
read2();   "Wow!"

   The sound of a peach blossom dancing over the extremely dry desert may be insignificant, but the sound produced by a million, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of peach blossoms dancing at the same time is like a roar.

With the violent operation of the Peach Blossom Array of thousands of miles, more and more monks of the sect of the Supreme Profound Land climbed up the shore along the cliffs, and then these people were directly flowed above their heads like a vast star river. Peach Blossom was horrified, standing still, unable to speak for a long time.

   Not only these sect monks who have landed on the island, but also the venerable kingdom that hangs high above the nine heavens, the vast will flow up and down, and then a ethereal voice sounded from within one of the kingdoms:

"Using thoughts to control every peach blossom in the big formation, like an arm's command, this person is so strong that he is rare in the land of primordial mystery, even the monks of the superior realm who have already stood on the bridge, are concerned about thoughts The individual control of it is inferior."

   "The mysterious human forces on this fairy mountain reveal weirdness everywhere. For some reason, since the deity landed on the island, he felt a faint heartbeat in his heart, but no matter how he explored it with his divine mind, no strangeness was found, really weird."

Another ethereal voice came from within a kingdom exuding golden light. What is worth mentioning is that at this time, the seven-wheeled sovereign kingdom above the void, except for the two kingdoms of Yan Jue and Qingzhi. In addition to the identity, the identities of the others are deeply hidden.

   After all, the number of top-level overhauls in the entire Taixuan Land is limited. Everyone is in an absolute core position among their respective forces, and huge interests are involved behind them. Therefore, hiding their identity and participating in the battle for opportunity can reduce a lot of worries.

   And just as the vast ideas of these terrestrial fairyland monks were communicating with each other, the second round of bombardment over the cliff and the sea began to take place like a raging fire.

Under the guard of the peach trees, the master of the Taoist Palace Wen Xiuqi, his purple robe exploded outward, and at the same time, every white beard and hair flying all over his body seemed to be burning with a raging flame of war. In every move, billions of peach blossoms fluttered in the big formation, under the reflection of the pink sea, making this old man like a **** standing proud in the world.

   At the next breath, Wen Xiuqi raised his hands, pointed at the giant Balrog claws that he continued to grab upwards, and let out a roar again:

   "Four seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter, the old man owns one spring, the peach blossom kills!"

After this wicked killing word came out, every peach leaf above the void began to tremble at the same time, and it made a louder and louder buzzing sound. After it sounded in everyone's ears, it was as if there were countless soldiers. Is shouting to kill.

After an instant, these originally slowly dancing peach blossoms suddenly shined brightly and disappeared directly from the spot. When they appeared again, they had turned into a violent tornado and enveloped the huge Balrog claws pierced from above, and began to violent. Rotating cutting.

Quantitative change caused qualitative change. Under the endless peach blossom killing array, even the law of destruction of lava on Yan Jue Guozun wrapped around the palm of his hand, under countless cuttings, began to shatter, and billowing magma sputtered outwards. , Let all the monks who watched all this let out an incredible exclamation.

"With the body of a mortal, he can do so much, the accumulation of this person's cultivation is far beyond that of people in the same realm, and he can directly refine a fragment of space into the prototype of his own domain. Very close!"

Above the sky, Qing Ke Zun from the Qingzhishang Kingdom issued a compliment. Within the life kingdom that surrounds the green awns, the power of the origin is boiling, and it will hit the Yan Jue Guozun not far away, attacking on both sides. Meaning.

   In the next breath, a tyrannical voice suddenly rang out in the crimson lava country that felt the change of the former:

   "Qing Ke, do you want to abandon all the previous appointments of the deity, risk being attacked by the group, and make no attempt at the deity without authorization?"

The roar of Yan Jue Guozun on the other side has not yet fallen, and the former provoked on the other side directly dropped his own kingdom down by half, and the entire side of the fairy island seems to have fallen directly into the next round of magma. Soaring straight up.

Such as Yan Jue Guozun’s superior terrestrial fairyland’s arrogance makes them unwilling to associate with the mortal ants on the ground, so they stand proudly above the nine heavens in the sky all day long. In other words, once their whole person is taken The Wen Xiu Qi forced into the ground, it is undoubtedly a lifelong humiliation to the Yan Jue Guo Zun.

The strength of the Qianlihong Formation is far beyond the expectations of the inner deity of the Crimson Nation. Therefore, in order to show the vastness of the country like a god, Yan Jue Nation, who has fallen down like Mount Tai, has no reservation at this moment. The earth releases the power of the kingdom that sees itself as sufficient to destroy all things.


A loud and deafening noise came from within the peach blossom tornado, and then within the pink tornado that was grounded by the sky, the sharp and violent flame demon claws suddenly pierced out, and then slammed outwards, instantly smashing the surrounding peach blossom dragons. Roll, tearing a lot of shocking wounds.

   Immediately on top of the flame demon's claws, the destructive power that has condensed into the law of substance, began to burn the hundreds of millions of peach blossoms in the large array, and made a very harsh scream.

   Looking from a distance, an extremely cruel picture appeared above the sky, with ugly red and black flames raging crazily among the pink peach blossoms, burning out the pitiful blossoms without pity.

   "A mortal will always be a mortal. As long as you don't step on the bridge, you will always be an ant. The deity wants to kill you, it just takes a little more effort."

   Amidst the roar that continued to sound from within the crimson kingdom, there was still an extremely cold and tyrannical tyranny, and then on the Yan Jue Guozun within the countless laws of lava, raised his hand and clenched his fist, and blasted a fist below.


After    the roar, the entire circular thousand-mile red array below, a dazzling lava lightning suddenly appeared from the center, tearing the entire array directly from top to bottom.

   The incomparable law of destruction made this dazzling lava lightning completely unstoppable. Accompanied by the dense sound of glass breaking, it drove straight into the large array.

After just a few breaths, the crimson lava snake instantly appeared in front of Tao Palace Master Wen Xiuqi, and through the latter’s dark eyes, one could see that within this lightning bolt was a clenched flame demon. Punch hard.

   This style comes from the heavy punch of Yan Jue Guozun, which contains an overbearing power that is indescribable, completely free from the shackles of space, and is constantly enlarged in the eyes of the purple-robed old man.

In the next instant, a heavy fist tore through the void directly above Wen Xiuqi’s head, like a completely erupting violent volcano, wrapped in infinite molten volcano, and pressed down in a mighty force, while the Dao Palace Lord below contrasted. Down, it is as small as an ant.

   "The broken peach trees around you can't protect you at all, die!"

   The cold and tyrannical word of death resounded in everyone's ears, and then hit hard with a fist, and a thunderous roar spread directly throughout the sky.

   At the same time, the thousands of red peach trees that grew out of the entire Gobi desert were directly uprooted by the shock wave swept by the violent, and shattered every inch.



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