round faces, and he responded:

   "Senior Brother Lin, since the casual cultivator named Daozi was willing to speak, I don't know why, Junior Brother, I think you have changed and become very strange."

   The round-faced junior disciple's voice fell. He originally looked up at Lin Xing, a young GCC disciple who was in the sky above his head. He retracted his gaze, turned his head and spoke slowly:

   "Senior Brother, your voice changed. It really surprised me, Senior Brother. Could it be because of the silver robe of this core disciple on me?"

   "That is naturally not."

   After hearing the words, Junior Brother Fang hurriedly raised his hand and waved, and then continued to speak:

   "Brother Lin was able to promote my core disciple of the GCC with this contribution. Junior Brother I am naturally happy for you, but Junior Brother I always feel uneasy, as if something big is about to happen."

"Under this upheaval of heaven and earth, the big things in your mouth will happen one after another. Even the fleet of the Saint Court Southern Heavenly King with countless sect forces going northward, is at this time in the mysterious fairy mountain forces. Under the offensive, fell into a disadvantage.

   "If this matter is placed in the past, I am afraid that no one will believe it, but the fact is that, under the reorganization of the secret, everything is possible."

   After Lin Xing finished speaking, a relieved smile appeared on his mouth. Then he raised his hand and patted the shoulder of the younger brother in front of him, and the voice continued:

"Junior Brother Fang, I know that you have experienced the previous battle in the North Sea. You are very upset now. However, although our GCC and the rest of the sect forces have left the battlefield, the North Sea is still perilous, and we still have to fight. It’s good to get up."

After   , the dazzling silver robe dancing Lin Xing raised his finger to the arctic city that stood proudly above the sky and suppressed the entire shattered emptiness. The voice of infinite desire once again sounded in the ears of Junior Brother Fang:

"Junior Brother, have you seen the Northern Territory City that suppressed the entire void? Its existence at this time is to repair the broken Beihai Sky Dome. You know that once the North Sea, which has been shattered for tens of thousands of years, is destroyed by this world. The city is completely restored, what does that mean?"

   At this point, the GCC disciple Lin Xing’s enthusiastic voice became louder and louder, and he made his debut:

  "This means that the land of Taoism that has been silent for tens of thousands of years will fully usher in a recovery, and under the condition of Fushitailai, this recovery will proceed at an unprecedented violent speed, and it will also be accompanied by a blowout of countless opportunities.

   "Under this situation, once our GCC can board the two reborn fairy mountains and occupy the entire Beihai County, sitting north and looking south, it will undoubtedly occupy the first position of the drastic changes in the whole world."

   Along with Tao Tao's endless blueprints, Lin Xing's handsome face became more and more excited, and he almost didn't dance directly. However, the face of Junior Brother Fang in front of him was blank, unable to say a word for a long time.

   This agitated Lin Xing gradually recovered his calmness. He could only shook his head imperceptibly, and continued to spit out a little bit of interest:

"The information obtained secretly this time is very important, and it may be possible for our GCC to pick up a big leak that shocked the world. If this time we can gain power, then Junior Brother Fang will also be a great contributor. The masters and elders will definitely not Forget your credit."

  As soon as Lin Xing's voice came out, the honest-faced Junior Brother Fang sighed softly and responded:

   "Senior Brother Lin, you know that I am extremely stupid, both in terms of talent and brain, and I don't want to have the so-called credit. I just want to be able to return to the southeast county in peace. The younger sister is still waiting for me in the sect."

"People have their own ambitions, but I still want to advise you, brother, in this world of eating people without spitting out bones, only making yourself stronger is the right way, so you must do your best to grasp what you have before the Tao. No matter what opportunity, you will become a master!"

After    Lin Xing's voice fell, he raised his head and glanced at his junior under his head. A trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes, and he turned and walked towards the cabin.

After that, Junior Brother Fang squinted his eyes and stared at Lin Xing, who was swaying in the silver robe of his core disciple, and felt for the first time that this young man who grew up with him, in his heart, might be dormant with a sinister and violent head. Venomous snake.

After a few breaths, when the two young disciples of the GCC parted ways and started to move on different roads, the entire fleet, which occupies more than half of the sea, swiftly drove into this place under the hazy sunlight. The depths of the North Sea revealing a strange atmosphere.

This fleet of ships headed by Haihe Big Ship approached toward the depths of the North Sea. The already extremely turbulent sea became more and more boiling. Suddenly, Lin Xing, who was stepping forward, seemed to perceive something and turned back suddenly. He shouted at Junior Brother Fang who was standing on the edge of the deck:

   "Junior Brother Fang, run into the boat, hurry!"

This roar just came out, and a violent vibration swept upward from directly below the entire fleet. At this moment, the sea surface in the center of the entire North Sea boiled to an unprecedented degree, as if there was a giant underneath. The volcano is erupting.

   But even faster than the boiling sea water, even more swift is the extremely powerful impact!

A wave of emptiness that is invisible to the naked eye has already hit countless warships before everyone noticed it. In an instant, the boats turned upside down, and the huge warships on the sea were like a chicken without a hand. Like a powerful toy, it was thrown into the air one after another.

   With the mighty expansion of the force of impact, the Haihe Big Ship, located in the center of the fleet, directly opened the defensive barrier on the electric light stone fire, making all the monks on the big ship look loose.

   But they were obviously happy too early, and in the next breath, an extremely harsh tearing sound rang through everyone's ears, and under the violent impact, the barrier outside Dahai was instantly torn apart.

   At the same time, Junior Brother Fang, who was standing on the edge of the deck without time to react, was directly washed into a cloud of blood.

   Two more breaths in time, the tumbling sea before Haihe DaShi separated violently on both sides, and an endless golden light rose from under the sea, directly dyeing the entire surface of the sea into pure gold.



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