The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1611: Break the wind

The center of Shenjing City, Taiping Ruins.

As the first stop for the citizens of the 38th prefecture of Daxia to transfer to the Shenjing City, one of the landmark buildings of the imperial capital, Taiping Ruins, where the top shops of Daxia gather, is undoubtedly lively.

At the time when the entire land of China was in the New Year's Pass, the people of Daxia who had been busy for more than half a year dragged their homes, brought relatives and friends, and sent them to Shenjing City to appreciate the infinite scenery belonging to the Daxia Emperor.

In the Taiping Ruins, the power of blood and blood radiating from the inside and outside of countless people's bodies, together with the noisy words, lifted the snowflakes that fell from the sky upwards. If you take a bird's eye view of the sky, it will be full of moving heads.

Suddenly, a very weak buzzing vibration sounded suddenly in everyone's ears, and there was a slight tremor in the ground under the feet.

But such a faint anomaly, except for the individual great monks with strong cultivation bases, they were once again concealed in the infinite noise.

The people who visit and relax in the Taiping Ruins do not yet know that under their feet, a silver dragon that crosses the age is about to take off.


In the depths of the earth, endless light blue heaven and earth vitality, from the entire underground in all directions, poured into the long silver body of the puppet like a tide, and even because it was too violent, it produced a giant like a wave hitting the shore. ring.

"The puppet car gathers the spirit formation, absorbs eighty-three percent of the vitality of the world, and opens up to absorb seventy breaths to fill it!"

Outside the puppet car, after the vigorous voice of the master craftsman from the Ministry of Industry fell, a large number of officials who withdrew outside the puppet car cheered one after another, and then some people familiar with the old fan, slightly excited words came from their mouths :

"Well, you old fan, you can turn the energy of the spirit gathering formation into a puppet car to achieve 83% energy utilization. Is this guy opening his mind and possessing an unparalleled talent for cultivation?"

In the land of Supreme Profound, whether it is a monk who is absorbing the vitality of the heavens and the earth for cultivation, or the puppet car that is swallowing vitality at this time, the vitality absorbed by it must undergo its own transformation.

On the other hand, the level of conversion efficiency directly reflects the strength of talent.

People with unusual talents can use all the vitality they breathe into their bodies, while those with poor talents can't breathe vitality. The difference between the two is obvious.

At this time, the puppet car in front of the officials is more complicated. In other words, the puppet car is like a body without soul and consciousness, and the driver responsible for controlling it is its brain.

The utilization rate of the puppet car's vitality of heaven and earth directly depends on the natural ability of the rider. This is also one of the reasons why the people under the Taiping Ruins are amazed at this time.

"It’s much harder for this puppet car to capture the vitality of the heavens and the earth than the monks directly absorb vitality for cultivation. There is also the loss of the puppet’s body design after deduction, so this guy, Lao Fan, has done it. How perfect!"

As soon as this statement was made, the exclamation on the faces of the officials around him became even more intense. Then, under the condensing of a pair of eyes, the wave of vitality flowing outside the puppet car almost completely condensed into substance in the following ten breaths. , Like a rolling wave, spread out along the long puppet.

At the same time, the old Fan in the control room was also surrounded by countless blue and white bands of vitality. At the moment when he established contact with the entire puppet car, the general secretary of the Department of Transportation was conscious of it. Began to quickly extend outward.

In Lao Fan’s induction, the entire puppet car directly became his siblings. The two were not distinguished from each other. He could even clearly perceive the numerous puppet parts combined in one place in this huge puppet car. The gears and countless mysterious array runes have become their own blood and flesh.

With the heart of ordinary people, palm the body of machinery!

This is undoubtedly a mysterious and mysterious feeling, and then the old Fan, who was in a trance, returned to his senses, his eyes shrank fiercely, and he let out a loud shout:


At the next breath, Lao Fan began to mobilize the entire formation of the puppet. No one had ever taught him how to do it, but it was like a master without a teacher, controlling the entire formation of the puppet and began to condense the vitality of the whole world.

In an instant, the appearance of the entire Taiping Ruins under the ground changed drastically. The blue and white light bands that originally hovered around the puppet car disappeared without a trace, and then displayed in front of all the officials. It was a spectacular picture. Scene.

On the puppet car like a silver dragon, after the vitality cloud and mist dissipated, one after another blue light banded runes, outlined dense patterns, wrapped on the surface of the puppet car, just like growing out of the body of the dragon Scale armor.

Each piece of the puppet car's scales contained the infinite energy condensed by the spirit gathering array, and at the same time wave after wave of vitality spread outward, blowing back the robes of the surrounding officials and hunting.

"Okay, okay!"

These officials commented that in the eyes in front of them, there was more and more intense excitement, because they knew that once the ashamed car completed the solidification of the heavens and the earth, it would mean that the trial voyage was half.

At the next breath, on the side of the car, the master craftsman in charge of the command opened his mouth again and let out a loud roar:

"Good job, Lao Fan, let's control the vitality input power formation, and officially start the ashamed car!"

After the initial tension, Lao Fan, who was holding the control platform with both hands, became more confident and made a response:


For Lao Fan, at this time, he was in a perfect state of being completely integrated with the ashamed car, and he could even control the numerous formation pores in the puppet car.

Then he placed his mind on the scale-like rune on the surface of the puppet, and began to mobilize the substantial vitality that was flowing in it, and simultaneously injected these vitality into the power formation at the point of the puppet.


There was another louder trembling of the void, but the difference was that the sound that rang not from the puppet itself, but from the surrounding void, from the wind, the violent hurricane!

At the bottom of the Taiping Ruins, the air flow was limited and there was no strong wind, but at this time, in the puppet car in front of the officials, there was a sudden violent wind, and the billowing wind suddenly rose on the ground, turning into a noisy roar, resounding through the ears.

"Wind blows!"

The master of the Ministry of Industry continued to let out an increasingly excited roar, and then all the craftsmen's eyes burned with raging flames, and ignored the violent wind in front of them, stepping forward.

After an instant, under the influence of a force in the dark, all the craftsmen exhausted their full strength at the same time and let out a roar:

"Break the wind, the puppet will move!"

After speaking, Lao Fan directly opened the breaking wind array. After a loud bang, all the wind began to rush backwards. At the same time, the silver dragon puppet started to move forward and took the first step.

Under the ground of Shenjing City, a silver lightning pierced the void, and the speed was getting faster and faster, and it disappeared completely in the blink of an eye.

"Roar, succeeded, succeeded, we succeeded!"

At the bottom of the Taiping Ruins, countless craftsmen hugged each other and wept with joy. At this moment, they once again made history!

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