Dao tools, as the name suggests, are tools for ascetics.

The reason why creatures are distinguished from beasts is that they can use tools. In the same way, practitioners communicate with the world, and supplemented by Taoism, they can display the power that can move mountains and fill the sea.

Whether it’s the Northern Territory where Daxia is at this time, or the Central Plains of the Great Profound Land, after experiencing a war that can be described as destroying the world tens of thousands of years ago, the Dao tools on the entire boundless continent have experienced a round of extreme The tragic burst of frenzy.

Pieces of the supreme artifacts that dominated the entire age, fragmented and fragmented, disappeared.

Divine artifacts are still like this, not to mention the Dao artifacts used by ordinary monks, which are a large number of halberds and shattered, annihilated under the torrent of history, and survived to today, less than 30%.

Things are rare and precious, so in the chaotic Taixuan land, Dao artifacts are always the focus of competition between the forces, and they are also part of the heaven and the earth.

Dao Qi accounted for a large part of the wealth of these four major elements of cultivation.

As we all know, Daiyu Immortal Mountain sank under the North Sea tens of thousands of years ago, but before the birth of Zhao Yuhengkong, the martial arts of the vast land of Shenzhou were not prosperous, and the powerful Dao tools were even rarer. less.

"Brother Wang, you should know that in our northern realm dominated by Daxia, the Imperial Court Engineering Department divides Taoist tools into five levels in addition to their influx of power. The first level is the weakest, and the fifth level. The strongest, and although it is unknown how many above the fifth level, our number one artifact, mountain and sea map, is definitely one piece."

Shenjing City, Baihufang Crescent Restaurant, inside the stairs leading to the second floor, the young man Fu Xin's clear explanation sounded.

After the two turned around a street corner, the former's voice continued to sound:

"High-level Dao implements often have some amazing lethality. Therefore, the court has extremely strict control over Dao implements. Although high-level Dao implements will not be forcibly confiscated, they must be filed with the Ministry of Industry."

After the voice fell, Fu Xin's eyes turned slightly, staring at the door of the box that had appeared in front of him, raised his hand, and said, opening his mouth again:

"The precious thing about Taoism is that it is very difficult to manufacture, and most of the artifacts that we have passed down in Daxia are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Industry. Therefore, once Taoism is sold in the official premises, even if it is not popular Dao Qi will also be robbed instantly.

"So I'm ashamed. Although we have been practicing for a long time, most of us are still alone. We don't even have a Taoist implement. That's why we are deeply upset. After all, we have had such a good opportunity before, but because Underestimate the enemy and let it go for nothing!"

After Fu Xin finished speaking, the expression of annoyance on his face remained undiminished, and after a little thought by the young man surnamed Wang, the question came out:

"Listen to what you mean, brother Fu, after this year's close, this ancient mystery is about to open again?"

"Exactly, the news has spread. Soon after next year's New Year's Pass, Your Majesty will open the second ancient secret realm!"

As soon as he said this, the raging flames in Fu Xin's eyes suddenly lit up, indicating that he had the ambition to make a big splash in this secret realm.

"It's interesting, listening to what Brother Fu said, I have aroused curiosity about this ancient mystery."

"We should have understood the extraordinary of this secret realm long ago. After all, it came from the hands of a pilgrim, and the secret realm created by His Majesty's ability to penetrate the sky and the earth is a place to wait!"

After the increasingly unwilling and regretful voice came from Fu Xin's mouth, the two came directly to the box, then raised their hands and pushed forward slightly, the box door opened immediately, and after the next breath, a pair of eyes looked together. Come.

At this time, there were not many people in the wide box on the second floor of the restaurant, and after seeing the appearance of the two at the door, everyone in the room put down their wine glasses and stood up all together, and the voice came out:

"Brother Fu, Brother Wang, you two are here. I have been waiting for a long time. Please, please."

After the voice fell, there were a lot of young people, all dressed in Daxia White Tiger’s academic robes, and curiously stepped aside to let the two people outside the door sit down, and the latter had just sat down beside him. The introduction sound of the person immediately sounded:

"In this Crescent Restaurant today, in addition to some of our graduates who graduated as teachers, there are also talented young disciples in the White Tiger Academy. Therefore, perhaps I don’t know much about the people around my brother Fu. introduce."

[Literature Museum www.wxguan.vip] After finishing speaking, the person stretched out his hand, and the voice continued:

"Baihu Xuegong, Brother Wang Juan Wang."

As soon as the word Wangjuan came out, after the disciples in the entire box thought about it for a while, some of the disciples opened their eyes and let out an exclamation:

"Is it the former leader of the White Tiger in our Academy, Wang Juan?"

After the voice fell, the expressions of the people around suddenly showed extremely respectful expressions.

Because every leader of Xuegong is the pride of heaven!

Shenjing City, as the heart of the Great Xia Emperor's capital, has the largest number of academic palaces in the vast expanse of the entire world. Guangguang Higher Education Palace has five in the south, east, north, and middle.

The Sifang Xuegong was named after the four sacred beasts, so the school where the disciples in this box were located was called the Baihu Xuegong.

The White Tiger Academy is one of the higher academies at the feet of the emperor, and its strength is undoubtedly strong. Every disciple who enters the White Tiger Academy is the leader of the entire Daxia young generation and can become the leader. Who is the leader among the leaders.

The Daxia Academy of Higher Learning is completed every four years, and the leader of the first graduation is the king scroll in front of everyone.

In other words, sitting behind the box table at this time, the imposing king scroll is a myth in the minds of all the disciples of the White Tiger Academy!

In fact, not long after Zhao Yu ascended the throne, he began to fully integrate the educational resources of the whole university. From the basic school education of the children to the practice of the younger generation, they have undergone earth-shaking changes.

After Zhao Yu cut off the last sword of Daxia Jianghu at the Zangjian Lake, the energy of the entire Shenzhou vast land was officially exhausted, and the sects became more and more marginalized. Except for the Taoist Palace and the imperial court. In addition to the large sect of Siwan, the small sects have disbanded their disciples.

In just one or two years, there was only one mainstream force in the Daxia cultivation world, the Daxia Academy.

Five years ago, three thousand scholars gave birth to Shenzhou. Starting from the second spark, a raging fire spread in all directions. In a very short time, the palace of no mathematics rose from every city in Daxia.

From the elementary school where the little dolls in all cities and counties read and literate, to the highest Baidi Academy built by Zhao Yu himself on the bank of the Baidi Palace, the academy progressed step by step, which can be said to include the young people of Daxia. The first twenty years of man.

Although Zhao Yu didn't say clearly, he used practical actions to show the entire Daxia people that he was doing his best to ensure the fairness of every Daxia child.

Fair education, fair practice opportunities!

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