The wind from the north rolled into the cold rock mountain range that ran through the west and east, and then was blocked by the Tongtian mountain range, and rolled back like it hit a copper wall and iron wall.

However, this cold rock mountain range is not completely enclosed, which is interspersed with valleys of various sizes, connecting the north and the south.

The north wind blows across the valley, just like the heavens and the earth playing a flute, making waves of extremely tactile and listening music, lingering in the ears of everyone, which is refreshing and pleasant.

The treasure ship returns north, the wind blows the valley, and the valley inside the crescent treasure ship continues to move forward mightily, and the atmosphere becomes more relaxed [Penquge], and then the gold ingot on the deck. Wish, the delicacies and fine wines stored in the entire ship were all shipped out for free to the monks on board.

"Master, I said before that the wind in the north is cold and icy, but now I look at the wind around me, it's not like that."

On the edge of a deck of the Crescent Treasure Ship, today a little Taoist priest Tingchuan, who was specially dressed in a clean and tidy robes, extended his right hand out of the deck to probe, frowning, and the young voice continued to speak:

"Although the treasure ship is guarded by an enchantment, boy, I stretched my hand out of the enchantment, and I didn't feel how cold it was."

"Because this northern border is completely different."

Beside the little Taoist, the Master of Cloud Watching in the flying robe, after the more and more vicissitudes of voice came out, he turned his gaze to the valleys of the cold rock mountains that were still bare on both sides, his lips lightly opened, and he continued to speak:

"This cold rock mountain range is very interesting. Compared with the mysterious Yuanchuan, it can be regarded as the boundary of the northern border, because the height of its horizontal fence will almost cut off the breath of the northern border and the outside.

"When the northern boundary was prosperous, the cold rock mountain range separated the heavens and the earth and went south, and when the northern boundary declined, it was the so-called fog of Taoism. It is said that when the world was first born, the northern boundary and the central plains were completely different continents. Then the two continental plates collided, and the cold rock mountain range was uplifted."

After the gentle or heavy voice of Master Guanyun fell? His eyes suddenly shrank? He blurted out and said:

"Tingchuan, look ahead? Is it a green plant? It turned out to be a green plant!"

Accompanied by the low call of the middle-aged Taoist monk Guanyun, Tingchuan turned his gaze directly to the front? I saw a touch of green suddenly appearing between the heaven and the earth between the pale white bare valley rocks? And this green body? A small tree, a crooked tree.

This small tree is not big, and the leaves are not pure emerald green, but withered yellow? It looks a little languid? But the impact on these people who came to the North for the first time was beyond imagination.

Once upon a time, the land of the North, which has been shrouded in the mist of Taoism for tens of thousands of years, has always been synonymous with barren and ruin? In the world's impression, the North is even bigger than the land of yellow sand in the Western Regions? desolate.

But now, in the valley of the cold rock mountain range? A touch of greenery appeared unexpectedly, and the meaning behind it? It is self-evident.

"According to legend, a year and a half ago? The new Lord of the Northern Territory helped the Great Emperor? With the supreme mighty power of reversing the universe, he forcibly evaporated the entire Northern Territory sea water, removed the fog of Taoism and stubborn illness, and made the Beihai completely reborn. I thought this was a fabricated story. , I didn't expect it to be true!"

Accompanied by a steady stream of exclamations, Crescent Treasure Ship continued to go north and gradually passed the entire valley of the Cold Rock Mountain Range. More and more greenery began to appear around the valley, followed by the greenery all over the mountains, making more and more greenery. The deck monk continued to exclaim:

"The difference between the north and the south of the Cold Rock Mountain Range is so huge. The north side is full of trees and the south side is barren. This means that the vitality and climate in the north have undergone earth-shaking changes.

"The Cold Rock Mountain Range completely separates the north and the south. Only when the vitality in the north is obviously full of thousands of times will there be such a difference. Once it has recovered, the North Sea has really recovered completely."

The exclamation fell, and in everyone's sight, in addition to a greenery, even colorful colors began to appear.

Flowers of various varieties bloom in the northern valleys on both sides of the treasure ship, swaying from side to side under the sun, exuding charming fragrance and colors.

"A large part of these types of flowers have not appeared in the Central Plains of the Great Profound Land. They should have floated in the wind from the north and took root.

"Maybe it's still a beautiful and inconspicuous girl, raising her hand to the sky and spilling it out. This is a very beautiful picture after thinking about it."

The smiling words of the monk on the boat had just fallen, and at almost the same time, the Crescent Moon Treasure Ship completely entered the depths of the valley, and then a strong weather rain came directly on his face.

This sudden torrent of vitality caused the cultivators of the north who had been in the thin vitality environment by the Yuanchuan for a long time to open their mouths and let out a refreshing whisper, and the pores all over their bodies opened and began to swallow suddenly. And capture the vitality of the world that is floating around in the void.

As the so-called long drought meets the rain, a large amount of heaven and earth vitality is directly absorbed in a short period of time, but compared with the surrounding heaven and earth vitality that is enveloped like wind and rain, this part seems so insignificant.

"Dongtianfudi, such a strong heaven and earth vitality, compared with our precious Dongtianfudi, it is not too much!"

A more horrified voice came from the mouth of a monk on the deck. Immediately after the end of the deep valley, a blue-and-white barrier rose to the sky, and at the same time, a piece of land stood on the ground of the valley outside the barrier. On the huge stone stele, there are several large characters with golden light shining on it.

North Sea World!

The three big characters with iron and silver hooks in the North Sea Realm exudes a power that is hard to look at directly, and if you look closely, they even have a **** iron and blood, as if there are countless soldiers and horses lined up to charge, making the deck many The monk who released his divine sense and explored outwards, subconsciously withdrew a few steps backward, his face was shocked, and his whole body was instantly soaked with cold sweat.

"Building monuments on behalf of the world, dividing the territory, this Northern Great Summer, this Emperor Fuyao, really has the grandeur!"

After the words fell, his face became more and more solemn and Taoist Guanyun, raised his hands, bowed to the boundary monument in front of him, and continued his solemn voice:

"It is an honor to be the first to witness the recovery of the Northern Realm in the land of the Supreme Profound Realm!"

The Taoist Guanyun fell with this shout, and the eight earth-patterned tortoises jumped forward, carrying the crescent treasure ship directly into the light blue barrier in front of them, and passed through.

In the next moment, everyone only felt that they had passed through a soft rain curtain, accompanied by the breeze and vitality, and truly entered the northern land that was completely reborn.

Taking the boundary monument as the line, behind the treasure ship is desolate, and in front of the treasure ship is prosperity!

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