The surging river roared endlessly, like countless drums that kept beating, resounding in the ears.

As the saying goes, the heaven and the earth are stalwart, and all beings are like ants. The strangeness under the whole world is far beyond everyone's imagination. Whoever sees this horizontal fence of the north and south of the Yuanchuan must be admired. .

Everyone knows that every few days, the giant blue bridge that rises above the deep river contains earth-shattering secrets, but the world also understands that compared to the great fortune between heaven and earth, oneself is like in the ocean. That insignificant drop, even the heart of inquiry, dare not rise.

"How dare a mortal touch the heart of a god?"

On the edge of the deck of the Crescent Treasure Ship, a faint sound came from the water mist flying, and then accompanied by a strong wind, a more turbulent pale white water mist rushed in, flying the figure of the celestial army robe on the deck. Swallowed, and then spit out again.

It is worth mentioning that at this time, the Crescent Treasure Ship hurriedly rushing over the Yuanchuan Ferry Bridge did not open the barrier to protect the whole body, so the monks on the ship could feel the vastness and violentness of the entire Yuanchuan extremely intuitively.

Jiang Chuan roared, and the water mist rushing towards his face was chilly. After Jiang Yue's cold voice fell, he watched the former girl Yu Liu who was shocked and stunned. When he came back to his senses, a burst of water suddenly appeared in his heart. Very different emotions.

This strange emotion was fleeting, but extremely subtle, and then the girl from the Yushu Fire Palace condensed her mind, stepped forward, and her voice came out:

"In the Yushuhuo Mansion, Xihe God Mother and Jiutian Da Ri are the supreme masters, and indeed no one dares to touch the heart of the gods."

After the voice fell, the girl Yuliu turned her head, staring at Jiang Yue who was on the side, and continued to speak softly:

"Yushu Huofu Yuliu? Thank you Master Jiang for your life-saving grace."

Jiang Yue didn't put on a hood? So his slashed young face and the black eyes peculiar to the human race? All appeared in front of the girl Yuliu.

Unruly, hard-hearted and powerful!

"This is the difference between you and me? You waited to face the heart of the gods, and would worship? I dare not touch it, but I am not."

The word by word continued to be heard from Jiang Yue's mouth? Then he raised his right hand? Pointing to the wall of the bridge with light blue light flowing under the Crescent Ship, he spoke again:

"If the bridge below is a huge blood vessel leading to the heart of the gods, then the only thing I think of? Is to pierce this heart with a sword? My life is conquer. No one can let me except your majesty. Bend your knees."

Jiang Yue's words were neither light nor heavy, but it was like holding a sharp sword? It cut an insurmountable gap directly between him and the girl Yuliu.

I don't know why? The originally determined girl started to tremble slightly? After a long time, she spit out a word gently.


The girl's faint voice just fell? A huge wave crashed from the side? It hit the bridge directly? There was a deafening roar.


The roaring sound lingered around his ears, and the huge impact engulfed the wind and waves and rushed to the deck. The girl Yuliu, who was still empty in her body, shook her figure and was about to fall. Then Jiang Yue stretched out his right hand and pressed the shoulder of the former. Continue to preach:

"I know your purpose. You are going to Daxia to find the captured Shengtian Nantian King Xiliu, but you should know that I will not let you meet, or even let you enter."

Jiang Yue's voice at this time was completely indifferent, and even the temperature of his body dropped rapidly because of this speech. Then the girl Yuliu bit her lip, and the same firm response came out:

"Xiliu is my elder sister and the most respected young generation in the East Pole. The Yushu Fire House will not let it go. In addition, the master is set by the Buddhist monks. If you don’t return in time, the Fire House will continue. Send someone over.

"In other words, if you drove me off the ship at this time, it is obvious that the conflict between Huo Mansion and Da Xia will intensify, and this situation is not what you want, Mr. Jiang, are you right?"

After the girl Yuliu finished speaking, she looked seriously at Jiang Yue, who had the same expression in front of her, and then took a deep breath before speaking again:

"I am not a burden, because you need me, Master Jiang!"

Perhaps it was an illusion that the word need that came out of this mouth was a little bit angry, then Jiang Yue's eyes moved slightly, and after a long silence, he turned away without saying anything.

After a few breaths, a voice came from the mist:

"After Broken Yecheng, in Daxia, follow me closely and don't run around."

This indifferent voice lingered in her ears, and then the girl Yu Liu took a deep breath and shouted at the figure that had completely disappeared in the misty mist:

"It's not me alone, and Uncle Beihai Wild Bird, Broken Yecheng is so wicked, I can't let him stay there alone."

The cry fell, and after a few breaths, there was a familiar response from deep in the void ahead:


From the mouth of the girl Yuliu and Jiang Yue, the same word ah came out, but the meanings were completely different.

Then the girl from Yushuhuo Mansion stared at the empty deck in front of her. After a while, she turned around.

Behind the girl, the golden red hair with fiery red shining radiance spread out in an arc like a sun flower in full bloom above Yuanchuan.

At the same time as the girl from the Fire Palace of Yushu left and returned to the house, at the center of the Crescent Treasure Boat, outside the small courtyard where the exquisite porcelain building was located, the figure of Master Guanyun and the little Taoist Tingchuan slowly walked out.

The two had just stepped out of the small courtyard, and thick water mist enveloped all sides. Then the young Taoist priest heard Chuan’s young questioning voice:

"Master, according to the news that the treasurer Yue said before, this Buddhism has already begun to deal with the people of the Jade Shuhuhuo Mansion, and if he doesn't make a move, it will be earth-shattering, and directly ambush the previously powerful and powerful Samadhi. Lord."

After he finished speaking, the dignified color on Hearing Chuan’s face became thicker and thicker, and then continued with an incredible voice:

"It's not enough to rely on a few people to kill a half-step land fairyland silently, but where are so many people from the Buddhist monks of the Western Regions?

"The fighting outside Dayan Pass is so tragic that even our Dao Sect has no time to let more people go north. This Buddhism sent such a big battle at once, which is not in line with common sense."

"That shows one thing, the Buddhist monks of the Western Regions are hiding their strength!"

As soon as Master Guanyun said this, it was like a thunderstorm, causing the little Taoist Tingchuan's body to tremble suddenly, and he blurted out:

"This is impossible!"

"The master also finds it incredible, but the facts are increasingly pointing to this possibility."

After Master Guanyun finished speaking, he stretched out his right hand, grabbed a head directly, and lifted it up.

This head has no hair and an old face. It is the head of the old monk who was cut off by Jiang Yue!

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