The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1628: Ancient pattern

Inside the puppet car under the Taihang Palace, as the voice of the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu fell, no matter it was Zhao Yu, or Sima Annan and other taboos, there was a trace of horror flashing in their eyes.

Then Zhao Yu, who put away the different color in his eyes, stretched out his hand and gently moved to the secretary outside the door, and a muttering voice came out:

"Ancient fairy court, four royals?"

As soon as the emperor's voice fell, a middle-aged Sitian monk stepped in quickly from outside, and after saluting respectfully, he spoke:

"Your Majesty, what is your order?"

"I remember that in the battle of the Beihai birth, Sitianjian once captured a large number of monks in the Supreme Profound Land Shenji Pavilion. Did you get what Cai Xiliu said from them?"

As soon as this question came out, the Sitian Supervisor, who was kneeling on one knee in front of Zhao Yu, raised his drooping head. After a few thoughts flashed on his fortitude face, he shook his head and said:

"His Majesty, among the captured cultivators of the Shenji Pavilion, neither the old man of the Shenji Pavilion nor the former principal of Shenxiancheng Shenji Pavilion have spoken about such news."

Sitian Supervisor's response sounded, and Sima Annan's interested voice sounded immediately:

"Your Excellency, Nantian King, all said that this Shenji Pavilion is the most informed force in the entire Taixuan Land. Even they don't know much about the so-called ancient Four Royals in your mouth, so how can you tell if what you are saying is true or false?"

"Is it true or not? You already have a judgment in your heart, don't you?"

The Nantian King Xiliu's response sounded with the same confidence as before. Then he turned his head, and the flaming hair was raised behind him. The golden eyes stared at Sima Annan's handsome face, and the voice continued:

"Although the Shenji Pavilion is said to have been inherited for more than 90,000 years, its foundation is after all in the Central Plains. As the so-called nest is covered, there are no eggs. Under the vast aftermath of the collapse of the fairy palace, all the forces of the Central Plains have been Nearly devastating blow.

"So even if the Central Plains forces like the Shenji Pavilion are re-established and strengthened under the remnants of the past, the faults in this are real."

After finishing the words, the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu retracted his gaze and stopped speaking. Then behind the crowd, a gentle voice with magnetism came out:

"Your Excellency the Southern Heavenly King just said it, but the Taoist priests in this view have heard a little."

As soon as he said this, his eyes jumped directly to the rear, and saw a master Guanyun wearing a robes with a solemn face. He took a step forward and bowed to the front of Zhao Yu. The voice continued:

"This Dao Dayan Pass, Guanyun Dao Guan Li Guanyun, has seen the Great Emperor Fuyao in the North."

"One of the five sects of the Hidden World, Dayan Taoist Temple, I have heard of you, so let's continue."

After Zhao Yuping's emperor's voice fell, Taoist Guanyun stood upright, and his gentle magnetic voice continued to speak:

"Just as Your Excellency the Southern Heavenly King just said, when the fairy palace collapsed, coupled with the world's melee, the inheritance of all the forces in the Central Plains in the entire Taixuan Land was affected.

"Among them, the closer the forces in the core area of ​​the Central Plains are, the more they will be affected. Since our Dayan Pass is located in the westernmost part of the Central Plains, we still retain a lot of heritage.

"I have seen some messy records in the Guan, and among them there are sporadic records about ancient fairy gods."

As soon as he said this, Zhao Yu's eyes suddenly brightened, and then he raised his hand and waved forward slightly. The official official who had been waiting in the first section of the puppet car saluted forward at the same time, and then retired together. .

In just 30 breaths, the carriage where the young emperor was located suddenly became extremely empty, and then Zhao Yu stepped forward and found a place to sit down, and the emperor's voice heard:

"According to Er et al.'s statement, can I make the following judgments. In the era when the Immortal Palace ruled the heavens and the earth, the Central Plains of the Supreme Profound Land had the strongest strength and overwhelmed all domains. Ruled by the Four Royals."

"That's the case. Until this time, the ruins of the Xianting Sacred Palace were still standing on the nine heavens of Tangdu in the Central Shangguo, but after the collapse of Xianting, the Four Royals began to disappear for some reason."

After Master Guanyun's response fell, he paused for a while before continuing to speak:

"Once the Xianting Sacred Palace sat on the entire world, whether it was the Central Plains, the Northern Territory, or the other major imperial palaces, they were all under its rule.

"The fairy garden, which also has the method of mysterious transmission, not only dispatches the immortal gods to divide and rule, but also establishes a system that mortals can ascend, so as to collect all the high-ranking monks above the land of the profound. .

"With these two items alone, the fairy palace has directly ruled Taixuan for countless years. If it weren't for the sudden collapse later, this rule might last a long, long time."

After the Taoist Guanyun's response fell, Zhao Yu nodded, narrowed his eyes, and continued to speak:

"At that time, the overall strength was after the Central Plains, but the Northern Territory came next?"

"Yes, the Wuxian Mountain in the north was once the top three celestial blessings in the entire Taixuan Land. All the people living on it are the seeds of immortals, and the strength is naturally extremely powerful."

After observing the words of affirmation from Yundao's population, he raised his hand and saluted Zhao Yu who was listening in front of him. The voice came out again:

"Especially Yuan Shizong, the leader of the Wuxian Mountain, is a force that even Xianting Sacred Palace must treat each other with courtesy. Every time Xianting holds a meeting, they are all guests.

"More importantly, according to scattered ancient records, there was also a Four Imperial Emperor behind this Wuxian Mountain. It is not known who it is."

As the voice fell, Master Guanyun raised his hand and stroked his beard, and continued to speak:

"After all, what happened after all, as we all know, the heavens and the earth suddenly changed, and the entire northern sky was smashed, and even the northern heavens were mostly destroyed. In the following tens of thousands of years, it became a land of abandonment.

"If it weren't for your country to be born and recast the Northern Territory, the Northern Territory, which was originally a sacred place for monasticism, would not know when it would sink."

Master Guanyun said this with a strong sigh, saying that the changes in history are the most dramatic. In many cases, from the peak to the sinking, it is only a short time.

The building is difficult to dump, but once it starts to dump, it will be the sky and the earth.

"As Zong'er et al. said, the pattern of the ancient times in this Taixuan land was led by the Central Plains where the Xianting Sacred Palace was located, followed by the Northern Territory, and the rest of the realms were similar?"

Inside the carriage, Zhao Yu continued to make a sound, pulling back the thoughts of the rest of the people, and then Master Guanyun arched his hand, and a deep voice sounded:

"As your Majesty said, under the rule of the Immortal Palace, except for the Northern Realm, the strengths of the rest of the domains are extremely similar, but one domain is different, and that is the Western Region where my Dao Sect is located."

After finishing speaking, Taoist Guanyun's eyes suddenly became particularly sharp, and his extremely solemn voice rolled out:

"The Western Regions were once a place where the two sides of Buddhism and Taoism fought, and because of the war that destroyed the heavens and the earth, there was yellow sand everywhere, and life was difficult to survive. The country."

As the voice fell, Master Guanyun stood upright, and his voice continued to be heard:

"It's the Long Bo Kingdom that opened the fairy palace collapsed, the North Sea died, and the world changed dramatically!"

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