The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1471: Transcendent Gate


read2();   "These four blazing golden phoenixes are powerful, but the deity cannot feel any power of law in them, how is this possible!"

   After Zhao Yu waved out the four golden phoenixes flying into the air, the void along the cliffs was completely filled with the golden light emitted by the phoenix flames.

As we all know, whether it is in the land of the Great Profound Land or the vast land of Shenzhou, the higher the level of cultivation, the closer the connection with the law of the Dao, and this so-called land fairyland is a top-level overhaul with a complete insight into a law. , So they are much more sensitive to the law than ordinary monks.

   However, at this time, let these land gods overhaul, how to mobilize their spiritual mind to analyze the blazing golden phoenix soaring in the volley above, crying bursts of flames, but they could not detect the slightest aura of the law.

   After this suspicious voice fell, in the country covered with frost and snow on the Supreme State of Xuemei, the piercing and hoarse voice continued to be heard in the faintly floating Frost Overhaul's mouth:

"A few years ago, when the deity confronted this golden phoenix for the first time, he had this doubt. Now it has been thoroughly confirmed that there really are people in this world who can use such a powerful magical power without touching the law. Little emperor, what is it!"

   "No matter what his existence is, I won't wait for another shot at this time. If he is defeated one by one, no one will help."

The cry of exclamation from the Xuemei Countryzun just fell. Not far away, within the country surrounded by gray-black light, an extremely cold voice came out, and then the formidable existence in this swamp world directly raised its hand to face the front. The flame golden phoenix blasted out a violent and unusual supernatural power:

   "Poisonous Ze kill!"

   At the next breath, centered on the gray-black swamp kingdom, the ground under the golden light suddenly sags downwards, directly turning into a huge swamp with black poisonous fog.

   Not just this Gobi ground, even the entire surrounding void and poisonous swamp land began to spread out rapidly, with stench and wailing sweeping outward.

   "In the land of the profound mystery, the law is the foundation. The deity doesn't believe in your tricks to turn the spirits and ghosts. Without the support of the law, everything is a groundless castle in the sky!"

The roar of the nobleman in the swamp realm, with unparalleled self-confidence, and capable of practicing to the mirrored powerhouse, every one of them is rare and top-minded. The most basic point is to treat yourself. The boundless confidence!

   The roar was over, and within the entire poison gas swamp, the terrifying bone claws stretched out violently, and howled and grabbed the Nine Heavens Phoenix above.

   "Divine Phoenix is ​​the sacred beast of heaven and earth, and at the same time he carries his majesty's Huanghuang Emperor's prestige, and the fascinating monsters dare to be presumptuous, it is simply a death!

   Sima Annan, who spoke, stared at the poisonous swamp bone hand under the blazing golden phoenix, his eyes flying with confidence.

  Emperor, Di Ye, the title of King of the World!

   The emperor commands the world, and how can it be restricted by the laws of the districts? The terrestrial fairyland of the Supreme Profound Land may not understand this, but as the taboos of the people of Daxia, it is very clear.

   As the lord of the young Great Summer, Emperor Fuyao Zhao Yu is undoubtedly the absolute ruler of the vast land of China. Therefore, between words and deeds, the vast emperor will follow and oppress the world.

That is the unparalleled power that is not under the confinement of the law, and even surpasses the power of the law. Therefore, in the next breath, feel the violent flames of the golden phoenix with the insidious aura, and let out a cry that shook the heavens and the earth, and the holy flame above the body suddenly Soaring several times.

   Under the endless majesty of the emperor's way, the two blazing golden phoenixes above Zhao Yu's head opened their mouths and sprayed two scorching sun directly below them.

After an instant, the flames burning outside the golden phoenix's body seemed to be directly connected to the ethereal nine-day sun realm, and then two golden glows of flames that pierced the void, converging directly from the sun realm, and impacted down through the golden phoenix's phoenix mouth. , Runs through the whole world.

   Looking from a distance, two scarlet spears of divine flame suddenly appeared between the whole world and the earth, directly piercing the entire swamp below the bone claws, and the ear-piercing sound of sizzling echoed through the sky.

  The emperor is vast, and the sun **** flame is born to be the nemesis of the ghosts, so this poisonous swamp fades quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye, just like a defeated army in a panic.

   "The deity doesn't believe it, your flames can smash the law in my swamp, the gate of transcendence, open!"

  In the gray-black country, the land **** photogenic monk from the depths of Daze in the south of Taixuan Land once again opened his mouth and let out a loud shout.

   And in this shout, there was an unprecedented evil intention, and then Ozawa Zun folded his hands in front of him, shook the front fiercely, and then continued to quickly seal.

Under the control of this deity, the entire Daze in front of him began to violently roll and crack, and then a thicker poisonous gas sprayed out one after another, and at the same time, a strange bone claw protruded from the swamp. , Even directly began to seal, and a loud noise that vibrated the void immediately sounded from the depths of the void.

   "Boom boom!"

   Under the deafening loud noise, a violent tornado rotating rapidly inward appeared directly in the center of this swamp, and behind this storm, a portal shining with purple and black thunder appeared faintly.

   "This is the gate of transcendence. According to legend, this gate was once a treasure at the bottom of the Buddhism. During the ancient Taoist and Buddhism battles, it was directly sealed by the Xianting Sacred Palace to the depths of Yunmeng Daze. I didn't expect it to be so."

After the exclamation of the monks of the sect of the Supreme Profound Land fell, suddenly, the sound of the Buddha came from the gate of the transcendence, followed by a vast force of transcendence, which turned into a billowing suction force and swept outwards. , Dayou draws everything around into the door, and has the potential to die.

   "Superior? The world's great jealousy, if you can overcome all the sufferings in this world, why not exceed yourself [Bequge]!"

  The super suction from inside the front door rolled up the crepe robe on the young emperor's body, and then the solemn color on Zhao Yujunmei's face became thicker and thicker. With a wave of his right hand, Emperor Huang Huang continued to say:

   "The fate of our human race has always come from the heavens, not to mention the so-called Buddhism, let me die!"

As the emperor fell, the blazing golden phoenix above the sky flapped its wings directly, turning into two destructive streamers crossing each other from left to right, and rushed forward, just like the shears of heaven and earth, smashing the entire poisonous swamp at the same time, trying to smash it The gate of Chaodu directly smashed.

   The flame streamer approached the gate of transcendence at an unimaginable speed, and in the next instant, countless frost instantly appeared before the two streamers, forming a huge ice cover.

At the same time, the monk from the Snow Charm Kingdom directly activated the Law of Frost and placed thousands of frost barriers before the blazing flames, and then his right hand formed a seal facing the front. Push.


   On the cliff, an ancient beast roar rolled out from within the icy kingdom, followed by a huge and incomparable frost tail, blasted out of the kingdom, and slammed down at Zhao Yu in front of him.

   "Little emperor, I am not waiting for casual cultivator, but a land **** sitting on the cloud and looking down on all living beings. If you want to smash the door of transcendence, you must first ask the deity whether you can agree!"


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