
read2();   Beihai Center, beside the Daiyu Xianshan Sea, Zhao Yu and Tian Lunli!

   When that deafening sound, the Tianyin and Diyin, which were full of infinite power, sounded one after another, all the people around who heard the words trembled and shook their souls.

   Even the land gods who stand on the top of the Pyramid of the Supreme Profound Land, they all feel like they are in a fantasy dream, which is unacceptable for a long time.

"This old man has lived for so long. This is the first time someone has seen someone vying with the sky like this. What's even more shocking is that this broken way of heaven in the north will respond. How can this little emperor He De, be able to compare with the Tao? s?"

   A roar and roar lingered back and forth from the sea of ​​consciousness on the surrounding land gods and gods, and then these people looked at Zhao Yu's still upright back, their hearts trembled even more, and a complex emotion emerged directly.

   Fear, admiration, and finally unwillingness!

Everyone knows that the power of the avenue can destroy the heavens and the earth. As the so-called vastness of the sky, even if the Beihai Heavenly Way has long been fragmented, the traces of awakening in advance have unlimited power, and I have to say that this way of heaven is to Zhao Yu's rhetorical question was directed at people's hearts.

Strands of Dao's frost poured out from the Heavenly Dao enchantment, covering the scarlet blood-like spear head of the God of War Swift Spear, and spreading outwards. It is true that for the high heavenly Dao, the lives of ordinary mortals, Not worth mentioning.

"Your Daxia people are no more than a few in a short lifetime, just like dew and squandered by wind and sand. Your so-called life is just a flick of the world for billions of years, and the life of a mayfly is exchanged for the North Sea. For eternity, if you don’t mention that a group of soldiers died on the front line, even if all your human races are dead, why not?"

What's the matter with these three words, after Xuemei Guozun continued to roll out of his mouth, the dim North Sea shore continued to violently thunder, the dark purple thunder dragon tore the void, and the rain of scattered laws poured down, It was like bringing the entire cliff and sea directly into an ancient battlefield of heaven and earth.

In the next breath, the almost full-bodied Tianwei, like an unstoppable torrent, continuously bombarded Zhao Yu's body, followed by the frost on the road above the God of War Fast Spear, and continued along the gun body towards the young emperor’s. The right hand spreads.

The Xuemei Guozun, who was possessed by the will of Heaven, what the two sounds that came out of her mouth, directly responded to the young emperor’s previous call, and then the will of Heaven in the eyes of the former fluctuated more and more, and the voice containing infinite power continued Billowing out:

   "The reason why a mortal is a mortal is that he stands too low and looks too shallow. You can't see the past, the present, or the future.

"The Beihai has been ruined and barren for tens of thousands of years, but these tens of thousands of years are just a few seconds away from the world. Daiyu Xianshan is one of the blessed places in Beihai. At this time, it is born again, how can it be said that there is no cause and effect? ?

   "The recovery of the North Sea is the general trend of the heaven and the earth, and the momentum is unstoppable. Mortal, although you are the emperor of the Daxia human race, you are also a mortal after all. If you quickly retreat, you won't be held accountable for your disrespect to heaven!"

As soon as the will of Heaven continued to sound the edict, the frost on the road above the swift spear of the God of War rushed forward again, and the crackling sound came out, causing the scarlet flames that were originally violently cracked to be directly sealed by ice, one after another. The incomparable rune flickered.

   In a sense, the God of War Swift Spear held by Zhao Yu at this time has become the most intuitive manifestation of the young emperor's struggle with the heavens.

  The way of heaven is ruthless, seeing all beings like ants, and not thinking about life and death, so the will of heaven is like frost, cold and powerful, and vast and endless.

   As for the young emperor holding this swift spear of the God of War, there was blood flowing from under the dark golden robe, and a powerful heart was beating.

   "Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and everything is a dog. Perhaps in your eyes, all beings are equal, even monks with strong cultivation bases are no different from the sacrificed pigs and sheep, but this does not work here!"

Zhao Yu, under the infinite power of the sky, even if the emperor robe swayed, the silver emperor flame burning on his body was swaying, but he still stood steadily in place and held the shot firmly in his hand. The spear that pierced the heavenly barrier.

Although this gun has been mostly frozen by the frost of the avenue, it still plunges into the barrier of the heavenly path. The scarlet war flames on the spear are like weeds. Pressure, but always stubbornly resist and burn.

   Afterwards, Zhao Yu, who leaned forward slightly, continued to open her tight lips, and Emperor Huang Huangyin continued to roll out again:

   "I am not a saint of heaven and earth. In my eyes, living beings are different from living beings. Perhaps in your heavenly eyes, my Daxia people have a short life span, are born weak and unbearable, they can ignore it at will, and ignore their life and death."

   At this point, the young emperor paused for a while, with the same seriousness on his face that was not angry and pretentious, and then the emperor continued to roar forward:

"But in my eyes, they are all living beings with flesh and blood, emotions, fetters, and concerns. They are my people. Since they were born in Daxia, they will be protected by this great country. They Have the right to enjoy life, and sheltering them is my way!"

After   , the increasingly rich silver emperor burst out from Zhao Yu's black eyes like a galaxy universe, and then the young emperor held the God of War Fast Spear, and the red flames began to burn wildly again.

   The raging flames of war rose up, just like the thousands of horses starting to counterattack and charge, and violently crashed into the ice spreading forward.


   The roar of the sky shook the sky, once again under the collision of the extreme majesty of the two worlds, tearing the world apart, and by this time, both sides had shown the strongest will to the entire North Sea world.

   Beihai Tiandao needs to reorganize his broken will and needs to revive the entire Beihai. Therefore, he does not care about the life and death of the creatures on Daiyu Immortal Mountain. This is the most intuitive manifestation of the ruthless Dao.

   But Zhao Yu is different. Zhao Yu has emotions, family, and people. He needs to fight for the inheritance and future of Daxia. This is his way!

   Then, under the roar of the mountain whistling and tsunami, Zhao Yu, who was holding the gun forward in his right hand, held his left fist, raised it high, and Emperor Huang Huang’s voice sounded through the sky:

"When I was enthroned, I made a promise to the world that every citizen of my daxia can control their own destiny, and no need to take a sway, every citizen of my daxia can raise their hands with confidence. Fight against destiny and penetrate the suffering with a smile.

   "I am the lord of Great Xia, let every hot heart and every pair of hot eyes have a destination, and it is my emperor's way!"


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