The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1560: Hit the ground

When the first ray of sunlight in the sky pierced the exceptionally long night of Changming County tonight, the entire world of Changming County suddenly lit up strangely and suddenly.

This glare was fleeting and extremely difficult to detect, but it still made some people frown slightly and turned their heads around.

The next breath, on the deck of the crescent ship, which was still moving forward mightily, was bathed in the rays of dawn, the little Taoist Tingchuan, after a flash of light, took a step forward and subconsciously said:

"Master, the world suddenly lit up very strangely, but conflict broke out again. Could it be that Buddhism?"

"The master felt the extremely strong power of the sun, and within this breath, there is also the extremely concealed and weak Buddhism power. These monks are right."

After speaking, Master Guanyun's face became particularly dignified for an instant, and the cold killing intent came out, and he continued to mutter:

"The Buddhism thief is really nasty. This trip to the north will definitely cut the Buddhism and inherit the Buddha!"

Master Guanyun's words fell, and with a sudden wave of his robes and sleeves, he strode towards the center of the Crescent Treasure Ship. Then the little Taoist Tingchuan quickly followed, and the voice of inquiry came out:

"Master, what shall I do next?"

"Going to the treasurer of the moon, it is the so-called self-inflicted, not to live. Buddhism is trying to trap the new hegemon in the north. With this, it should be possible to bring the new country of Daxia closer to us.

After the words of Master Guanyun lingered in his ears, the little Taoist priest Tingchuan's eyes moved, and an inexplicable thought emerged within it.

This thought is not about the killing intent of Buddhism, nor is it worrying about the changes in the future situation, but has curiosity about the northern summer.

In the final analysis, this young Taoist priest, like the little girl in Yushuhuo Mansion, left the sect for the first time.

As the saying goes? Power sometimes comes from mystery? But at this time, the Northern Territory Daxia, which has already shown its power in just a few words, is more and more affecting [笔趣岛] the heartstrings of countless practitioners in the Taixuan Land .

"This world has finally started to change!"

The young Taoist priest listened to Chuan to recover? After learning the tone of the Taoist Taoist in the Dayan Taoist Temple, he sighed slightly in his mind? And such a pretentious mature appearance, even with a hint of a knowing smile.

At the same time, behind the Crescent Treasure Ship, the true monarch of Fire Mansion Samadhi of Yushu, the huge forest that was set down by Buddhism, as the phantom of the eighth-level pagoda burst outward, it turned into ashes and disappeared completely in a while Between heaven and earth.

This Buddha's light that contains the power of destruction? Appears and disappears quickly and suddenly? It took only a breath, and it disappeared completely. Then Jiang Yue's cold voice sounded again:

"If someone sets up an ambush, the last thing they do is to erase all traces of themselves? You don't understand such a superficial truth, so what do you practice in your daily life?"

Jiang Yue’s words were merciless? Then the girl who was held in her arms raised her head mechanically, looking at the forest in front of her that was completely wiped from the ground. Her body shook suddenly, muttering and repeating:

"Master? Master!"

"There is no life in front of you? There is no such thing as your so-called Master.

Jiang Yue’s response was already very clear? Then the girl shook her head abruptly, broke free of the former’s arm, and continued to rush forward. This time, Jiang Yue did not stop, but let the Jade Shu Fire Palace girl roll around. Climb and rush into the huge pothole ahead.

Under the dim light of dawn, the surface of the pit showed a glass shape that was completely solidified by the extreme temperature. Then the girl’s petite figure rolled down to the bottom of the huge pit and began to look blankly around the empty surroundings. , The tears in the eyes began to surface again.

At the next breath, the girl seemed to have thought of something, she directly raised her hand to wipe away her tears, her hands began to form seals, mobilized the few Eastern Great Sun's power in her body, and let out a low drink:

"The Essence of the Sun, See!"

When the shout fell, the girl's thin body began to burn out strands of golden flames, and then one after another small sun elves flew out of the flames waving their wings.

These day essences are only the size of a palm. After they appeared, they began to follow the will of the Jade Scroll Fire Mansion girl, and began to spread outwards, skipping the entire huge pit, flying back and forth, as if looking for something.

Suddenly, one of the sun elves seemed to have discovered something, and stopped somewhere above the pit, hovering constantly, and let out a low cry.

Then the girl's eyes suddenly lit up, and she used her hands and feet directly to reach the place where the big sun elf was. Without a word, she directly clenched her fists and smashed them down.

In fact, the girl at this time is already in a state of exhaustion, and now she uses the little vitality recovered by the purification potion to summon the sun elves. In this way, it means that the fist that she slams down is more than a Ordinary practitioners are not much stronger.

On the other hand, the glass coating under her body, which was solidified by the incomparable impact power, was so strong that after the girl's fist hit it, except for a muffled noise, she didn't move at all.

However, there was no retreat in the tearful eyes of the Yushu Fire Palace girl, and she continued to smash against the ground below. With every smash, the girl tried her best.

One click, two times, one hundred times, one thousand times!

The girl’s fist had long been bloody, and gradually, this glazed ground began to be covered with dazzling blood. Finally, at a certain point in time, a voice that was not loud, but was unusually harsh, came out from the earth:


As soon as this sound was heard, the girl’s eyes suddenly lit up again, her fist in her hand was even harder, and finally the glazed coating was completely smashed away, and then the girl hurriedly stretched out her hand to rip off the ground, and there was something dug out under the ground, but it was a piece. Very inconspicuous cloth piece.

Obviously, a piece of cloth is not what the girl wants to find, but the disappointment is only a flash.

Then the blood in both hands kept flowing downwards, and even the huge torn open wound was deeply visible in the bones of the Yushu Fire Palace girl. She continued to climb from the ground, step by step to the place where the second big sun elf stayed, and squatted down. , Make a fist, drop down.

"Boom boom!"

With each punch, the blood flew wildly, accompanied by the girl's uncontrollable grunt because of the extreme pain.

After a long time, this second place was smashed with a click, and then the girl used almost completely obscure hands to draw out another piece of cloth from the ground.

It was another piece of cloth that made the girl's heart sink. After that, the former did not hesitate much, propped up and moved to a third place, and began to make a fist and hit the ground.

"Big, sir, please help this young lady, she is really a very good person."

Suddenly, standing on the edge of the pothole with his hand, silently watching Jiang Yue's ear below, a pleading voice sounded.

After the voice fell, the middle-aged Beihai Wild Bird knelt to the ground and kept kowtow, and the voice continued:

"If this young lady is allowed to smash like this again, her blood will flow away!"

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