The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1446: The darling of the times


read2();  The land of the Great Profound Realm, there are a total of seven land gods, plus the lineup of the original fairy palace gatekeeper Jinhai, no matter where they are placed, they are all powerful existences!

   If this lineup unleashes infinite power outwards, then the entire Taixuan Land will be able to resist more than one hand.

   But they are such almost invincible overhaulers, but at this time, above the void in the center of the North Sea, they are downwind by a certain deity who has completely fallen into a violent existence.

   "Then, that should be the sleepless person who is immortal and immortal in the legendary sea of ​​Chaos Destroying God?"

On the deck of Haihe Big Ship, which was pushed outward by the rolling impact, the voice of a Zongmen elder's opening, with a hoarse after extreme shock, followed by another Zongmen Sect Master next to him, holding Tighten his fists and continue to speak in response:

"This can no longer be called a sleepless person, but a sleepless beast. Looking at its appearance, its four legs are like the pillar of the sky, the dragon head and the turtle body, it is undoubtedly the North Sea giant that was once fished and killed by the Lord Long. , You can lift the island and settle the mountain in front of you, and become an immortal existence at this time, how strong will it be?"

   The sound of shock from the heads of the sect below has not yet fallen, and above the sky, the sleepless giant that occupies the entire North Sea, above the sky, suddenly opened his mouth and let out a roar that shook the sky.


   After this sound like a beast roar, like a dragon's howl, burst into the ears, the Sleepless Giant Ao above the void once again opened its huge mouth, and sucked fiercely inward against the undulating fog of Taoism.

   In the next breath, the gray fog rolling around the entire giant ao was completely absorbed in an instant, and the Beihai sky dome where the entire Haihe Ship was located suddenly became extremely clear.

   At the same time, the scene of fierce fighting over the center of the North Sea was extremely clear to everyone.

The attack of the Jinhai Great Lord is still unparalleled, and the heavy fists under the infinite golden brilliance, wrapped in the ultimate law of strength, bombarded the body of the giant Ao, leaving one after another glaring space and hole, but also let The sleepless black energy enveloped the giant Ao, rushing outwards like a volcanic eruption.

   Under the roar of hammer after hammer, the body surface of Sleepless Giant Ao, violent ripples tremble rapidly, which is the ultimate manifestation of power.

If ordinary creatures were so blown by the Great Lord Jinhai, the internal organs and flesh and blood would have been shattered into blood foam, and those who died could no longer die. But at this time, the behemoth on the sky is not ordinary creatures, but let Sleepless creatures with infinite fear in the entire Taixuan Land.

   Chaos Destroys Shenhai sleepless creatures, immortal and immortal, as long as they are supplemented by the emptiness of Chaos Sea, they can be reborn quickly!

At this time, the fog of Taoism condensed on the sky of Beihai, its essence is the emptiness of the chaotic sea left after the ebb, so although it is not as effective as in the chaotic sea, it is absorbed by the crazy mouth, and sleepless The injury caused by the Jin Hai Da Respect Fist on Juao's body surface also healed extremely quickly.

As the mist of Dao abandoned quickly entered the body, the size of the sleepless giant ao swelled again. After a violent roar, the giant ao stretched out the giant foot and pushed the Jinhai Great Lord who leaped the violent hammer directly from the sky. Back to the sea, with a violent loud noise, the sea deep in the North Sea was once again blasted by countless waves.

  At the same time, the sleepless giant flew backwards like a long dragon, and instantly appeared in front of the seven-wheeled land fairyland not far away, blasting the latter back like a balloon.

  In an instant, these seven land gods exuding vast light were in the kingdom, and there was a muffled hum. The light of the laws of the kingdom fluctuated violently, and they were photographed far behind.

   "Damn, the fog of Dao abandoned above the North Sea is being violently absorbed by the northern boundary city. It will not be long before the old man depends on how you keep this immortal body!"

   The great and profound voice of the Great Golden Sea continued to roll out from under the North Sea, and then this area was completely dyed into the golden center of the North Sea, and the huge golden light once again violently soared into the sky and slammed directly into the sleepless giant above.

   "Associate Master Daoist, there is such a violent battle ahead, what should I do?"

In the face of such a powerful aftermath of the battle, the fleet headed by the GCC could only retreat and retreat. Then on the deck of the GCC, there was an inquiry from the head of the sect, followed by a person next to him. The elder's echoing voice continued:

"According to the information provided by your GCC before, the back of the legendary fairy mountain is not far ahead, but I did not expect that there will be top monks fighting ahead. This will become extremely tricky, even Just stop here and lose this opportunity for nothing."

   "Elder Li is too worried."

As soon as the elder’s voice fell, the determined voice of the GCC leader who was standing holding his hand not far away sounded, and then this elder, who had a face more delicate than a woman, still had a confident and steady face. The voice continued from his mouth:

"You fellow Taoists don’t worry. Although this sleepless soul is immortal and indestructible, it is not unlimited. Otherwise, we have been completely ruled by the sleepless teaching of this chaotic sea, and these sleepless The biggest shackle of living beings is this undead power, all from the chaotic sea water.

"And if you leave the Chaos Sea for too long, it will become like a fish out of water, becoming weaker and weaker. The sleepless giant above our heads will not be excluded. If the extremely northern boundary city is completely absorbed, then this giant ao will be sealed once again by this land **** and fairyland master!"

   GCC Master’s voice gave people a sense of trust, and then his eyes narrowed, looking at the sleepless giant above which was several times more violent than before, and the louder voice continued to be heard:

  "This sleepless giant is falling into the final fury, so it won't last long, and it will directly follow the broken North Sea sky and return to the Chaos Sea above the nine heavens.

   "The spiritual sense of the sleepless person is beyond my reach. It can fully feel the repair of the Beihai Sky Dome by this world city. If it is too late to go back, it will be of no benefit to Juao!"

  As soon as these words fell, the chaotic sky above everyone suddenly began to change suddenly, and the sleepless giant once again opened his mouth and swallowed the fog of Daoqi all over his body.

   At the next breath, a louder roar came from Juao's body, and his four legs slammed down like the extremes of the sky, and the whole huge body rose into the sky.

   This is an extremely shocking picture. This giant ao takes the North Sea void as the sea, floating towards the nine heavens, and at the same time countless sleepless air pouring down, pushing the Golden Sea Great Lord who is trying to chase back again.

   "Master Huizhu is so insightful, this sleepless giant ao really returned to the Sea of ​​Destruction!"

   In the center of Beihai where the wind and cloud suddenly changed, and above Haihe DaShi, a series of excited voices directly sounded.

   Then the GCC club master in blue robes flying up, looked up at the land above the void, competing with the sun for the rounds of land gods and fairyland kingdoms, and the muttering voice came out:

   "This opportunity in the North Sea has progressed to the present, death to death, escape, there is no room for anyone to react, and the avenue is up, I am fortunate to be the first to approach this legendary fairy mountain."

After    finished speaking, the GCC club master raised his hand and waved forward, becoming more excited and waiting for the voice to roll out:

   "Go forward, land on the island, we are favored by the road, we are the darling of the times!"

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