The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1493: Better than you

As Zhao Yu said, the Dao of Heaven in Beihai is sick, and it can also be said that the Dao of Heaven is no longer pure because of the broken.

No one knows what this broken Northern Heavenly Dao has experienced during these tens of thousands of years, but the result is obvious. Not only the eyes of the great road exposed in the world, but also the tyrannical and strange scarlet color, even that completely opened. In the opened eyes of the real world, cracks are also covered.

More importantly, this heavenly real eye unexpectedly showed fear when Zhao Yu stabbed the spear of the world again!

"How can heaven be afraid, how can heaven be afraid?

"This is the high above, the heaven that rules all creatures!"

With a roar of extreme horror, the sea of ​​knowledge from the monks of the Supreme Profound Land who sensed all this was raging and boiling like a volcanic eruption, but this was the case.

When the young emperor pierced the second long river of human life, he was gathering Tianzhu Divine Punishment, setting off a Beihai Tiandao that spanned the entire Beihai whirlpool between heaven and earth, and stopped for a few breaths at this moment.

"Heaven is afraid, you lost this battle, and Da Xia behind us won!"

Accompanied by a loud laugh that resounded through the world, Zhao Yu's long black hair flying backwards exploded violently, and within his body was the infinite emperor billowing upward.

Looking from the rear, every strand of black hair behind the young emperor is like a vast river above the vast land of China, rushing with the unique human power of Daxia.

At the next breath, Zhao Yu put away the news on his face, and continued to reverberate in the center of Beihai:

"The fire in the world will never go out, even if the big gun in the world in my hands, I can't shoot a second shot today, but you, as a **** of heaven, are actually afraid."

As the words fell, everyone's hearts suddenly began to vibrate crazily, condensing all their eyes on the big gun held by the young emperor's right hand.

After an instant, within the big cracked milky white gun, there was a very crisp sound. Although this cracking sound was not loud, it was under the roar of rage. , It is very clear to everyone's ears.


After this fragmentation sounded and fell, every gaze, including the gaze of Beihai Tiandao's will, one piece after another began to fall from the big spear in the world.

Each of these milky white fragments is a corner of the Great Xia Wuqiang River, and when each fragment falls, there will be a uniform roar:

"Your Majesty is invincible, Daxia Glory!"

The will of Daxia's trillions of people at this time has been condensed to one place at an unprecedented level, and the countless mountains and rivers of Daxia are unparalleled, making this gun of the world, even if it is shattered, still show enough time and years to surprise The vast power.

In this battle against Beihai Tiandao, Zhao Yu was not fighting alone!

After the spear of the world shattered, the Gobi battlefield in the center of the North Sea, under the scarlet and violent Tianzhu God's Punishment Storm vortex, directly rained on a milky white world with an extremely warm breath.

The rain of white flames flying in the sky enveloped the whole world, and also enveloped the upright figure of the young emperor, just like the will of a trillion people, continuing to guard the godless king who belongs to them. The top of Daxia Future is above the sky.

At the next breath, Zhao Yu under the rain of white flames nodded slightly, leaning forward, and the young emperor's voice came out:

"Everyone, this battle has been hard."

As soon as the voice fell, the white flames flying all over the sky suddenly began to boil, rotating around Zhao Yu's figure faster and faster, and at the same time, a tsunami-like response from the mountains roared out:

"It's also more than the kindness of the heart, even though he died nine times, he has not regretted it!"

The utterly empty shouts undoubtedly shocked everyone's hearts.

At this time, the cry over the center of the North Sea was the voice of the will of countless people of Daxia in the vast land of Shenzhou behind.

These so-called shackles of space, which the will surpassed, were used as the medium of the first artifact, the mountain and sea map, and accompanied Zhao Yu to fight.

In other words, this shot in the world is also one of the supreme powers of the mountain and sea map!

Then the white flames of the world descending like fallen leaves converged inward, condensing into the appearance of a ten-year-old child like a picture of mountains and seas, and slowly falling beside Zhao Yu, at the same time the childish voice of the child came out:

"Your Majesty, with this shot, I have tried my best."

"Taiping has done a good job and helped me a lot."

Zhao Yu’s response is soft, and only in front of Zhao Yu, the mountain and sea map device is peaceful, will it behave like a child who is not growing up. For a heaven and earth artifact, the peace at this time is indeed Still a child.

Then the young emperor raised his hand, touched Taiping's head, pursed his lips and thought for a while, the emperor's voice was as steady as Pinghu, and then spread out:

"Taiping, if this Northern Heavenly Dao is killed by me today, would you be willing to take its place and protect the northern creatures of the entire Taixuan Land for generations to come?"

When this remark came out, the world was shocked!

Before the Beihai Tiandao above was completely violent, the young emperor’s second words came directly:

"The northern border of the Taixuan Land will become the territory of Daxia in the near future, and it will recover to an unimaginable degree. Therefore, this responsibility is extremely great for Taiping. not easy."

"Taiping is fine, because Taiping has grown up."

There was a bit of firmness in the sound of Shanhaitu's peacefulness, and then he stretched out his right hand and tightly pulled Zhao Yu's sleeves of the emperor's robe, and the tender but steady voice sounded again:

"In fact, Taiping knows that from the first day it was created, there will be such a destiny. Sometimes Taiping does not want to grow up, but there is no way not to grow up."

After the sound of the mountain and sea map Taiping fell, Zhao Yu once again raised his hand to touch the small head of Taiping in front of him, his lips lightened, and the voice continued:

"Everyone is the same, and Taiping is the same. You have to grow up. Growing up means taking on more responsibilities. From being protected by others to protecting others, this is growing up."

"Just like your majesty, standing in front of all the people, do you even fight against the sky?"

"Yes, because since I wear this crown, I will become the day and night of all the people of Daxia on their way!"

The emperor's voice from Zhao Yu's mouth was extremely firm, and then the young emperor slowly turned around and continued to look at the Beihai Tiandao that had fallen into extreme turmoil above, raised his hands, and let out a loud shout that resounded forward:

"In the near future, Daiyuxian Mountain, where the vast land of Shenzhou is located, will not drift freely on the sea like the former Wuxian Mountain, and the entire vast area of ​​the North Sea will become rich and colorful, with countless creatures, and rediscover the past. Glory!"

After speaking, Zhao Yu raised his left hand and pointed to the south, and Emperor Huang Huang continued to roll out:

"I will erect shrines on the shores of the North Sea to accelerate the recovery of the entire Northern Territory. The vitality will return and the land will be rich. Then, we will build up many majestic cities so that our human race will completely dominate the entire Taixuan land. In the north, there is no longer any fear of foreign invasion.

"I will bless all the creatures who have joined the North Sea, so that the entire northern border of the Taixuan Land will become a paradise that everyone in the Central Plains envy, and the people will live and work in peace.

"I will uphold the will of the emperors of the past dynasties of my Daxia, with the will of the nation that is rolling forward, and strive to ensure that the mountains and rivers of the north are intact, and the world is safe in Daxia!"

This magnificent emperor's voice was louder than ever, completely overwhelming the roar from the heaven above, and directly became the only voice between the whole world.

In the end, all these announcements that shook the whole world finally turned into a very firm statement:

"I can do better than you!"

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