If before today, if someone talks about the dignified Beihai Heavenly Way, they will be forced to run out of oil and the lamp will dry up with the sun. No matter who is in the entire Taixuan Land, they will feel that this person must be in a demon, and say some nonsense. .

But once this happened in front of the eyes, the few monks who were still alive by the cliff and the sea suddenly felt an extremely incredible feeling in their hearts.

Not only unexpected, but also reasonable!

A group of incomparably complex gazes gathered from all directions, and then stared at the figure of the young man in the center of the Gobi. This tall and sloppy figure is incredibly old, but its every move is impressive. This kind of natural feeling also makes people subconsciously forget the youth of the former.

As the so-called road is simple, Zhao Yu fought the northern heaven to such a point, from the beginning to the end, he did not use any conspiracy and ingenuity, but was upright, carrying the power of the vast world.

Because of this, it makes everyone feel that all this is logical!

The center of the Gobi by the cliff and the sea may be caused by the violent roar caused by the death of Heaven’s Path. Under the extreme contrast, the brief confrontation between Zhao Yu and Beihai Heavenly Path at this time is exceptionally weird, like everything is silent. , The needle fall can be heard.

After a few breaths, Zhao Yu, with black hair flying in all directions, raised his left hand and straightened the towering crown above his head. A smile suddenly appeared on his face without anger, and Di Yin continued to say:

"Actually, I know that you don’t have too many choices, because you don’t know, and don’t dare to gamble on whether the gun in my hand can blast out a long river in the world, and once the eye of the great road in front of you, I will be stabbed. Broken, you, as the Beihai Heavenly Dao, will wake up again next time. I don't know when."

After the calm and flat emperor's voice fell, Zhao Yu's ebony-like dark eyes, the burning warfare intensified, and at the same time the fiery blood of the Zhao clan in the young emperor's body began to boil violently, hot and powerful. His heart beat fiercely again and again, opening his mouth and continuing to roar forward:

"Come on, come on, Beihai Tiandao, reveal your true body, and make the final fight with me, in order to determine the ownership of the entire northern border around this!


The roar reverberated across the sky, and the jasmine robe on Zhao Yu's body and the thousands of black silks behind him exploded outwards. He violently raised his gun and pointed it straight ahead, and his voice continued to resound through the world:

"The world has changed drastically, and the universe is undecided. In fact, in this general trend, you and I are both dark horses that are not being noticed. If you want to recover again, then I will want the half son of Yitian, or even the half of the sky!"

As soon as this statement came out, the cliffs and seas where the needles could be heard were once again filled with the sound of raging and raging thunder. Under the thunderous roar that could smash the eardrums of ordinary people, the young emperor had a thousand shots in his hand. Above the battered guns in the world, the milky white firework flames blazed once again.

The vast and unparalleled emperor's prestige and the force of the rolling world are rushing forward. This is the young emperor's ultimatum to the Beihai Tiandao in front of him.

The next breath, the Heavenly Dao Blood Eye, floating above the void, rose and shrank to an unprecedented degree, and then the countless intertwined avenues within the blood eye, like the raging waves, ups and downs violently, indicating that it is inside. The contained Beihai Tiandao will roar fiercely.

After an instant, under the eyes of the young emperor full of fierce oppression, this heavenly blood eye began to slowly rise into the sky, rising higher and higher, just like the same blood moon emitting dazzling blood, straight into the nine heavens. on.

In the next breath, endless red glow began to appear from the sky, and instantly filled every inch of the void in the center of the North Sea. Then this vast avenue of red glow began to spread out and radiate at an unprecedented speed, filling the entire area. The endless North Sea.

Avenue Tianwei, thousands of miles in a flash!

After only a few dozen breaths, the entire sky of Beihai, the land of the profound mystery, was covered with strange blood from inside to outside, from thick to light.

At the same time, whether it is a great Xiancheng soldier in Shenxian City on the banks of the North Sea, or the North Sea border, a large number of monks are scattered outside Xiaoyao City, Liusha County guarding the departure of the Saint Snow Lotus, and a large number of monks have stopped and raised their heads. Looking up to the north, he opened his mouth and made a murmur:

"The sky of the northern sky dome is filled with such **** light, even at such a distance, you can even feel such a strong sky pressure. It can be seen that this North Sea center is undergoing earth-shaking changes.

"Change, the more you change, the better, the more chaotic the entire Taixuan place, the more sure the great saint woman and our casual cultivating cause will be. I have already hated the yellow sand around Liusha County, we are going to Occupying the richest land in the Central Plains, the fate of casual repair is also fate!"

This fierce word fell, these ragged casual cultivators looked up at the sky of blood in the north, and the angry flames in their eyes were burning.

Afterwards, in the entire void outside Xiaoyao City, a young Yinglang's voice sounded directly, and it was transmitted to everyone's ears in a blink of an eye:

"The casual cultivators of Xiaoyao City, preaching the order of the Saintess, immediately set off to the south. The primary goal is to seize the first big city at the junction of the Central Plains and the North, Snow City!"

As soon as this statement came out, the casual practitioners under the yellow sands of Xiaoyao City raised their arms and shouted together, rising into the sky with fierce momentum, even with a hint of impressive.

Afterwards, the northern dome of the casual repairers who charged south, the blood ray scattered from Beihai Tiandao to the outside became more and more, and the closer to the center, the whole world seemed to be completely upside down, and the sky had become a wave of blood. The ocean is angry, but the sea below is as calm as the sky.

In the center of the North Sea, the boundless sea of ​​blood hovered and roared, and all the billowing waves of blood converged towards a point on the sky, and then formed a vortex that pierced through the sky and the earth at an extremely fast speed.

Under the vortex, countless gravel and other materials on the entire earth began to be moved towards the sky by an endless suction. For a while, the entire void trembled, and the sky was about to split.

"The true body of Heavenly Dao, this Beihai Heavenly Dao was really forced out of the true body by your Majesty!"

Accompanied by the shouts of Sima Annan and others on the ground, the unseen scene on the sky changed once again, and the scarlet veins like long dragons emerged rapidly in the depths of the void, flowing and intertwined.

Every thread of this great infinite Tao is the embodiment of the infinite law of the North Sea world.

Then, under the eyes of everyone, the avenues of this avenue were carried together from end to end, directly forming a vast **** eye.

These eyes hung from the top of the head, and the vast Tianwei that could not be described in words poured down wave after wave.

"The eyes of the sky have not been opened, this northern heaven still wants to force your Majesty one last time!"

Sima Annan's voice fell, and the chaotic scene above suddenly became clear, and the huge eyes were closed tightly, as if heaven was sleeping.

Once the sky opens his eyes, he will never die!

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