The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1475: Incredible idea


read2();  Time seems to be back four years ago, the evening of heavy rain.

   The old streets of Gwangju Metropolitan City are not wide. Under the extremely rare rainstorm, the world seems to be upside down.

   The old houses that stood in Tsing Yi Lane, except for the one at the end, are all shattered under the vast and violent momentum of the land fairyland, forming large fragments of debris.

   At the center of the ruined wall, there stands a big ball wrapped in the most precious celestial sand. Inside the ball is Zhao Yu and the law of the land fairyland pointing forward!

   Then the long river of time began to roll forward, the sun and the moon passed by, irresistible, everything began to undergo earth-shaking changes.

The former young man has become the well-deserved master of Daxia, the vast land of China. After tens of thousands of years, Daiyu Xianshan, where Daxia is located, was reborn in Beihai, the land of Taixuan. A **** battle that shook the world and set off a **** storm. , Leaving behind countless souls.

   As Zhao Yu once said, time will change and the surrounding environment will also change, but disputes and killings will always accompany the changes of the world and become the main theme of this world.

   Therefore, even though time has changed, this familiar scene will be staged again!

And this time, Zhao Yu was still Zhao Yu when the place came to the cliff and sea of ​​Daiyu Xianshan, but in front of him, the once finger had already become a more powerful and powerful Frost Punch. .

   In fact, to a certain extent, the full blow of the Land Fairyland Sovereign can not only break free from the shackles of space, but also time will be affected. Therefore, the center of this type of ice explosion magical power will last for tens of thousands of years with infinite murder.

Among Zhao Yu’s ebony black eyes, the dazzling punch on the Xuemei Guozun slowly magnified. At this moment, in the feeling of the young emperor, the former seemed to be the same The fingers completely overlap each other in one place.


  The suffocation in the voice on the Xuemei Guozun is getting stronger and stronger. What a rich experience in fighting the former, what he is doing at this time is very simple, it is completely crushed by the original realm!

   Even if the Xuemei Guozun has never seen a monster like Zhao Yu, he still believes that the young emperor can stab him with a thousand shots, but he only needs to punch Zhao Yu.

   The Swift Spear of the God of War jumping and burning with scarlet flames and blood thunder directly penetrated the chest of the Xuemei Guozun, but at the same time, the latter's hail punch already appeared in front of Zhao Yu.

The violent and surging breath of Frost Law rushed to the handsome face under the crown of the young emperor, and then the four cinnabar patterns on Zhao Yu's eyebrows burned wildly at an unprecedented level, turning into a raceway rhyme, Rush into the sky.

Zhao Yumeixin's four blazing avenue lines are one of the guarantees for the young emperor to use taboo magical powers at this time. It not only provides endless reserves of vitality, but also allows the former to be in the terrestrial fairyland. Keep clear under the impact of

   The power of the superior realm needn't be too much to elaborate. For the creatures under the bridge, whether it is the physical body or the realm, it is suppressed by other dimensions.

But at this time, the young emperor who was still standing proudly and tall, was able to not be weak, to a large extent, was because Zhao Yu, who practiced far away from the land of the Supreme Profound Realm, had already escaped without knowing it. Outside of the entire Taixuan land practice system.

   "Ancient taboo magical powers. Living tree armor!"

   Accompanied by Zhao Yu's calm voice, his slender body suddenly poured out a completely different color besides gold and red, that was green!

   "Life is the breath of life, and it is a completely different force of law. How much does this young emperor have?"

With an unbelievable scream, Zhao Yu’s vast life aura in his body instantly formed a seven-faceted shield with countless runes and even flowers, branches and leaves. It was shrouded in the former's head. Above.

"The deity doesn’t know what changes have taken place on this fairy mountain that has sunk for tens of thousands of years, but we know better than anyone how difficult it is to stand on that bridge. Under the bridge, the ants are ants after all. The deity is broken!"

   The thunderous roar continued from the upper mouth of the Snow Charm like the Frost God of War, and the voice fell, and the ice burst heavy fist swinging down directly hit the first living tree armor.

   Then the two pure and incomparable breaths of frost white and emerald green interweave each other instantly!

In the next instant, this side of the living tree armor, which contained a large amount of life energy, was directly covered with dense frost, and it began to spread rapidly. It did not last long before it was completely frozen into a pile of ice, and shattered outward. crack.


   Accompanied by a loud noise, the living tree armor on the first side suddenly shattered, and the ice burst with heavy punches continued downward, smashing the second, third, and then to the fifth side!

   "Boom boom boom!"

  The loud bangs in succession indicate that the terrestrial gods of the Snow Charm Country's land fairyland master is powerful and powerful with a physical punch. It has completely ignored the taboo defensive magic power of the young emperor, and the momentum is like a broken bamboo.

   At the same time, the Xuemei Guozun looked at Zhao Yu's eyes, which looked like snow amber gems.

   Then two completely different pupils, one black and one white, looked at each other in one place. Neither of them could see any emotion of fear in the eyes of the other party. Some were just the intent to fight forward and the boundless confidence in their own strength.

   There are only two sides of the living tree armor shield. The next is Zhao Yu's head wearing a crown of heaven. Then the murderous flames in the Xuemei Guozun’s upper eyes burned, and the voice rolled down:

   "If you can take the punch of the deity, I would like to call you the new king of the north!"

As soon as the words New King of the Northern Territory came out, the complexions of all the people who heard the words on the entire cliff and the sea suddenly changed, and at this moment, they watched the young man in the dark golden imperial robe flying in their sight. In an instant, he fell into a trance.

   This figure seems to occupy the center of the world, with an unparalleled face, and the most striking is its dark eyes and face that will not easily make waves no matter what the situation is.

The vast land of Shenzhou and Daxia’s trillions of people are pressed on his shoulders, making the young emperor truly a qualified emperor who is not surprised at all. At the same time, he also makes his figure more and more in the eyes of these sect monks in the Supreme Profound Land Tall and stalwart.

   After a breath, an extremely absurd idea suddenly appeared in the minds of the monks in the realm of the profound mystery. This idea was so incredible that these monks subconsciously opened their mouths and muttered:

   "Could it be that this impossibly young emperor was preaching, and his way of preaching is to step on the heads of these six land gods?"


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