Under the sky and the earth, time is one of the most mysterious things. Sometimes tens of thousands of years are as plain as water, and sometimes it is changing rapidly, changing with each passing day, and changing constantly.

Looking back on Zhao Yu's ascension to the throne, it has been a few years, and the changes that have taken place in Daxia in the past few years are more for all the people above the vast land of China than they have experienced in their entire life.

There is no doubt that those taboo young people who followed the young emperor all the way have grown up.

In the past few years, some people have become a father like Zhao Yu, Wang Jing and Lin Xiao, others are about to marry and start a family like Li Yi who is smiling at this time, and others are still alone like the little prince Jiang Yue. .

But it is undeniable that everyone’s mood is completely different from that of the past. If these young people were still fledgling when Zhao Yu ascended the throne, then by this time, they had already carried the entire great country together with Zhao Yu and moved forward. Cyclonus rushed forward.

On the shore of the North Sea, on the branches of a big tree in the dense forest, two young figures stood, watching the direction of Gaoting, whose aura soared at an extremely violent speed, and watched.

Among the two figures, there is a person who is extraordinarily tall and has a dark nightmare robe, while a small puppet floats to his side, flying up and down with spirituality, and then the former pretends to be a dull voice. :

"The little princess lying in the small world of the floating island was taken away by the monarch of Xuemei Kingdom. Do you feel very sad?"

The words of Xi Hongchen had just fallen, and he immediately bit his lips tightly, and then a trace of annoyance appeared in his black eyes, as if to blame himself, why he asked such an unbelievable question.

After that, the girl who was still pretending to be indifferent, squeezed the fist under the nightmare division's robe, and continued to speak:

"If you don't want to answer, just assume I haven't asked."

After this low voice fell, unexpectedly, the figure next to him responded directly:

"Just as the monarch of Xuemei Nation once said, inheritance of Taoism is related to national fortune, and returning to Xuemei Nation is also her destiny. More importantly, after returning, she can survive. Why am I so sad?"

"But after going back and waking up, the little princess may forget you forever."

After Xi Hongchen spoke in response, he turned his head and stared at the fat Qiu Heng's face, which had lost a lot of weight, before speaking again:

"I'm about to be forgotten by my best classmates, and even the next time I meet is an enemy facing each other. Isn't it worth sadness?"

The girl Xihongchen bit the word best with extra weight, and then Qiu Hengji beside her was silent for a few breaths, shook her head, and the voice came out:

"For creatures struggling under the heavens and the earth, nothing is more important than survival, is it?"

After speaking, Qiu Hengji did not wait for the red dust to speak, and then continued to speak:

"Know that in life, meeting is an accident, and parting is the norm!"

After speaking, Qiu Hengji's figure took a step forward, and the figure disappeared directly into the place, then washed the red lips on the beautiful face and tugged, and said in a low voice:

"At a young age, where is such a sensational reason."

The young girl Xihongchen knew that Qiu Hengji had not left, but only her body was hidden.

At the same time, on a clearing not far from the two of them, an extremely tall and straight figure stood motionless in the rain.

This figure also wears the special black robe of the Radiant Army. From a distance, it looks like a flagpole sticking straight above the ground, majestic and heavy. If anyone from the Great Xia Army is here, you will find A person with this posture must be a veteran in the army.

Because only people in the Great Xia Army can stand upright as loose!

The swaying raindrops above the sky fell down, and it became extremely fast and violent because of the power that swept outwards in the high pavilion. The wind and rain blew on the large robe of this figure, and then gathered into raindrops flowing. Down.

At the next breath, the figure raised his hand and took off the hood on his head, revealing a very young face, and it is worth mentioning that a part of this person's handsome face is covered with densely packed faces. The dragon scales glowed with extremely noble golden luster under the rain.

At the same time, within the young man's eyes, one was a black eye dedicated to the human race, and the other was a golden dragon eye with vertical pupils.

He was once the most elite young dark scout outside Daxia Yulong Pass. He was Shanjiang, the most beloved child of the ordinary woman in Shenjing City. Similarly, he was also the last blood of the former Ying clan, Ying Jiang.

But after exhausting thousands of sails, he is now nothing. At this time, he is one of the taboos of Da Xia Xia Huijun, Shanzi!

A lot of rain flowed down Shanzi’s fortitude face, and then the young man who had been born again with the entire Daxia put on the hood behind his back to cover the wind and rain, and a muttering voice came out:

"If I suddenly appeared in front of the knife, he would be extremely surprised, right?"

This young voice just fell. At the center of this large array of dense forests, the wind and clouds suddenly changed, and a vast and extremely infinite aura rose up into the sky in an unprecedented violent posture. At the same time, a silver beam of light directly Throughout the world.

"Boom boom boom!"

The deafening roar resounded across the entire North Sea, and then centered on Gaoting where Zhao Yu was located, the overwhelming momentum turned into a huge tumbling wave, and even the entire land began to be like the sea, up and down. ups and downs.

The vision is shaking the sky, covering the sky!

Everyone on the shore of the North Sea looked up at the north in amazement, feeling the infinite emperor's might in that silver beam of light, and they knelt on one knee subconsciously, their heads hanging down, shouting long live your majesty.

After that, under Shen Xiancheng, the elders of the two elders turned pale in an instant, and tremblingly urged the descendants of Wuxianshan who was packing up in front of them, and quickly accelerated.

At the same time, within the eyes, the fear is getting deeper and deeper, because the majesty of the emperor's way, which is weighed on the body by the thousands of weights, is like a sharp blade hanging high above the head, and it will fall almost in the next instant.

As time passed, the power that soared into the sky became more and more intense. In the end, the entire void world was trembling, and then the young emperor sitting cross-legged in Gaoting began to shoot incomparably dazzling. Thick silver light, and at the same time in addition to the majesty of the vast imperial way, there is unparalleled world power.

In the next instant, Zhao Yu, who closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, suddenly opened his eyes. In his dark eyes, there was a huge world circulating continuously, and at the same time, the synthetic sound belonging to the system sounded directly in his mind.

"Congratulations to the host for winning the northern border of the Taixuan Land, and the ancient ruins system has been upgraded by one level!"

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