The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1534: Thirteenth moon rain

The sun and the moon are circling and cannot be recovered.

The long river of time in the entire Taixuan Land once again flowed forward for 500 days and nights.

During this year and a half, everything in the land of the Supreme Profound Realm had almost completely undergone earth-shaking changes.

Some people died, some races were completely wiped out together with the dust of history, and there were also emerging forces that were reborn and expanded, flourished, and shocked the world.

Among them, the news of the birth of the Great Xia Kingdom in the northern border of the Great Profound Land, like a rolling torrent that swept the entire Great Profound Realm, directly caused infinite waves, even after a full year and a half, it still caused countless Tai Profound’s The race creatures of the earth talked about it, and there were still horror.

This mysterious country and the Great Northern Realm that turned out to be, like a fierce hammer, hit the heart of every creature in the Supreme Profound Land.

It is unbelievable, but I have to accept it!

Taixuan Land, Changming County, the northern part of Central Plains, Changming City.

The city of Changming has been turbulent recently, and undercurrents are surging. Within a few days, a large number of mysterious monks heading north have appeared, directly breaking the peaceful situation in the city, and these monks are wearing loose robes that cover their entire bodies. , Condensed his breath and appearance, there were a lot of them, and they seemed quite mysterious.

The geographical location of Changming County is also quite special in the Central Plains of the Taixuan Land, because it passes through this county to the north and crosses the Central Plains and the northern border as the throat of Broken Leaf City. Zhidi looks at the new northern country Daxia.

As a county city, Changming City is naturally huge and extremely prosperous. At the same time, there are many races living in the city, and most of the county is ruled by Lin Xiaozong, a major sect.

However, it is worth mentioning that Lin Xiaozong sent most of the elites to the north to participate in the so-called battle for opportunity a year and a half ago, but they all perished in Beihai, and none of them returned.

In this way, it undoubtedly directly shakes the dominance of this sect in Changming County. Fortunately, the principals of this sect are also bold, directly tightening the power outside the sect to the core county city. Avoid being overturned completely.

However, although this move saved the city of Changming, it was also taken away by the hostile sect of the ruling power of many cities in the county. At the same time, the whole city was full of rumors, and I was afraid that the nine-day gods who suddenly rose from the north would be threatened. Rolling down with the supreme soldiers.

If Daxia from the North is coming with an army, Changming County, directly behind Broken Leaf City, will undoubtedly bear the brunt. However, for more than a year, the north has been in a dormant state, which has caused the people in Changming County to panic. The mood has eased, and the prosperity of the past has gradually recovered.

At this time in the middle of the night, the boundless darkness that rolled up and down completely enveloped the entire huge Changming City.

The night is silent, but the city is not completely plunged into darkness. Instead, one after another is densely lit from the city, gradually forming a vast sea of ​​lights, shining in the darkness, quite spectacular.

This is the most distinctive and magnificent scene of the Changming City. The city is always bright and the lights in this city are always bright.

In a sense, this is a busy city that never sleeps!

At the Shenji Pavilion in the center of Changming City, more dazzling and dazzling lights shone out from the huge attic, shining under the night sky, and at the same time, a citizen of the city, accompanied by the noise, stepped into the gods Inside the machine pavilion.

As soon as these creatures stepped into the lobby of the Shenji Pavilion, they heard a loud voice, directly resounding in their ears:

"Everyone knows something. A year and a half ago, the Beihai opportunity broke out, and Daiyu Immortal Mountain was born from the bottom of the sea. All sects and countries were all moved by the wind and sent a large number of elites to the north to try to seize the opportunity. , It is not the fish that is slaughtered, but the new overlord of the Northern Territory who kills people!"

The old man's voice fell, everyone raised their eyes and looked at the corner of the Shenji Pavilion lobby, only to see an old man sitting alone and talking, while the old man was surrounded by monks in all directions.

The appearance of the old man is no different from that of ordinary creatures, and the size is also moderate, but above his head, there is a ball that stretches out like a light bulb. Inside the ball, there is light flowing and flashing, which is quite strange.

And if you look around the bustling lobby of the Shenji Pavilion, you will find that creatures like the old man account for the vast majority, and they are the Changming clan that has thrived in Changming County for generations.

The Changming clan lives by eating up, and their temperament is relatively hot on weekdays. Therefore, a young man immediately smashed the wine glass in his hand on the table and yelled:

"Old man, the news of the birth of Daxia in the north has been passed on for more than a year. No one in the room knows. Don't fool us with these old news, otherwise you will give me the fairy coins you handed over. Come back!"

As soon as this statement came out, the rest of the Changming clan around them all agreed, opening their mouths and speaking loudly:

"Yeah, Old Deng, you can't fool me into waiting, otherwise the reputation will fall, and no one will buy this information in the future."

"You guys, don't worry, listen to the old man, I will continue."

The old man named Deng had an extraordinary temperament. He raised his hand and pressed it down, signalling to be quiet around him. Then he continued to speak unhurriedly:

"As you all know, there is an extremely mysterious, but extremely powerful, Supreme Emperor in the North. When he flips his hands, he killed countless countless monks from the Central Plains who went north. In less than half a month, he directly unified the north, which was terrifying.

"At the same time, in order to get rid of the remaining seawater in the Chaos Sea in the North Sea, the Great Northern Emperor directly burned the entire North Sea with his supreme power, and even the Sky Sea was completely replaced."

As soon as the words from the old man's mouth came out, even the people who were not unfamiliar with the news in the entire Shenji Pavilion, after continuing to hear it, were also too shocked and took a breath.

At the next breath, the old man’s lamp continued to sound clearly:

"The North Sea was reborn, the vitality recovered, and then the sea and the sky began to return to their place. The rainstorm containing the vitality of the heavens and the earth began to envelop the entire North Sea. As you can know, how long has this recovery rain been?"

When the question fell, the old man looked around the people in front of him for a week, and directly raised his hand and patted the table in front of him. The meaning was self-evident. Then, after the cultivators in the pavilion looked at each other for a few breaths of silence, one of the cultivators took a piece from his arms. The celestial coin was tossed gently at the table in front.

After the celestial coin traversed an arc, it happened to land on the desk where the old man was. Then the old man raised his hand and swiped the celestial coin directly into the bag. At the same time, a smile appeared on his face and his voice came out:

"This rain, but the resurgent rain in the north, contains extremely strong vitality in every drop of rain. Therefore, the longer it falls, the faster the recovery of Beihai, which was originally a deserted land, will be."

After he finished speaking, the old man paused, raised his hand, spread his five fingers, and a voice followed by words:

"This rain in the north has lasted 13 months!"

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