The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1642: Fangs re-show

No desire or desire is self. The Mingde side hall of the White Emperor Palace, when Zhao Yu’s Emperor Huanghuang’s voice blasted into his ears, Xue Beichuan below suddenly fell in his heart and bowed directly, and then the voice of Zhao Yu from above continued:

"To be honest, I don't know much about Buddhism or Taoism, but I still know it vaguely that the Taoism in this place is the realm of the great self. They pay attention to inaction and desire, and follow the way of heaven.

"While acting recklessly, it can indeed achieve the ego, but the Dao Sect, which was once one of the overlord powers in the world, is it?"

Zhao Yu's faint inquiries fell, and then Xue Beichuan pressed his lips tightly and responded:

"Unfinished, the Immortal Palace Sacred Palace annexed Daomen, and then entered the world and ruled for a long time."

"Does the whole world use naked reality to show that the more you conform to the way of heaven, the more you will be abandoned by the way of heaven?"

Zhao Yu's words are tantamount to a thunderbolt in the sky, bursting into the heavens, and placed anywhere outside the northern border. This is a great rebellion against heaven.

But Daxia in the Northern Territory is different. The Heavenly Dao in the Northern Territory is dead, and it was personally terminated by Zhao Yu. This is also a point that too many people in the Great Profound Land subconsciously ignore.

In today's Northern Territory, one goes up to the enveloping world of heaven, down to worms, birds and beasts, tree seeds, and only follows one will, that is Zhao Yu's will.

In a sense, Zhao Yu is the way of heaven in the north!

Zhao Yu’s reply made Xue Beichuan pressed his lips tightly and couldn’t respond, because this young man knew very well that with his own level and accumulation, he never reached the point of concluding with Emperor Fuyao. Degree of days.

Therefore, Xue Beichuan respectfully fell to the ground and continued to listen to the voice of the young emperor, resounding in his ears:

"Xue Beichuan, you just said something wrong. If people understand what they want and boldly be themselves, this is respectable, but this does not mean that people who are in danger and go against their original wishes are not worth it. respect.

"As you said, the whole world is not as simple as black and white, so there are always many people who have to make compromises involuntarily.

"Among these people, there are you, others, and even me."

After Emperor Huanghuang's voice fell, Zhao Yu held a fold in his hand and walked down the stairs of the side hall step by step. The voice continued:

"Life is nothing more than two things, picking up and letting go."

After he finished speaking, Zhao Yu walked down the steps and stepped on the flat ground of the side hall. In his ebony eyes, there seemed to be ocean-like majestic waves roaring, and then his lips slightly opened, and the emperor's voice continued to resound through the hall:

"You should know that it is not easy to pick up and put down both. That young man, Li Xun, put down his identity as heir to the family, followed his heart and chose an ordinary life.

"This is letting go. In the eyes of outsiders, this is not easy and worthy of admiration. But you have to understand that the important thing about letting go is choice, because this is what you have, and what you need is to let go of your attachments and desires.

"But picking up is different."

Speaking of this, Zhao Yu paused and looked down at the young man in the military plane who had fallen to the ground respectfully. Di Yin said:

"Pick up, not only to make a choice, but also to have the idea of ​​bloodshed and broken bones, because the more at that time, the more critical the moment.

"Actually, I don't need to say more about this truth, you will understand it when you think about it, and the reason why I said this is also inspired by it.

"This booklet was sent urgently by An Jiangsi just now, you can take a look."

After speaking, Zhao Yu took the zhezi in his hand and gently pushed forward, and the zhezi floated to Xue Beichuan below like a snowflake.

At the next breath, Xue Beichuan stood upright, raised his hands to take it, turned and scanned, his eyes suddenly shrank slightly, and he saw a very clear sentence written on the envelope:

"The third prince Yin Wen and the second prince Yin Lie of the Central Kingdom, with their retinue, together with the old veteran imprisoned by the Taihang Palace, officially left the vast land of Shenzhou and returned to the Central Plains under the **** of the An Jiangsi. "

"Your Majesty, this?"

Xue Beichuan's complexion changed for a while, and then Zhao Yu's voice followed:

"You are asking why I would let the third prince of the Central High Kingdom take away the old man from the Taihang Palace?"

"Weichen dare not."

Xue Beichuan lowered his head and raised the hands of the Zhezi he had seen. Then Zhao Yu raised his hand and picked it up, and the emperor's voice continued to be heard:

"According to my wishes, even if they don't throw their heads off, even if they don't throw their heads off, they will have to be imprisoned for a lifetime.

"But you should understand that now the entire Supreme Profound Land is strange, just like a volcano that is about to erupt, maybe in the next breath, it will erupt completely.

"Therefore, we and Daxia need to lay out according to the situation in the Supreme Profound Land, to balance the strength between the holy court and the rest of the forces, especially to retain the power of the Central Kingdom, which is directly erupting in conflict, rather than involute consumption. The three princes and the Central Supreme Court will stay in the north."

The Emperor Huanghuang's voice lingered like thunder in the side hall, and then Zhao Yu stretched out his hand to press Xue Beichuan's shoulder, and the steady voice continued to faintly spread:

"Xue Beichuan, although my Daxia now sits on the entire northern realm and is not afraid of any forces, it is impossible for me to take the lives of countless frontline soldiers and the safety of billions of people as a bet to make the entire Daxia and Quan Tai Xuan Enemy!

"This is a compromise. In many cases, compromise is not retreat, but advancement. I hope you understand this truth."

The last words that came out of Zhao Yu's mouth were heavy, and then Xue Beichuan continued to bow down, his face in awe, and his voice came out:

"Weichen, thank your majesty for his teaching!"

"Go down, I will transfer you to the Ministry of Households as the Chief of the Quartermaster, in charge of the collection and dispatch of front-line combat preparation materials, and give you Royal Fengyu, you can directly recruit all modes of transportation, including the Department of Transportation and the Department of Transport.

"At the same time, the Sitian Supervisor and the six departments and 15 departments will open the door for you. I only have one request.

"That is, within half a year, we have raised enough strategic materials to fight five tens of millions of people-level battles for me, so that the soldiers fighting on the front line will not have any worries!"

As soon as he said this, Xue Beichuan's complexion changed abruptly, and even his hands couldn't help shaking.

Zhao Yu's arrangement has revealed an obvious fact.

The fangs of Daxia in the north will be revealed again!

"Chen, take the decree!"

After Xue Beichuan's exhausting promise fell, Zhao Yu's expression remained unchanged, and he continued to pat the former on the shoulder. The voice came out:

"I also found a helper for you, and that Li Xun will be transferred to you. Anyway, it is the household department and the procedures are convenient."

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