The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1536: Crescent Caravan

The Changming City at dawn is brightly lit and the sky is full of light.

The Changming clan, who have lived in Changming County for generations, have an ever-bright lantern above their heads. They use light as the source of practice. Whether it is day or night, it is a human-shaped light bulb that glows all the time. It is bright wherever you go.

In the center of Changming City, the lobby of the Shenji Pavilion, as more and more practitioners entered from the outside, it became brighter and brighter. At the same time, most people's attention was covered by the piles of colorful and shiny on the table. Attracted by the fairy coins, an imperceptible desire flashed in his eyes.

In the Taixuan Land, the denomination is determined according to the color and luster of the cents. For example, the colorful cents are ten thousand times more precious than the six colors. At this time, the cents piled on the table have three colors. , It can be seen that its value is very high.

Xianbi's shiny and charming eyes, and then the little Taoist in the corner began to look thinking, lowered his voice and asked:

"Master Guanyun, do you think this old man really knows the exact information about the Great Summer Kingdom in the North, how is this possible?"

"Little boy, you need to look at the problem in a comprehensive way. You don't want to think about where it is. This is the Shenji Pavilion. Have you ever seen someone demolish the platform in the Shenji Pavilion so grandly?"

Under the hood of the figure next to the young Taoist priest, a serious question came out. Then the middle-aged Taoist stretched out the extremely slender fingers of his right hand, gently circling the rim of the cup in front of him, and the voice continued:

"This person has a good cultivation level. It should be a major repair in Linxiaozong of Changming City. As for why he appeared here, it is because a large number of monks have sneaked into this Changming City recently and disturbed the situation.

"Although Lin Xiaozong's strength is decent, it's also a mess, so I want to grasp the new news with hand to send away those uninvited Buddhas in the city, the sooner the better.

"If you don't believe it, keep watching, this person will definitely not tell the news at hand to anyone alone."

The middle-aged Taoist priest Guanyun had just dropped his voice, and the old man who was watching with a lot of eyes in front of him, as expected, shook his head as the former said, a trace of firmness appeared on the old face, and the voice of refusal came out:

"This fellow Taoist, although the cents you provided made the old man very heartwarming, the old man also has the old man’s principles. I once said that the news is always open, and it has always been the case. Therefore, I hope that the Taoist will forgive the sins, or just Let everyone know, or I can only give up with the pain."

As soon as this statement came out, there was a burst of cheers in the entire lobby of the Shenji Pavilion, especially some young Changming young people with strong blood, and shouted:

"Lao Deng is righteous, what kind of cents is this? It's a big deal. We people will raise money for you. Anyway, this crescent caravan will come to our Changming City right away, and we will make a fortune by then. We can't get used to these. foreigner."

As soon as this shout came out, the members of the Changming clan in the lobby naturally echoed, their voices shook the sky, and then the black-robed monk who initially threatened to buy information spit out a cold snort, and his whole body rose up, wanting to be directly A slap on the table in front of him, but was directly stopped by the principal beside him.

"At this time, the situation in the Central Plains of the Great Profound Land is actually extremely interesting. These people who came to the north in the open and secret, actually don't want to reveal their identity."

In the corner of the lobby, the voice belonging to Taoist Guanyun continued to sound, and then he stopped his fingers rotating around the edge of the teacup and said again:

"A year and a half ago, at the same time that the Northern Territory was undergoing earth-shaking changes, the Central Plains of the Supreme Profound Land also experienced drastic changes. The Nantian Gate of the palace, it takes a lifetime to fulfill a dream, to find the holy deity and discuss the Tao."

The words spoken by Master Guanyun had a deep admiration for Fu Tingsheng, and then subconsciously with force with his right hand, he held the teacup in his hand, and his words continued to be heard:

"This battle took place in the depths of the nine days of the Immortal Palace site. No one knows the specifics. However, the thunder and blue air above Tangdu roared for seven or forty-nine days and nights. At the same time, Tang Du officially confronted the sage. In this battle, the old emperor of Central Shangguo prepared for tens of thousands of years, and even sent his nine emperors and younger generations to Beihai first to leave the last fire.

"However, the title of the first person in the world has been so long that the Holy Venerable has been sitting in the world for such a long time. How can he be a generation of idlers? He has secretly reached an agreement with the Chaos Sea Immortal Sect to secretly transfer the elites who were originally stationed in the Chaos Sea back to Taixuan."

"Master, according to your wishes, this action of the Holy Venerable means that if the old emperor of the Central Shangguo didn't do anything, the holy court would act first?"

After the question of the young Taoist priest on the side fell, Master Guanyun thought for a few breaths, and then a strong voice came out:

"This is also where everyone is puzzled, because from the beginning to the end, this saint who has tried to steal the entire world has always acted ghostly, but he can achieve his own goals at the least cost.

"In fact, including the master, they have guessed that he might have secretly supported a prince, trying to stir up the entire Central Shangguo in the near future, and when the old emperor died, the Central Shangguo would be directly in the bag. And his eagerness in acting style is also suspicious."

When the people on Guanyun finished speaking, the little Taoist beside him did not speak, but quietly listened to the words of the former:

"Not to mention the sudden change of the saint’s behavior, the direct consequence of the transfer of the main force of the holy court back to Taixuan is that this Taixuan land is one of the best in the Central Plains, and the strongest collision erupted in tens of thousands of years The scale of this battle is no less than the battle between Long Boguo and Wuxian Mountain in Beihai."

"Master, I heard the rest of the Taoists in Dayan Pass say that this battle between Central Shangguo and the Holy Court is still fighting violently, and there is no sign of ending?"

"That's natural. This battle is still being staged in Tangdu. The huge Tangdu has almost become ruins at this time. Think about it, there is still a fierce battle between Buddhism and my Dayan Pass. Between the holy courts, how could it end so quickly.

"Once this **** battle begins, it will be endless. This is also one of the reasons why so many forces secretly go north, including you and me, so that they can completely chop off the heads of those bald donkeys and bury them in the Western Regions. Shali!"

Master Guanyun said this with a strong and extremely evil aura, then he raised his brows at the same time as the little Taoist priest beside him, and directly looked at the old man of the Changming clan in front of him.

At the next breath, an old voice sounded in the ears of the two people:

"Since your enthusiasm is so high, the old man, I will not hide it anymore. It took me a lot of effort to discover this news."

When the voice fell, the old man of the Changming clan paused, opened his mouth, and dropped a blockbuster directly in the sea of ​​knowledge of everyone in this hall.

"If you want to contact or even enter the North, the only way is through a caravan that has just appeared in the northern part of the Central Plains, Crescent.

"Fortunately, this crescent caravan will come to Changming City tomorrow, so there is not much time left for you to prepare."

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