The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1486: Safe on earth


read2();   If heaven has a color, it is definitely not scarlet.

  Because scarlet represents tyranny, represents killing, represents death, although heaven is ruthless, it will never be dominated by killing, this is the common sense!

   Therefore, when the third eye of Xuemei Guozun's upper eyebrow opened, the scarlet light that was rich to the limit, rolled forward and rushed out, this **** Daoist eye made everyone's mind tremble.

   After the third ray of Beihai Tiandao's will descended, the avenue of the body of ice on his body has spread to the limit of the Xuemei Guozun, and he can no longer open his mouth to make any sound.

  Because when the body's endurance has reached its limit, even if the Xuemei Guozun speaks any words, it will completely shatter the body.

   However, although the Snow Charm State Lord could not speak, the vast and endless majesty of the Heavenly Dao that swept outward had already revealed his will clearly to everyone around him.

   Tyranny, the ultimate tyranny!

   Beihai Tiandao, who was almost completely awakened by the young emperor from his slumber, directly revealed his supreme majesty after hearing the words of the young emperor, and almost completely turned the entire sky and the earth upside down.

   The universe revolves, chaos ups and downs!

   After a breath, standing proudly on the emptiness of Xuemei Guozun, he lowered his head slightly, the eye of heaven with blood radiating from his eyebrows, and began to stare at the long river in front of him that was like a torrent.

At the same time, the gaze of the former is still extremely cold enough to freeze the entire void. After an instant, it is intertwined by the veins of the heavens, as if putting on a red robe-like Snow Charm, and it continues to lift and exude Scarlet Daomang's right hand slapped forward.

   Road to earth!

   The overturned palm of Beihai Tiandao completely abandoned the previous Beihai clouds and fantasy, leaving only the tyrannical majesty of Tiandao.

   After this palm slapped violently on the long river of earth, it was like a five-finger mountain that ruined the world, pressing against the mountains and rivers from top to bottom.

   In the next moment, the milky-white rolling river directly began to make endless waves. Even under the constant pouring down of the sky, the mountains and rivers in the river began to tremble and crack, and the sky was dark and dark, like the last days.

  "The world is the world after all. The society and the world constructed by tiny creatures is fragile like a handful of sand, blown gently by the wind, and then scattered all around, not to mention the mighty and divine punishment that destroys the world.

   "Even the ancient fairy garden that was almost at the same level as the sky and ruled the world can collapse overnight. How can Xiao Daxia, who was just born in Beihai, the land of the profound mystery, resist?"

On the periphery of the cliff and the sea, an old and emotional voice came from within the golden kingdom that had condensed to its limit, followed by the central Shang Guozun within the golden kingdom. After taking a deep breath, he continued to move forward. Sighed:

"However, it is a rare thing in the world to force a Heavenly Dao to such an extent, even the broken Beihai Heavenly Dao, this very young Lord of Great Xia, whether or not the Ziwei Emperor Star is born, once he can survive it. The catastrophe in front of the heavens will definitely be a ruthless character who devours tigers and wolves in the near future."

After   's words fell, the old veteran of the Central Shangguo stepped up, staring at the source of the long river in the world, standing with a gun, Zhao Yu, who had a handsome face with no anger and prestige, suddenly had an incredible thought in his heart:

   "If this young emperor, who is too young to be too young, really completes this unseen move to punish the sky, what will happen to the recovering Beihai?"

   As soon as this idea came out, the old man from Central Shangguo quickly shook his head, and then a very self-deprecating voice came out:

   "The way of heaven is vast, and even the sky of Beihai is shattered, and the sea of ​​Despair cannot be completely ended. How can a mere human race achieve this level?"

After the words were finished, the brows on the Guozun in the center suddenly wrinkled tightly, because in his line of sight, he slapped his palm forward on the Guozun Xuemei above the long river in the world, entwining the right hand of the vast avenue, suddenly A wound began to crack, and then with this wound as the center, more and more cracks appeared on the body of ice.

"Under the majesty of the Heavenly Dao, the body on the Snow Charm Country Sovereign has reached its limit. It may not be long before this body will completely collapse. If the Northern Heavenly Dao hasn't completely wiped out the young emperor by then , Our land gods and gods will undoubtedly be the next target."

Thinking of this, it is not only the Central Supreme Being, but the rest of the surroundings have observed this abnormal land gods and fairyland seniors, their hearts are equally dreadful, and the vastness of the body rises and shrinks, and they all appear extremely unknown. Premonition.

At the same time, there were more and more cracks on the upper right hand of the Xuemei Guozun, but on the contrary, the majesty of the sky pouring from the inside and outside of his body became more and more vast, and he overturned the palm of his hand toward the long river in front of the world. The outside expands infinitely, almost completely shooting the whole river apart!

   After an instant, a series of powerful and infinite thunder penalties from the heavens began to flash from the hands of the heavens, like a torrential rain, directly falling on the long river of earth transformed by the thoughts of countless Daxia people.


How vast is the power of the God of Punishment, directly evaporating countless mountains and seas, and shaking the entire river at the same time, even making Zhao Yu's tall and straight body tremble slightly, pressing his lips tightly, not letting it. The blood in his mouth spit out.

Then Zhao Yu swallowed the blood in his throat, his feet were firmly nailed to the Gobi desert under his feet, and then the young emperor raised the God of War Xun Spear in his hand, pointing to the front, his voice uttered word by word. Outgoing:

   "The warmth of the world is as difficult to burn as the grass on the liliyuan. This warmth, I will swear to the death with all the people, because one day, the mountains and rivers will be safe and the world will be safe."

   Zhao Yu’s emperor voice is not overbearing and majestic before, nor is it a roar, but a very flat tone to slowly tell an upcoming fact.

   But it is this calmness and calmness that is even more shocking, because it is like Zhao Yuzheng's plain opening, letting the supreme mighty northern heaven pouring in front of him, and he will die generously!

   Your heaven has fallen, the North Sea is under the control of the young emperor, the mountains and rivers will be safe, and the world will be safe.

  As soon as this emperor's voice came out, above the sky by the cliff and the sea, the nine-day phoenix condensed from the thoughts of countless people, also screamed forward, and the cry of trillions of people resounded through the sky:

   "The mountains and rivers are safe, the world is safe!"

   At the same time, above the scarlet war spear that was raised high by Zhao Yu, the original scarlet war flames all turned into milky white fireworks.

   Then the young emperor stepped out, swiping his right arm, and violently threw the spear of the world out in one go.

   "This shot makes the world safe!"


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