The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1605: Fortunately even

As the saying goes, there is the sky outside the sky and the earth underground, but there are very few forces that can really make full use of these spaces in the Taixuan Land.

From the perspective of the Taixuan race, the vast sky above the nine heavens belongs to the Tianyun Temple in Fufeng County and countless flying races, while the underground races are led by the Yanjue Supreme Kingdom.

In this way, many races want to extend their power upwards and downwards, but they also have to consider the influence of these two invisible powers. Therefore, for all these years, apart from the construction of the palace and the palace, most of them The Taixuan forces strive to develop and grow above the ground.

"Today our China is vast and summer. Except for the two states of Jiao and Hai on the banks of the North Sea, the other 36 states are fairy islands floating on the North Sea. Therefore, our transportation department does not need to consider other factors. All kinds of wild ideas are emerging in endlessly."

Outside the Taiping Ruins, inside the staircase leading to the ground, the voice from Lao Fan continued to sound, and the communication between the two had crossed nearly two-thirds of the passage, and then the voice of inquiry from the young man behind came out :

"Uncle Fan, these fanciful ideas are definitely not easy to implement."

"That's natural. Whether it's our Shenjing or the other big cities in Daxia, because the construction is relatively old, the width of the street and the endurance of the ground do not meet the design requirements, so it almost blocks what can be done on the ground. died.

"After all, it is impossible to flatten the entire building inside Shenjing City in one go. So, as you said, the final point is to put it in the sky and the ground."

In the voice that Lao Fan spoke in response, although it was still vigorous, there was a proud color that could not be hidden. It is true that today's Department of Transportation belongs to an obscure, but an extremely important cornerstone role.

No matter what era it is, people's livelihood will always be the top priority for the prosperity of the country!

"First of all, people like us set our sights on the sky. After all, the entire area of ​​the Supreme Profound Realm is even larger, and the way these creatures travel is based on an extremely important force, Tianyun Temple!"

As the person in charge of such an important place in the Taiping Ruins of the Department of Transportation, Lao Fan's status within the Siya is naturally not low, and he has more understanding of the Taixuan Land outside than the others.

After the voice fell, he continued to stretch out his hand to take out his identity jade disc, and lightly swept it toward the front. Another barrier above and below the horizontal bar slowly emerged and opened outward.

Then Lao Fan continued to move forward. By this time, the two had completely walked down the stairs and came to the underground platform. Then the middle-aged man's voice continued to sound:

"The Heavenly Cloud Palace is composed of countless flying races distributed throughout the Taixuan Land. They use the rest of the creatures as a means of making a living and jointly build the most basic transportation network on the Taixuan Land.

"So we see if we can learn from this method and implement it in Daxia, but found that this method is not realistic."

At this point, Lao Fan shook his head, put away the identity jade disc in his hand, and then fumbled for it in front of a wall, before speaking again:

"First, the main body of our Daxia is the human race, and there are no other flying races. If we rashly introduce foreign races from outside, the uneven maintenance will impact the foundation of the current country, which is definitely not desirable.

"For the second point, I have discussed the idea of ​​flying puppets with the craftsmen of the Ministry of Industry, and the answer is that although it is feasible, there are some flaws that cannot be ignored.

"Because each flying puppet is not only extremely precious, but the take-off and landing steps are cumbersome, and the number of people it can carry is very small. In other words, if you take a flying puppet for short distances within the city, you will lose more than the gains, and there will be The teleportation formation is so tasteless."

Lao Fan's vigorous voice fell, and his groping movements stopped abruptly, and then he raised his hand and patted the wall in front of him.

At the next breath, a violent roar suddenly sounded from the front, and this time, what slowly opened outward was no longer the previous enchantment, but a thick city gate entirely composed of stone walls.

"After the plan above the sky is denied, there is only one thing left, that is, the underground where we are at this time, and its inspiration comes from the Bafeng Pass which is countless miles away."

After Lao Fan finished speaking, he suddenly raised his head and stared at the Shimen that opened to the sides. The fanaticism in his eyes became stronger and stronger, and his voice continued to be heard:

"Under the Bafeng Pass, the craftsmen dug countless underground rivers to transport the creatures entering the pass, as well as our frontier warriors and luggage. According to the current feedback from the soldiers of the Bafeng Pass, the underground waterways are used to transport equipment when fighting. The efficiency can be increased ten times!"

"Uncle Fan, could it be that the underground of our God Capital City also followed the example of the Borderland Bafeng Pass and dug countless underground rivers?"

"How is it possible, boy, the most important point of this is that Bafengguan is located on the banks of the North Sea, with endless sea water, and our Shenjing City is located in the northwestern hinterland of the vast land of Shenzhou. The rivers of the three rivers and six banks can be filled with dissatisfaction. Shenjing City is such a big underground.

"And on the other hand, the Bafeng Pass was built in these years. It can be said to be the pinnacle of our entire Daxia, but the capital city is not the case. The history is long and ancient, and the water flow is even more difficult to control."

After Lao Fan came out with a little joking voice, he took the lead to step into the Shimen, and the louder voice continued to be heard, resounding throughout the entire ground:

"Although there is no way to build a waterway under the Shenjing City, we used another more ingenious method, which is the track!"

When the voice fell, Lao Fan stopped directly. At the same time, all the lights under the ground were on at this moment, and all the scenes inside were displayed before the two.

"This this!"

After an instant, the pupils of the young man behind Lao Fan shrank severely, a murmur spread out, and he stepped forward subconsciously.

Shown beside this young man is a long puppet dragon composed entirely of countless machines!

The whole body of the long dragon presents an amazingly shining silver, and the whole body is composed of sections and sections of square carriages, connected end to end, like a millipede magnified countless times.

The light from the entire underground tunnel shines on this long dragon, vividly highlighting the indescribable breath that belongs to the puppet machine.

This is a kind of power that is completely different from that of monks, full of icy strictness!

"Uncle Fan, kid me, I really can’t describe this big guy in words with words. Every part of it is so precise and ingenious. It’s hard to imagine that such a huge puppet is actually owned by our Ministry of Industry. Craftsmen, piece by piece!"

"Yes, although I didn't personally participate in the construction of this big guy, I still feel extremely proud."

After speaking, Lao Fan stepped forward and stretched out his hand to gently stroke the silver outer wall of the long dragon in front of him, as if he was stroking the most precious thing in the world, and continued to murmur:

"I believe that within a few days, the name of this big guy will be completely spread throughout the vast land of China, and you and me, as the first person to control this big guy, fortunately even!"

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