The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1454: Watch a fart


read2();Below   , facing unexpected opportunities, many people will fall into a cognitive misunderstanding due to various reasons such as cultivation base knowledge.

Such misunderstandings include the previous belief that I might have become the darling of the times, and what all the monks who landed on the island believed at this time is that this person in front of me was born less than a hundred years ago, and his wisdom is as immature. Children are generally easy to abduct.

   is like how mortals deceive the gods, and at this time, the action of the GCC leader is actually no different from the clown in the eyes of Shanhaitu Taiping.

On the other hand, the GCC monk headed by the blue-robed guild master, seeing the little Taiping sitting on the mountain and sea map in front of him, stopped shaking his legs and fell silent, thinking that the latter was thinking about it because of his heart. .

   Therefore, some of the elders looked happy and couldn't wait to take a step forward and continued to speak:

"This little Taiping brother, what the Lord Master said is true. This fairy mountain full of deserts at our feet is really too boring and monotonous. All the monks up and down the GCC hereby promise to bring the little brother. Take a look."

   The words fell, and finally there was a sect monk behind, who couldn't help it anymore, and directly said loudly:

"Brother Taiping, don’t listen to the nonsense of these GCC monks, the horrible situation of the smoky and miasma of the southeastern coastal county of Daxia, and no one of us in the Taixuan land knows. I said that you should still follow my sect. In the center of the Great Profound Land, the scene becomes more prosperous."

   The monk’s loud shout was undoubtedly the most naked provocation to the GCC, and then the GCC master suddenly turned his head, the dark and purple eyes were full of fierce light, and he opened his mouth and let out a roar:

   "Nonsense, you really deserve to die!"

After this roar like a viper neighing came out, the Master of the GCC raised his hand and slammed the monk in the back, and then a poisonous mist filled with poisonous air cut through the void directly, and the latter directly A twist.

   After a breath, a piercing wailing suddenly came out, and the poisonous mist only took a few breaths to melt the monk who had retorted directly into a pool of dirty blood.

  The purple and black blood on the sand was extremely dazzling, and the strong smell of blood permeating outward made the sect monks who had wanted to speak quietly.

   Then the GCC club master let out a cold snort, and continued to turn his head to look at the peaceful landscape of the mountains and seas ahead, suppressing the boiling killing intent in his heart, and the voice continued:

   "There are always greedy thieves who like to be overpowered. Fortunately, the strength of my GCC is not weak. I wonder how you think Taiping brother?"

   As soon as this question was heard, the entire shore of Xiandao Sea suddenly fell into silence. Everyone turned their eyes to Xiao Taiping, who was sitting in front of the scroll of mountains and seas, waiting for the latter's response.

Time passed slowly forward. After a few dozen breaths, Taiping, who was sitting on the mountain and sea map, slowly raised his head and began to look down. Although Taiping's entire face was completely covered by the milky air force Covered, but all the monks can clearly feel that very distinctive gaze.

This gaze from the god-defying artifact is magnificent and contains supreme power. At first, these sect monks hadn't noticed the strangeness, but the more they looked at it, the more they could feel the implied brilliance. It is as if there is a whole world directly pressed on the shoulders, and it is almost impossible to stand.

Until this time, these sect monks who had struggled to set foot on Daiyu Xianshan finally realized that the seemingly harmless little doll in front of people and animals is a supreme that has been rare in countless years. Artifact.

   After an instant, an unparalleled powerful aura poured down directly, and the GCC leader who was the first to bear the brunt was directly slammed back, his face changed greatly, and then the immature Taiping directly passed on:

   "Do you want to take me away from this fairy island?"

   After this voice sounded, the GCC leader’s solemn face immediately showed a trace of joy, and nodded in reply:

   "Exactly, if you want to go to the land of the Profound Realm to see the vast world, then the next is undoubtedly the best choice, whether it is itself or the strength behind it, it is the best choice."

   The voice fell, Taiping on the mountain and sea map slowly raised his head, and the sound of inquiry continued:

   "Can the counties in the southeast of your Taixuan land have overwhelmingly over tens of thousands of miles, isolated from the sky?"

  As soon as this question came out, the GCC leader looked blank and shook his head in response:

"The Heaven and Earth Xiongcheng that has overwhelmed tens of thousands of miles away, except for the former ancient fairy palace, only Dayan Xiongguan in the west may have this scale, and even the Central Shangguo State Tang has no such scale. Naturally, my southeast county does not have it."

   "Then the counties in the southeast of your Taixuan land, everyone can enjoy the borderless state, no matter how far away, just a few breaths, you can travel through the universe, which is extremely convenient?"

   The second question about the peacefulness of the mountains and seas came out, and the GCC leader gradually frowned, and continued to respond:

  "This, this Wudian is a high and deep realm that can only be used by the land gods. How rare is the realm of the Supreme. The countless people in my southeastern county have not been able to enjoy any so-called Wuyuan.

   "Not only that, all counties in the entire Taixuan Land, even the holy court, are not rumored to be able to travel through the void at will!"

The response from the GCC leader’s mouth at this time, although it still sounds stable, can already make people feel a deep puzzlement, not just the former, even the other monks who heard it in the rear, There are doubts in his eyes.

   Then there was an elderly sect monk behind after thinking about it, and then he continued to speak:

"This so-called realm where everyone has no distance, the old man once heard in a certain legend that it was in the ancient fairy palace, there was a teleportation formation, so that the fairy officials who saw the emperor did not need to walk, they could Teleport directly to the outside of the Lingxiao Hall."

   "These ancient legends are groundless and can't be true, but why this scroller spirit will point out separately, could it be that he has never seen it before?"

   Facing the two problems of the peaceful landscape of mountains and seas, all the sect monks who went to the island began to turn their hearts rapidly, because it was related to the ownership of the great opportunity in front of them.

   The next breath, everyone’s ears, the third question from the map of mountains and seas, continues to resound:

   "Is it possible that there is a master of the Communist Party, dominating the world, beloved by the people, setting up the rule and establishing a supreme cause?"

As soon as the mountain and sea map was peaceful, the countless monks of the sect on the bank of the sea changed their faces, especially the GCC guild masters, their faces were gloomy and cold. After a long time, they vomited out of their mouths. language:

   "Since the collapse of the Immortal Palace, the Taixuan Land has been in chaos for a long time, and so far there has been no Supreme Communist."

After    finished speaking, Xiao Taiping sitting on the top of the mountain and sea map immediately let out a laugh with disdain, and asked slowly:

   "Since you don't have any of the counties in the southeast of you that I said, then I go out and watch a fart with you?"

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