The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1662: Just want to see

Lord Zhenyu, the battlefield under the ten-sided barriers, the ups and downs of the turbulent situation, in a short time completed a radical change.

From the gate where the Ksitigarbha King used the human path, Jianhuai was directly moved out of the Taihang Palace, and then the latter was cut off, lying on the ground and fell into a coma. It took a few moments before he knew his life or death. Moments.

Since childhood, the monk learned the scarlet blood contained in the blood spurting from his broken arm, clearly showing the identity of the person who cut his arm.

Radiant Army Gorefiend, Li Yi!

"Li Yi waved his sword and cut off his arm before the little monk was moved by the human world. It seems that the movement of the Ksitigarbha Khiti was not as easy as imagined."

After Jiang Yue's cold voice fell, the blood gushing out from the broken arm in front of the Ksitigarbha Hindu King Jianhuai in front of him, and then the little monk's complexion became gray and dead at a speed visible to the naked eye, his breath was weak, and he weakened rapidly. , Maybe it will be completely shattered before long.

The next breath, Ksitigarbha Khiti, sitting cross-legged on the ground, lowered his head, watching the monk Jianhuai who knew nothing about life or death in front of him. The fire of his will beat rhythmically, as if he was thinking, as if he was hesitating, his voice came out:

"Today's Buddhism seems to be a little different from the time when the Dharma King was still alive."

After the inexplicable murmur fell, the Ksitigarbha His Holiness no longer hesitated, raised his hand and gently pointed to Jianhuai who was lying on the ground in front of him, and then stood proudly on top of his head in front of the human world. The king of holding land, once again stamped heavily on the stone bridge under him, and directly stepped on a golden lotus.

Inside this golden lotus, the rich Buddha light flickered, and a magnificent and warm breath spread out, slowly sinking, enveloping the little monk below the whole person, and at the same time the voice from Liang Po's opening sounded in everyone's ears:

"Ksitigarbha, His Majesty also said that not only the Buddhism has changed, but the whole world is different. Even the fairy palace is destroyed and dissipated. The rise and fall of power is the general trend.

"You may use the Buddhist relics you left behind before passing away to renew the life of the Buddhists once, twice, or even three times, but you are dead after all."

As soon as Liang Po's magnetic voice came out, the Ksitigarbha Khanna continued to fall into a few breaths of silence, and this extremely brief silence for the people around, for Ksitigarbha Khanna, it was as long as countless times.

In the end, Ksitigarbha Khiti raised the skull head and looked at the burly Liang Po in front of a hill, and the indistinguishable voice continued:

"At this point, I understand that going against the general trend of the world once or twice is already a miracle."

After speaking, the Ksitigarbha Khiti leaned his whole body slowly forward, and his magnificent aura rose to the sky, and the magnificent voice resounded through the sky again:

"But the reason why the Karmapa wanted to stay in this world for a while longer is just to see how the world has become today after countless years, and whether the six reincarnations built by my own hands are still running well. ."

When talking about the four words of the six reincarnations, the voice from the Ksitigarbha His Holiness suddenly became a lot louder, saying that Buddhism abandons mortal desires, but these six reincarnations are different. This is the lifelong pursuit of the Ksitigarbha His Holiness.

For this pursuit, the Ksitigarbha His Holiness even made a great aspiration to empty the countless wandering souls in the market **** with six reincarnations, otherwise he would not become a Buddha.

"When all beings are saved, the bodhi is justified, the **** is not empty, and the vow not to become a Buddha is the way of the Dharma King. In fact, the Dharma King wants to see with his own eyes whether this world is what I want!"

The voice of the Ksitigarbha His Holiness resonated through the void, which shocked my heart. Then everyone around, including Taoist Guanyun, showed an extremely complex color, not only admired, but also embarrassed.

All the people present are naturally very knowledgeable about the world, and understand that the Ksitigarbha Khiti is bound to be disappointed.

The reality is far more cruel than imagined!

Then Liang Po's expression remained unchanged, and his extremely flat voice continued:

"The Ksitigarbha, this world is not what you want. Sometimes it is hard to take a look. It is not worth it."

"This Karmapa feels worth it!"

The response of the Ksitigarbha Khiti was categorically decisive, and then he raised his hand again to seal the seal, which was still the extremely mysterious six seals. He wanted to continue knocking on the remaining two reincarnation gates above, and the Liang Po in front of him did not. Start to stop, and let the Ksitigarbha Khmer perform the Dao seal.

"Six ways of hell, open!"

Accompanied by the Ksitigarbha Khiti a low drink, the door of reincarnation representing the path of **** opened directly to the outside, but in the next moment, everyone's complexion changed, and the Ksitigarbha Khanna firmly held the seal in his hand and stopped knocking. .

Because countless complex, tyrannical, chaotic wills spread out from the cracks in the door of this human road, in such a situation, in the induction of the rest of the people, it seems that countless ways suddenly appeared on the endless wilderness. Greedy scarlet eyes.

What's more worth mentioning is that the complexity of these breaths is beyond everyone's imagination, and it also indicates how chaotic the situation within this **** road is.

The more and more complex and chaotic atmosphere, from the cracks of the door like a prairie fire, continued to spread out, and then the voice of inquiry from Jiang Yue from the rear sounded:

"Where is the guardian King in this **** road?"

It is true that the Ksitigarbha Khiti used six seals to summon the gates of reincarnation, and at the same time, behind each of the six gates, there is a Dhamma Bodhisattva who is responsible for suppression, such as the Hungry Ghost Dao's Treasure Dharma King, the Human World's Dao-holding Dharma King.

Therefore, including the Taoist people of Guanyun who have a certain understanding of Buddhism, think that behind this gate of hell, there is also a king who suppresses the law, but since the will of the ultimate chaos after this gate of the world, people can't help but rise. Doubts.

Afterwards, Taoist Guanyun stared at the door of **** road full of weirdness above, and murmured:

"This King of Hell, who suppressed the way of hell, must have undergone changes, and now the **** of **** is experiencing unprecedented chaos."

Just after the words of Taoist Guanyun fell, a sigh suddenly came from the whole world.

Although this sigh was not heavy, it sounded clearly in everyone's sea of ​​consciousness.

At the same time, within this sigh, there was the ultimate sorrow, so that the people who heard it couldn't help but feel a sense of sorrow, and turned their eyes to the direction where the sigh sounded, which is the Ksitigarbha Khiti sitting in front of him.

The next breath, the fire of divine consciousness in the skull's head, a dim Ksitigarbha Khmer, firmly holding the Dao seal in his hand, continued to speak, and the indistinguishable voice directly hit everyone's hearts and stirred up turbulent waves:

"The guardian of the **** road has changed, because it is me who originally guarded the **** road!"

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