
read2();   The night is quiet, and the moon is in the middle of the sky.

The moon above the Shenjing city tonight is looming, because there are often patches of dark clouds floating underneath, covering the moonlight like water, and the freezing cold wind is also whistling from time to time, and only left in the bitter tea courtyard. The pomegranate tree with a few leaves also blew up the remaining leaves that fell on the ground in the yard.

  The tree wants to be quiet, but the wind keeps on.

  The rest of the people all went back to the inner room to rest. There were two figures sitting around the stove in the yard, one beautiful and steady, well-proportioned, one burly and powerful, and bald head.

   Zhao Yu held a wooden stick in his hand, fiddled with the charcoal fire in front of him casually, and said lightly:

   "Broken, in the blink of an eye, we have been in Shenjing for more than a month. What do you think of Shenjing?"

The big bald-headed Liang Po touched his head, his voice still mellow and full of magnetism, and responded: "The city of Shenjing is big, there are many people, and there are many things. It's all good, but I always feel that something is missing. "

   Zhao Yu raised his eyebrows and motioned to Liang Po to continue.

"I just feel that there is a lack of human touch. When we were in Jinzhou, the Master and His Royal Highness taught the little children to learn how to calligraphy. Many villagers would send me some food every three to five. But when we came to Shenjing City, except occasionally in the yard next door Apart from the contacts, I never see an outsider."

   After hearing this, Zhao Yu nodded, a little complicated color appeared on the handsome face, and said:

"I understand what you mean. It's not that the capital city lacks human touch, but that we ourselves have changed. Look at this small courtyard in front of you, there are thousands of people responsible for secretly guarding, and there are also the Fourth Army. The Netherwing Army sits in town, and even the yard next to it can give us food boxes because it was originally one of my defenses. Now, do you understand? The high place is very cold, the superior, can There are no two or three if you speak with it."

   After finishing speaking, both of them looked at the red Xuantian charcoal in front of them, and were silent. The courtyard fell into silence again. After a while, Zhao Yu’s faint voice sounded again:

"Maybe that is my destiny, but I still want to work hard to make some changes, so I cherish the emotions of the world, whether it is love, friendship, hatred, hatred, that is a person who has lived on this road. The evidence below, if there is no emotion, then it is a monster, how can it be counted as alive?"

   Only in front of Liang Po, Zhao Yu would say so much and show such emotions. Perhaps the person in the world who knows Zhao Yu best is Liang Po. He has been with him for more than ten years, living and dying together, sharing honor and disgrace.

Zhao Yu has a vague memory of his previous life, but that is also the life of ordinary people. For him, the pressure brought by the high position and the entire Daxia human race can only be kept in mind and silently bear.

"I don't know these great principles, but I know that I have to do two things in my life. The first is to protect Your Highness, and the second is to cook. I am willing to do both of these things. Your Highness has been very independent since I was a child, so I I think, perhaps for Your Highness, governing the world is as handy as I usually do cooking?"

   "Governing a big country is like cooking small fresh food. In this state, only you will be so confident of me."

   Zhao Yu smiled and patted the broken shoulder on the side, the latter touched his head a little embarrassed.

"Po'er, you and I are the same age. The day after tomorrow is not my crown ceremonial ceremony, including yours. In the few days I was in the small world, I heard that you have also completed your crown hunting. How about? What prey?"

   "This is the long-eared rabbit that your Royal Highness ate yesterday."

   "Haha, I'm all covered in that way."

   Zhao Yu laughed, the red light from the charcoal fire shining on his face, so heroic and dazzling.

   At the wall of the bitter tea house and the adjacent yard, a small head was secretly stretched out. The girl's big eyes looked at the tree in front, and the boy who was smiling so presumptuously felt a little silly for a while.

   It wasn't until a tall bald figure walked into the wall that he reacted, jumped off the stool in a panic, turned around and wanted to escape, listening only to the other half of the wall making a very gentle and pleasant voice.

   "Girl wait a minute, our son invites you, if it is convenient, come to the front yard to gather?"

   Chu Yanyan's outward steps stopped in place for a while, then tears burst into his eyes, tears streaming down his face.

   Maybe she was crying for joy, maybe she was finally about to get a clear answer. Her heart was hesitating, the girl covered her face with her hands, her pretty face was covered with tears, she calmed down for a while before she faintly responded:

   "My son, please wait a moment, I will come back and add some clothes."

   Daxia girl, can be weak in heart, but won't shrink back!

   The moon gradually tilted to the east again. In the second half of the night, there was a knock on the door of Kuchayuan. Liang Po went to open the door, and when he returned, he was followed by a petite figure.

The girl Yanyan didn’t dress up much, she just wore a simple cloak. She stood in front of Zhao Yu happily, her black hair spread backwards like a waterfall, her lips pressed tightly, and her small hands clenched the corner of the cloak, making her look a little nervous. .

   But the teenager sitting in front of him raised his head and smiled at her. The smile was very warm, and he raised his hand to signal her to sit down, and the girl suddenly relaxed.

   "Thank you for taking care of the food box some time ago." Zhao Yu's voice is still calm, but sincere.

   The girl's face was a little red, she shook her head, and a soft voice came out:

   "Neighborhoods should help each other, and you are all young people. Without the care of your elders, life is extremely inconvenient."

   "But I still have to thank you, thank you for my father and me."

   The girl looked at the burning coals in front of her and fell into silence. After a while, she suddenly asked:

   "You are about to move out, are you?"

   Zhao Yu nodded and fiddled with the stove in front of him.

   "Then you are coming back, can I see you again?" The girl plucked up courage and asked two questions.

   Zhao Yu did not answer, and he did not know how to answer.

"When my father said that you are not an ordinary person, I suddenly had a foreboding that there would be such a day, but I didn’t expect to come so fast. I knew that I might never be able to see you again, so there are some things that Say, there may be no chance."

   Yanyan girl raised her head, stared at Zhao Yu's face bravely for the first time, looked at the latter's ebony pupils, and solemnly said:

   "My name is Chu Yanyan. I am very glad to meet you. You make me unforgettable."

   Zhao Yu looked at the young girl with a serious face and bit her lip, then laughed again, and said:

   "My name is Zhao Yu, and I am also very happy to meet you. At noon tomorrow, we will cook a hot pot here. Do you want to come together?"

As time passed, the girl Yanyan returned to her yard, raised her foot and walked to the door of her house, stretched out her hand to push the door and entered, but stood still and looked back at the yard that was still lit not far away. A gust of wind blew, and she muttered with a voice that only she could hear:

   "I like you, don't want you to leave, do you know?"

   I don't know if this sudden gust of wind can bring the girl's whisper to catch up with the young man's back.

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