
read2();  One of the most basic elements between heaven and earth is law.

   Therefore, for those who master the power of the law, the law is the most handy tool.

The reason why    Zun Shangjing is named as a land immortal is that he can master the laws, speak the laws freely, and is a **** who walks in the world.

   Most of the time, the supreme superior power, sitting on the supreme kingdom, standing proudly for nine days, the power of the laws between hands overwhelming the world, the creatures who have not yet climbed the bridge cannot even withstand the force of a blow.

   One bridge difference, it's a big difference!

In this way, when the land gods are fighting on weekdays, they usually use the laws of heaven and earth to use this as a blade. However, a very small number of Yan Jue Guozun at this time directly punches their own flame demon. Outside of the country.

   Anger, one after another hit the wall, making this extremely tyrannical Guozun Yan Jue, his heart was raging to the extreme, and he even used methods that would only be used in life and death.

   put it close!

  The power of Yan Jue Guozun’s upper body weight punch, in addition to destroying the world, it is difficult to even use other words to describe it, because this is its extreme confidence in the body of the underground flame demon.

   Under the Fist of Destruction, even if it is Qingzhi Guoqing Ke Zun of the same realm, he must retreat to avoid its sharp edge. This punch is enough to melt the entire surrounding void directly into an underground magma.

   However, under the avenue, there is no such thing as absolute. Even the land gods and the gods will make mistakes in judgment in front of a stronger existence.

The body of Yan Jueguo’s Underground Flame Demon almost dominates the entire Supreme Profound Realm, but it is also limited to today. In the more ancient times, the body of living creatures was not the strongest, only stronger, and in the long and incomparable long river of time, In terms of physical fitness, the ancient giant is definitely second to none.

Within the burly body of the lava, there is the bloodline of the ancient lava giant of Longbo Kingdom flowing against the sky, and in the soul, there is also a forbidden demon who controls all the destruction of the world and takes pleasure in destroying the world. messenger.

   Therefore, Lava Kua's words lingering around everyone's ears at this time are not wrong. Based on the physical fitness and the mastery of the law of lava destruction, Lava Kua is indeed the ancestor of the Underground Flame Demon!

Facing the fist that was blasted from within the crimson realm ahead, the black robe violently danced with lava boasted, directly fisted, stepped, and punched forward, and it was this simple punch that completely distorted the surroundings. The entire space and time.

   Therefore, in the eyes of countless eyes, the scene where the two fists intersect on the Gobi desert has become extremely slow, and every movement of the fists that bang against each other is accompanied by the collapse, destruction and reorganization of countless space bubbles.

"Going up the gods, some people choose to use their bare hands to fight against this Yan Jueguo's subterranean terrestrial gods. The body structure of these underground monsters is completely different from that of the creatures on the surface. Every inch of skin and flesh is made through thousands of tempers. , The mortal fetus of the flesh is blasting, this is simply looking for death.

   A strange cry came from the monks of the sect who had witnessed them, and then the rest of the monks clenched their fists, and the shouts continued:

   "This immortal island creature that suddenly appeared, I can't sense its realm aura at all, maybe it's also a terrestrial **** who can't reach it?"

"Even if he is the Supreme Land Immortal Realm, but with his bare hands and the Yan Jue Guo Zun, he is the one who suffers. After all, this fairy island has been sunk in the Supreme Profound Land for tens of thousands of years. In ignorance, this mysterious person is too big!"

The three words   Too big have just come out of their mouths. In an instant, all the words of the monks of the sect on the edge of the cliff stopped abruptly.

   Because two completely different fists really intersect in one place at this moment, at the same time, all the sounds of all the sect monks’ ears completely disappeared.

   On top of the right fist blasted by the lava, there was suddenly densely intertwined crimson runes, and then the flames of the doomsday began to burn violently.

   With two punches, time stopped for a moment!

The whole world fell into complete silence. These sect monks could clearly see the rapid opening and closing of the mouths of the other people beside them, and they could also see the boundless energy of the violent and vented fists in front of them. Turn the entire ground into the air like a plow.

   But the weird thing is that everyone can't hear any sound. The entire coastline seems to have been displayed a powerful and silent magical power because of the violent confrontation between Yan Jue Guozun and the lava boast.

   Under the silence of all things, the infinite power rages in silence, shattering and flying the whole body of the peripheral monks one after another, and smashing them on the cliff, the breath is wilting, dying.

Compared with the volcanic black-brown heavy fist on Yan Jue Guozun, the fist that lava boasted forward was a big rock at best, and then it was this humble fist of flesh and blood, but it was firm. He fisted against the flame demon, not allowing the latter to move forward the slightest.

   In the next moment, under the lava boasting dense beard, it was not handsome, but on the ugly face, suddenly the corners of his mouth raised, revealing an unruly smile, and the voice rolled out:

   "With this little power, you are simply losing the face of the law of destruction."

Before the words fell, the lava boasted the crimson kingdom floating above the ground. Under the stimulation of the former's words, it was like the same beast completely plunged into a state of madness, trembling crazily, and the whole kingdom began to be violently twisted, and then continued. Fall.

After a breath, the Yan Jue national superior completely let go of his arrogance as a terrestrial fairyland, and directly descended the kingdom on the ground, and at the same time the former stepped on the ground, the already riddled ground suddenly suddenly Turning into an abyss hell, billowing magma gushes out violently.

   Then the crimson kingdom tore again to both sides, another giant Balrog punched out violently. At the same time, everyone could feel the infinite anger contained in this fist.

   "We were born in underground lava, but we can carry destruction in the world. Whenever the avenue needs to reshape order, we are its strongest weapon. My underground flame demons are the incarnation of destruction."

Yan Jue Guozun’s roar was roaring outwards at this time, with boundless tyranny, evil intentions and self-confidence. As one of the four great kingdoms, the underground flame demon of the Yan Jue Kingdom imperial clan naturally has a different race to his own race. General confidence, but then the words that lava boasted continued to sound, but this roar came to an abrupt end.

   "Stop your mother's fart. In ancient times, you underground flame demons were nothing more than the evil species born by the dragons and the underground creatures who were exiled for committing serious crimes."

   The voice fell, and Lava Boasted once again clenched his left fist and blasted forward. In an instant, all the aura of destruction above the entire void was swallowed by the former's fist in an instant, leaving nothing left.

   "Niezhong dare to speak out, get out!"

   Along with the roar of lava boasting that continued to resound through the sky, the fists of this ancient lava giant slammed into the crimson kingdom in front of him.

   In the next instant, a loud sound like a landslide shattered the world, and the crimson country was violently blasted outwards, directly out of the fairy island and smashed into the sea.

   Along the cliffs of Fairy Island, a deep trace suddenly appeared, and the trace extended into the sea, shocking and trembling!


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