The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1512: Stand after breaking

"The vitality is in your eyes, and those with a low level, don't look directly north!"

On the shore of the North Sea in the Taixuan Land, in the center of Shenxian City, and on the Penglai Peak of the Five Immortals Sect, all the disciples of the Five Immortals who gathered together directly heard the trembling voice of the big disciple Ao Bai.

Then a dazzling light swept across, and the five immortal disciples gathered on the mountain gate square mobilized their vitality to protect their eyes, and then cultivated the low ones, lowered their heads, and turned their sights away from the north. Those who are blindly open their eyes, watching everything that is happening in the north.

Because they know that what is happening in the north at this time, maybe they can only see this once in their life!

The white rainbow shines through the sky and the earth, and the scarlet mushroom cloud rolls up, and this scene is completely different in the eyes of people of different realms.

In the middle of the Great Peak of the Wuxianzong, on a wide and flat cliff platform, two old men stand with their hands on their hands.

One was burly, wearing a simple big summer-style armor, and at the same time concealed all his silver hair inside the battle helmet, exuding the power and power like a tiger, while the other was wearing a The old woman in a white robe.

The old woman leaned on a cane, her body was a little rickety, and the long silver hair behind her fell back and dragged it onto the ground, her old eyes widened, and she stared closely at the front.

At the next breath, the figure of a middle-aged general directly appeared on the platform, saluted forward, and said loudly:

"Master Wei Guogong, everything is ready as you have ordered. The seniors of the Fourth Army, holding the sun, Youwing and the Shenwei, have already lined up in front of Shenxian City with the army to resist the impact of the upcoming stars and thunder."

"This altar should be laid down according to the predetermined position. You must know that your majesty recast the order of the entire North Sea by means of strong thunder. The power erupted by those taboos has turned upside down, and it cannot be stopped by manpower alone. ."

Unable to stop these three words, Wei Guoguo Xu Shengcang's face was quite old, and a smile appeared. Then the middle-aged general behind them nodded heavily, and a sonorous response sounded:

"Going back to Wei Guogong, the altars have been placed along the coast, and the ancient stone statue tower in the Five Immortals City below the city can protect the entire big city where we are."

"That's great."

After he finished speaking, Xu Sheng nodded, raised his hand and swayed slightly. The middle-aged generals in the rear saluted and retired. At the same time, the increasingly white light swept from the depths of the North Sea in front. Within the glare, there was something faintly enough to shred everything. Destructive breath.

After that, Sect Master Lan of the Five Immortals leaning on a cane in one hand stretched out his right hand forward, and a muttering voice sounded:

"Master Wei Guogong did not know that Beihai, the land of the great mystery, has not been so open and bright for many years. According to legend, in the age of the ancient Five Immortals, these immortal sages often invited the East Pole on the mountain. The creatures of Yushu Fire House came to discuss the Tao.

"On one occasion, I even invited a clone of Xi and Godmother to come. On that day, the entire Beihai was as it is now, day and night turned upside down, and it was full of white light everywhere, making it difficult to open my eyes."

The silver-haired old woman said this with a sorrow, and at the same time, she also remembered the glory of Beihai. As the last successor of the will of Wuxian Mountain in Beihai, the old woman's eyes were full of complexity.

"The glory of the Five Immortals Mountain in the past will eventually end, or it has already ended, but the future is completely different."

After the old woman's words fell, the voice from Wei Guogong Xu Sheng sounded directly, and then the burly old man, who was almost twice as tall as the person next to him, stared at the giant mushroom cloud rising in the white light in front of him. Continue to spread:

"Sect Master Lan, you also understand a truth. If you don’t break or stand, the North Sea, which has completely become a land of abandonment after this **** battle, if it is not reborn in the destruction and ashes, then there is only one way to wait for this northern land. Abandoned the land of Supreme Profound."

"In fact, Beihai has been abandoned for tens of thousands of years."

The silver-haired old woman sighed again, and she tightly squeezed the right hand of the crutches, indicating that her heart was not at peace, and then Xu Sheng stared at the front of the eyes and narrowed, the smile on her face was even greater, and she said directly. :


The giant peak where Wei Guogong Xu Sheng was located at this time was very far from the sea, so he could see farther. At the end of the eyes of the two old people, a shock wave star ring composed of infinite power could be clearly seen, almost teleporting. The speed swept south.

When the star circle passes, the sky and the sea are completely upside down!

Behind the star ring, all the sea water was directly evaporated into the sky, and the extremely violent sea water mist completely occupied the entire void. At the same time, the screaming sound of the sea after the evaporation of the sea, covering the sky and covering the sun.

"This, this is?"

Sect Master Lan of the Five Immortals then spoke with incredible horror, and then Wei Guogong Xu Sheng subconsciously lifted his foot forward and responded with a smile:

"The recasting of the North Sea order in your Majesty's mouth is not just talking about it. The entire Northern Territory of the Supreme Profound Land will be completely reborn in this earth-shattering fireworks, and then go to meet the true emperor who belongs to the North."

After speaking, Xu Sheng's face became solemn for a moment, and then a faint voice continued to sound in the ears of the old woman beside him:

"Sect Master Lan, now the situation in Beihai is set, so you need to consider some issues yourself. After all, you represent the will of the entire Wuxiancheng tribe.

"Your majesty is kind, and the old man can guarantee that no matter what decision you make, your majesty will agree, but this choice is only one time, I hope you cherish it.

"If you don't know how to choose, you might as well take a look at what happened next and make a decision."

Xu Sheng's words had just fallen, and the star ring from the center of the North Sea instantly impacted outside the Wuxian City. It was extremely violent, and the momentum came first, rolling up the long silver hair behind the old woman directly.

At the same time, the nine altars standing on the banks of the North Sea released a vast blue and white light barrier from the huge body. Together with the ancient stone statue towers in the city, they directly formed a light mask, bringing the huge seaside The city is directly shrouded in it.

In an instant, the shore of the North Sea was swept by the violent star ring of destruction, and all the sea water outside the city was directly lifted into the sky, including the black and brown barren land by the sea, which was also stripped of one layer. There is a layer.

"Sect Master Lan, you might as well take a closer look at this sea and this earth."

The ears of all the people in the city sounded a few shocking roars that were about to pierce the eardrums, and then Xu Sheng's voice entered the ears of the silver-haired old woman.

At the next breath, Sect Master Lan of the Five Immortals looked at the sea and the earth ahead, his face suddenly changed wildly, and his right hand holding a cane trembled directly, and he blurted out:

"These sea water and the ash gas evaporated from the ground, could it be?"

"That's right, what was evaporated and destroyed by the power of taboo was one of the culprits that made Beihai a land of abandoned roads, the sleepless sea water left in the Chaos Sea!"

Accompanied by Xu Sheng's increasingly loud response, everything in front began to gradually and clearly revealed in front of everyone.

I saw that between the sky and the sea that was being reversed, countless billowing gray mists were blasted out by the shock wave evaporation, just like the toxins forced out by a deeply poisonous person.

"Beihai is dyingly ill. Only when he is broken can he be completely reborn!"

After Wei Guogong Xu Sheng roared like a tiger's roar, the extreme light and heat, connected with the power of the forbidden stars, directly strangled the gray mist in the void!

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