In the deep jungle under the shadow of Changming County, the short silence after the Crescent Treasure Ship passed was completely broken by a scarlet sword light.

This **** brilliance that smashed everything is the sharp blade of the gods to end evil, and it is also the fangs opened by the devil, which cuts everything in front of him in a moment.

Broken, broken and broken!

The sword that Jiang Yue slashed out seemed extremely abrupt, but it was supposed to be. Then, reflected by the golden red pupils of the girl of the Yushu Fire Palace, the blood crystal sword took the lead to slash on the bell jar released by the mysterious Buddhaland of the Western Regions. .


At the next breath, a huge bell that made the void tremble more than a huge bell, and it came out mightily, and then the entire half of the void centered on the Buddha of the Western Regions was torn apart in an instant, and it was covered with dense **** cracks like tentacles.

At the same time, a voice came from under the golden bell with an old Buddha sound:

"If I heard, King Kong Fumo, town!"

When this word fell, the old Buddha, who forcibly held Jiang Yue's sword, raised his head suddenly, knotted the magic seal with his hands, and pushed forward.

The old monk did not push the seal forward fast, but it gave people an illusion of pushing the whole world. Under Jiang Yue’s sword, this person did not hesitate, and when he came up, he was struggling with life and death with all his strength. Own the strongest supernatural powers.

Angry King Kong!

After an instant, a Buddhist sacred King Kong appeared from the void. The whole body of this King Kong was black and brown, and on the huge naked body, the mysterious golden Sanskrit was outlined.

Although it has only one end, it has six arms outstretched, and its power is violent, and then the glaring King Kong jumps with his legs and rises into the sky. At the same time, the six arms behind him make fists at the same time, facing the blood color that continues to tear down in front. Jian Mang violently slammed down.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Six loud and deafening noises once again resounded between the heavens and the earth. The blood crystal sword that Jiang Yue had cut in his hand was plunged into the air by the glaring King Kong. Then, like a tide of iron and blood, the old monk was not burly. The body of the shock wave spreads outward one after another.

"Monk of the Western Regions, originally Wu Daxia didn't care much about your eastward journey into the Central Plains? But the tree wants to be quiet and the wind keeps going? Since it is self-inflicted, then you can't live."

The voice coming from Jiang Yue's mouth? In addition to the cold and fierceness? There is also an increasingly violent fighting spirit. He has waited for such a hearty battle for too long, too long.

For a battlefield killer who was born to kill? The more fierce the hot blood in his body, the stronger the sword in his hand.

So even if the angry King Kong constantly bombarded the sword in his hand with powerful force? Jiang Yue's sword holding hand was still as steady as a mountain? He didn't move.

In the next second, the materialized scarlet flames began to appear on the body of the young celestial army of the Great Xia, and the red flames burned, forming one after another flying flags, fluttering in the wind.

Every banner behind Jiang Yue? It is a manifestation of the source of the strongest fighting spirit in the entire world and a symbol of his killing exploits.

Every time you kill a person of the same realm or even a higher realm, the banner behind the former will be extra!

Then Jiang Yue took a violent step directly at the old monk in front of him, the banner and flames gushing forward directly, rushing into the blood crystal great sword? Then it turned into incomparable power, and continued to slash violently.

"What kind of bullshit? Is the world good or evil? God or devil? It's you bald donkeys that can be easily identified. Let's see you monk today? Is it the demon of Fu Laozi? Or my war demon? ? Cut off your head."

Jiang Yue's roar engulfed his murderous intent to the extreme, and he rushed forward, and then accompanied by a trumpet that pierced through the world, the gleaming iron and blood simultaneously shot from the inside of Jiang Yue's slender body.

Ancient taboo magical powers. Strong attack!

The horns of the ancient army's strong attack that resounded across the sky contained the supreme edge to break through all obstacles. After that, the blood crystal sword in Jiang Yue's hand pierced directly into the body of the angry King Kong, and continued downward, as if cutting a melon. The food is average, and one arm of the former is cut off.


The Buddha's light flew out, his arms flew out, and a muffled sound rang out from the old monk's mouth. Right after the old monk's left arm under the golden robe, suddenly a huge opening began to open, and a lot of blood began to burst out frantically. .

Then the old monk took several steps backwards, suddenly raised his head, watching Jiang Yue who was still an understatement, and muttered:

"What a sharp law, it can break through the defense of my Buddhism like nothing, why hasn't it appeared in the land of Supreme Profound?"

"Not appearing does not mean there is no, just like my kingdom of Daxia, although it was not born from the land of Taixuan, but somewhere below this world, the great Daxia Mountains and Rivers and Five Sacred Mountains steamed upwards, and the blood passed down. Will never extinguish."

After he finished speaking, Jiang Yue retracted the blood crystal sword in his hand and held it to his chest. The whole body was leaning forward. While the air force tens of times violent exploded outward, the howling continued to roll out:

"If you meet the so-called Buddha Lord after you die, then ask him, what is the crime of burying and setting up trouble if you have a ghost in your heart?"

After the words fell, Jiang Yue's figure instantly disappeared in place. Instead, there was a torrent of warfare sweeping between the heaven and the earth.

In the scarlet torrent, Jiang Yue took the lead with a sword, and behind him were countless ancient heroic warriors charging and roaring densely.

At the same time, the huge scarlet kingdom swept directly from inside and outside Jiang Yue's body, and in a flash, the forest where the old monk was fighting was completely encompassed.

Legion Commander In the kingdom of battlefield, all enemies are lambs on the battlefield!

"This, this is the kingdom, not the rudimentary form of the kingdom. This is impossible. How can you master the power of the kingdom before you have reached the land fairyland, it's impossible!"

The old monk opened his mouth and let out a horrified roar, but before the roar fell, the torrent of fighting spirit came directly in front of the angry King Kong.

In an instant, Jiang Yue swung his sword and cut out tens of thousands of swords instantly, and the whole world changed color!

Jian Xiao ran through the world like a ghost, and the huge six-armed King Kong was instantly divided by five horses, and cut into blood without fancy.

After another breath of time, Jiang Da's robe flew, like a scarlet war demon's figure directly in front of the old monk of the Western Regions Buddhism.

The two are close face to face, only one arm apart!

After that, Jiang Yue held the big sword in his hand and stretched out his left hand to grab the head of the desperate Buddha of the Western Regions in front of him, and the cold voice continued:

"You are the first monk I killed, but definitely not the last!"

When the words fell, the ancient battlefield kingdom suddenly shrank inward, forming a majestic duel platform. Jiang Yue on the stage held a sword and wiped the head of a Buddhist monk in the Western Regions and pulled hard.

With a puff, the head fell, and the deafening cheers of ancient heroes resounded through the world!

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