The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1581: Royal Banquet


Beyond the Xiongguan, Long Xiaoyunxiao, the ancient tyrannical power pouring down from the sky, is like an ancient mountain, and it brings an indescribable sense of oppression to the people below.

The three ancient black dragons soaring, almost completely covering the sky, wrapped in a landslide and tsunami-like aura, descended from above and just over the crescent treasure ship, they all turned around, presenting a triangular arrow guard formation, guarding the treasure ship and continuing northward. .

"Master Jiang's status is so extraordinary that he actually let your country use three dragons to greet you. This is really an eye-opener."

On the deck, the Taoist Guanyun Taoist, unmoving the dark color, retracted his gaze from the ancient black dragon soaring above his head, arched his hands, opened his mouth and uttered admiration, then Jiang Yue, who looked as usual, shook his head, and the response came out:

"The Taoist leader's words are not correct, this Guan Nei An Jiangsi is not greeted by me, but the treasurer Yue."

After the voice fell, Jiang Yue raised his head and looked at the ancient sentry tower that became more and more expansive due to the approach in front of him, and his voice continued:

"Compared with the wisdom of the treasurer of the moon, he is just a thug at best. I am not good at planning the world, but let me cut a few people's heads. That's OK."

"Master Jiang is too modest. If you say that you can easily chop off the Buddhist monk's shadow bone monk's strong cultivation base, and you are only a mere thug, then there is no place for the faces of the monks in the world."

The word Buddhism in the words of Taoist Guanyun made Jiang Yue's brows slightly wrinkled. After this Buddhism shot at the people of the Yushu Fire House, it completely disappeared again. Then Jiang Yue restrained the evil spirit in his eyes and continued to slow down. Slowly speak:

"The imperial court will take care of Buddhism matters, but Guanyun Taoist, there is a holy order from the Baidi Palace in the capital city, and your majesty wants to see you, so you will be taken to the Anjiang Division for immigration procedures."

As soon as the word Majesty came out, not only was it the Taoist Guanyun beside Jiang Yue? There was also the little Taoist Tingchuan who had been listening with his ears standing beside him? All their hearts shook violently, and then there was something unspeakable. A feeling of suffocation and oppression blows on your face? I can hardly breathe.

The Great Emperor of the North!

This familiar but unfamiliar name? After being spread and fermented by the people of the Taixuan Land, it has become an awesome and supreme being.

As the so-called name of the person? The shadow of the tree, Zhao Yu at this time? Just a name? Can bring unimaginable suffocation and oppression to the rest of the people, and my heart trembles!

The vast land of China, the great summer, the capital of Shenzhou.

The heavy snow flew, and the whole city of Xue Man? Snow like goose feathers? The entire area of ​​the almost infinite Da Xia City's No. 1 City was completely enveloped in a silver suit.

However, it is worth mentioning that there is no coldness under the snow in the silver-clad capital city. Instead, laughter and laughter are everywhere. On the street, there are lights and colorful lights, and countless people of the city are smiling. Out of the house? Hanging lanterns hanging lanterns, sticking couplets sticking couplets? A festive color.

"Auntie, Xiaonian Ankang!"

The alleys in the city? A group of little children chasing and playing? Snowball fights? After running across the street in groups, they stopped and saluted the elders who came oncoming.

After speaking, the little children smiled and helped the cotton warm hat on their heads, and screamed, and continued to rush towards the nearby square.

At the next breath, the cries of the elders from behind followed one after another and came into the ear:

"Run slowly. Be careful to avoid the shuttle bus when crossing the street, and then go home for dinner in time. If you come back at dark again like last time, your mother will beat you up again. Auntie, I will never protect you again. The kid does it for himself."

This word came out, perhaps it was about a certain little baby’s pain, after a long time, a reluctant voice came back from the corner:

"I know, auntie!"

"This little bunny, naughty is a little bit naughty, but it is said that he is ranked among the best in the summer school. If you keep your current grades, the gentleman in the school said that he will have the opportunity to pass the selection of higher education institutions in the future, or be selected by the army. ."

The child’s aunt said this with sheer pride, and as soon as she said this, the women around her all opened their red lips, and then sounded with envy:

"This institution of higher learning is said to be set up directly by your majesty. Its location is within the White Emperor's Palace. Everyone who can enter this institution is a dragon and phoenix. There will be limitless achievements in the future. If your little baby can really enter in the future This mansion, then all of us are stained."

"This kid is only a few years old, and it is still very early. In the days to come, no one will say that it is not good. We only hope that he can keep his heart and not be complacent."

The aunt's response sounded inferior and not awkward, and people who had gone through the drastic changes in the Great Xia Xin era, whether they saw or their mentality, were unknowingly, and they were much better than before.

After all, even the Beihai Heavenly Dao and the sleepless gods have been cut off, how can they stick to the small things in the dust?

After the middle-aged woman's voice fell, the people around nodded in agreement, and then some people thought for a while, raised their hands and swept the snowflakes on their heads, and continued to turn their heads and asked the other person next to them:

"By the way, Chan Juan, it's a young year now. The husband of your family who works in Jiaozhou should come back too. The old lady asked me to ask. This New Year's Eve dinner requires a family reunion. "

"It's coming soon. I would return a few days ago. However, the climate in Jiaozhou by the North Sea is different from that of our vast land in China in the summer. It is much warmer there. This period of time happened to be the stage of good food harvest. It was delayed."

It was a lovely young woman who spoke. After she finished speaking, the corners of her mouth raised, revealing a gentle smile, and her soft voice continued to speak:

"Every new year, the court will give some subsidies to officials who are sent abroad, and I will give you some paid rice.

"Thank you so much. The price of Jiaozhou rice in Shenjing City is several times more expensive than ordinary rice. Not only that, but there is even no market. I heard other people say that this rice has a soft texture and is very different, and Rich in vitality, I wanted to taste it a long time ago."

A hearty laugh came from the women on the side, and then one of them seemed to think of something, touched his chin, and made a question:

"By the way, Chanjuan, every year the saint will host a banquet for hundreds of officials at the Mingde Hall of the White Emperor Palace. This year seems to be just recently. I don’t know if your family is blessed. If you are invited, wouldn’t it be even You can also go and meet our majesty who is incomparable?"

As soon as he said this, the light in the eyes of all the women around them suddenly brightened, and the hot temperature in their eyes was even countless times higher than that of Jiaozhou rice before.

Although Daxia needs new heroes, the young emperor will always be the absolute belief in the hearts of all the people!

Then the young woman who was booed up with a gentle smile smiled embarrassedly and responded:

"My elder sisters are really shameful to me. My grandparents are only eight-rank officials of the household department, with thousands of high-ranks. How can they be invited."

Before the young woman's voice fell, a rush of horseshoes came from under the heavy snow, and all the women's complexions changed slightly, and they showed doubts.

At the next breath, a line of forbidden troops wearing black armor tore apart snowflakes and appeared in front of the crowd. In an instant, from movement to silence, a gust of wind was stirred up, and the snowflakes rolled even more.

Then one of the guards dismounted, took out an invitation card of the golden phoenix soaring from the cloth bag behind his back, held his hands solemnly in front of the Wen Wan young woman, and his loud voice rolled out:

"According to the order of Empress Daxia, a hundred officials and their families are invited to participate in a private royal banquet in the Mingde Hall of the Imperial Palace. Eight-level officials from outside the household are also invited. Please take the letter from your wife, and be sure to attend. "

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