The bright day stands in the sky.

The dazzling light sprinkled from the nine heavens, illuminating the entire Changming County, which was shaped like a candlestick, just like this candlestick, igniting a blazing light.

The terrain of Changming County is flat, so that even at dawn and evening, almost all places in the county can be completely bathed in sunlight.

From ancient times to the present, the races of Changming County have developed special cultivation methods that can maximize the absorption of the sun and the moon in the ever-bright lamp above their heads for cultivation.

But if someone with a heart observes the entire Changming County, they will find that within the county at this time, there are very few who can really calm down and cultivate.

If you take a bird’s eye view of the entire Changming County from a place high enough in the sky at this time, you can see the huge crescent boat on the straight line connecting the southernmost county city and the northernmost Broken Leaf City. Continue to gallop northward at a very fast speed.

After a whole night of advancing, the position of the Crescent Boat is now very close to the North, and not far from the true north of the Crescent Boat, it is the northernmost city in Changming County.

Linyuan City.

The Yuan that this city faces is nothing else, it is the Great River, Yuanchuan, which spans the entire Northland and divides the Central Plains from the northern border!

"There is a river named Yuan, and I don't know how many miles are there. The river contains the power of ghosts and gods, no birds can fly, no one can jump. Since ancient times, there are countless people who have died because of forcibly crossing this river."

In Linchuan City, in a prosperous restaurant, a young girl with a bright lamp above her head has a small face that is not too delicate, and a serious speech.

Pretending to be old, but after the clear voice fell, the girl raised the gavel in her hand and tapped it gently on the table in front of her. Don't look at the girl's strength, but the gavel suddenly uttered Very loud voice.


After the voice came out, some noisy voices in the whole restaurant suddenly stopped, and then the young girl's voice continued to be heard:

"The people of Changming County know that those who cross the Yuanchuan without permission have only one word, death!"

The dead word that came from the girl's mouth? Directly reduced the atmosphere in the restaurant to the lowest point? Then, a monk who looked like a sect arched his hand to the front, and responded loudly:

"I would like to thank Miss Xia for her advice? Miss Xia said? Before coming to Changming County, I have inquired about the news about Yuanchuan. I didn't expect it to be more dangerous than the rumors."

After the words fell? The monks who were dining and drinking in the restaurant nodded in agreement, and then the girl standing in the center of the second floor looked around in a circle? The voice continued to speak:

"My sect is fortunate? A year ago, Lin Xiaozong seized this Linyuan City, adhering to the principle of peace as the most important thing. I don't want you to die in Yuanchuan because of recklessness, so this lady hereby tells you. "

The voice fell? This is a brave young girl? Raised her hands and clasped her fists, her red lips lightened, and she continued to speak:

"Yuanchuan has a long history. It is said that it was transformed by a heaven-shattering **** in the ancient times. At the same time, no one can understand the strangeness contained in this big river? Even in the fairy palace era, it was also classified as a forbidden land? Ferry without permission."

As soon as the girl's words fell, a monk's complexion changed slightly and hurriedly spoke:

"Then dare to ask Miss Xia? If I want to go to the northern border further north of Yuanchuan, how should I act? If this river cannot be crossed? How can I get to the north?"

At this time, the restaurant where everyone is located? It’s just an ordinary place, not the sacred machine pavilion where high-ranking monks gather. Therefore, the monks in this building are just some medium-low forces, so the collection of information is relatively Occluded.

However, the sect where the girl in the restaurant is located is extremely ambitious, and she wants to make good relations with these powers from afar. As a result, almost every restaurant has personnel sent by this sect to communicate with monks from afar. .

Then in this restaurant, the girl did not show any impatience, and carefully explained:

"You have never been to the North, naturally you don't know. Since ancient times, if you want to go from the Central Plains to the North, there are only two ways in total."

At this point, the girl raised her hand, raised two fingers, and then the voice continued to sound in the restaurant:

"The first is to go out to the sea from the easternmost end of the Central Plains in the Taixuan Land, bypassing the star-falling islands controlled by the Fangwai Island tribe, and then passing through the extremely long and easily disoriented open sea. There is an ocean flowing to the North Sea.

"But this method is almost in the legend, because no one has succeeded in tens of thousands of years."

After finishing her words, the girl's mouth showed a slight smile, and her face also showed a fluttering figure. She raised her hand and pointed to the land under her. An increasingly loud voice came out again:

"The second method is by land. I will call it the Road of Yueyuan, and the starting point of this road is the city below us."

It is true that the girl’s pride at this time is completely understandable, because once Linyuan City was a tasteless existence for the entire Changming County, so Linxiaozong, who previously controlled the entire Changming County, was a year and a half ago , And gave up the city without hesitation.

But no one thought that everything changed too quickly, but after just half a year, the entire world situation had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The rise of the North, the coercive world of the new overlord!

As a result, the importance of Linyuan City, which was the starting point of this path of crossing the abyss, suddenly soared, and it would even become more and more important due to the continuous rise of Daxia.

At the same time, the sect that occupies this city by coincidence is not a fool. He naturally understands that this is a great opportunity, so he desperately wants to defend this increasingly prosperous city.

Then the smiling Zongmen girl in the restaurant picked up the wine glass on the table in front of him, shook it up to the bottom, and continued to pass the voice clearly:

"Everyone, this road across the abyss, although it has been inaccessible for tens of thousands of years, but going forward, in the era when Wuxian Mountain dominates the northern border, it is extremely prosperous.

"This road starts with Linyuan City under our feet. To the north is Dengchuantai, and beyond Dengchuantai, there is Yuanchuan that has been flowing for countless years.

"From the north out of the Yuanchuan, the one that then appears in front of you is the most important point. Every three days, a bridge will rise up from the Yuanchuan platform outside the platform. After this bridge emerges from the Yuanchuan, it can be transformed into a Kangzhuang Avenue. , Go straight to the north!"

The impassioned voice of the sect girl fell, and the small restaurant instantly became silent. The monks in the restaurant frowned and showed a thoughtful look.

These monks who rushed here from the core area of ​​the Central Plains, preparing to go north did not expect that going to the north would be so complicated.

Then a monk thought for a moment and asked:

"What about Broken Yecheng?"

As soon as this question came out, the girl continued to smile slightly, and her voice came out:

"Broken Yecheng?

"This Broken Leaf City is built on Yuanchuan!"

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