
read2();   Everyone knows that since the time of the ancient fairy palace, the entire vast expanse of Taixuan land has been revolved by the eight directions of heaven.

   The high heaven above, above all living beings, is like a precision-operated ruthless machine, strictly implementing the vast law of densely intertwined heaven and earth, thus ensuring the normal rotation of the whole heaven and earth.

   Birth, old age, sickness and death, love and hate parting, everything that happens in the world is under the indifferent watchfulness of heaven.

   Heaven is ruthless, and Heaven must be ruthless!

Even if it is the saddest story in the world, in the eyes of Tiandao, it is as ordinary as a leaf falling. Compared with the sky and the earth, the so-called magnificent life of living beings is just that little wave in the long river of time. Elapsed, turned into bubbles.

   But the whole world is too big, there will always be some alternatives that will be different. They can change the general situation of the world, and even overthrow the world, so tens of thousands of years ago, the North Sea war broke the northern heaven.

   Tens of thousands of years ago, behind the scenes, it was the saint who was in charge of all this. At this time, on the immortal mountain that had just been born, another stranger appeared, carrying an infinite power of hundreds of millions of people, fighting against the sky!

   "Once the Dao of Heaven is broken, it will no longer be pure. It will no longer maintain the rotation of the laws of heaven and earth, but will reshape itself as the first point, just like the Beihai Heaven Dao that is gradually awakened by your Majesty."

   By the cliff and the sea, the majestic majesty of the heavens, accompanied by the scarlet thunder of the avenue, completely filled the entire void, and then the voice of Sima Annan continued to sound from the great summer taboo crowd under the milky white light of the altar:

   "As your Majesty said before, this Beihai Heavenly Dao already has a need, so it will have more and more intense emotions. This is actually a blow to Heaven and Earth."

After   's words fell, Sima Annan's silent lava boasted. He straightened his burly body slightly, opened his mouth under his thick beard, and his thick voice went out:

  "When the deity was young, he witnessed the catastrophe that swept the world with his own eyes, and naturally understood that once the world's roads were broken and broken, it would be **** of catastrophe.

"The deity can understand the urgency of the Northern Heavenly Dao to revive the Beihai at this time. After all, the energy of the Heavenly Dao comes from the creatures living on the earth below it. At this time, Beihai is the deadly environment of the road abandoned, and Shen Xiancheng Calculated by a tiny bit of population, even in the next tens of billions of years, the Beihai Tiandao itself will not be able to recover the slightest."

   The sound of lava boasting just fell, and the calm voice of Xu Qing, the windrunner, followed one after another:

   "So on the first level, the North Sea, which has been forgotten by the world, needs a drastic change that attracts and affects the monks in the entire Taixuan Land, and this drastic change is the rebirth of the sunken fairy mountain where we were waiting."

   "In fact, it is not only the Northern Heavenly Dao, but in this Heavenly Profound Land, there are too many people who want such a drastic change in Beihai."

   Sima Annan’s next voice was full of solemnity, and then his piercing black eyes reflected the blood thunder flying in front of him, and the voice of Emperor Wei and Tian Wei banged against each other in the center of the Gobi, the voice continued:

"Since the collapse of the Immortal Palace, this chaotic situation in the Great Profound Land has been going on for too long. For a long time, many people have begun to feel bored, so these people are very happy to see the stagnant Great Profound Land. The upheaval sweeping the whole world.

   "In this way, the world changes, the luck is reorganized, and the cards are shuffled again, and their opportunity will come, and for this opportunity, many people have waited a whole life!"

   The words spoken by Sima Annan, dressed in white, were faintly disdainful. Then his eyes narrowed, his fists clenched, and the young Yinglang's voice came out:

  "This world is extremely complicated, it is not as simple as black and white at all, and the so-called general trend of the world is just the result of a multi-party game, even if it is the Northern Heavenly Way, which is said to be for the recovery of the entire Beihai, it is nothing but another plan.

“Originally, it’s nothing more than tormenting other places with these superior existences, but these people have turned their eyes to the vast land of China and Daxia, and they have not taken the lives and deaths of our people at heart. This is not only His Majesty did not agree, and no one of Daxia's citizens would agree!"

   These three words are not promised, Sima Annan said categorically, and immediately after the Gobi battlefield swept outward by the raging mighty sky, the scarlet heavenly thunder and the silver imperial mighty flame on Zhao Yu's body blasted even more.

Under the intensive and harsh thunder, countless violent breaths of taboo divine powers were released from the hands of the young emperor, continuously blasting towards the Snow Charm Country Sovereign who was descended by the will of heaven and more and more violently. on.

Every type of forbidden magical power that Zhao Yu blasted contains powerful powers that are indescribable. While smashing the void, it also allows the heavenly blood thunder that carries the ultimate power of heavenly punishment to fly around and throw countless numbers on the ground. Gravel, scrape layer after layer.

In the next instant, in the center of the violent battlefield where ordinary people can hardly perceive any situation, a white shadow that is difficult to capture with the naked eye directly tore through the chaotic void and violently raging taboo magical powers, and appeared directly in front of Zhao Yu like a teleport. .

   Then, on the Snow Charm National Lord, whose appearance was almost completely changed, he stretched out the heavy fists intertwined with the dense runes of heaven and blasted directly forward.

   This is the first physical shot of this Beihai Tiandao will come down.

   And with this punch, it hit a whole world!

After an instant, under the heavy fist of the Xuemei Guozun, a huge world appeared directly. Within this world, there was a turbulent and vibrant ocean. At the same time, countless monks practiced and lived on this ocean. In the center of the ocean, five extremely large islands are seen.

   This is the North Sea world tens of thousands of years ago, which had not experienced a war of destruction!

At the same time, Zhao Yu with his feet spread out, the silver imperial prestige and the milky white firework were intertwined, forming a raging flame and burning outwards. Then the young emperor lifted the God of War Spear, which was completely covered by the firework, and blocked it here. Under Beihai's punch, he opened his mouth and let out a roar:

   "The glory of Beihai is gone, even if you are the way of heaven, you have to recognize the reality. This punch is a virtual reality."

  Gun Gundi sound came from the center of the Gobi. Immediately after the North Sea cliff, the ground suddenly jumped fiercely, as if there was a big hand from heaven and earth, pressing the entire Daiyu Mountain into the sea and then bounced upward.

   In the next breath, under the violent and earth-shaking blast, a figure in the Gobi battlefield that has almost become chaotic, was blasted out, tracing a long track on the ground, and then stood firmly on the spot.

   The dark golden imperial robe is flying, and the towering crown symbolizes the most extreme imperial majesty. It is Zhao Yu standing with a gun!


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