If the entire vast expanse of Taixuan is compared to a chessboard, then this game of chess today can be described as chaotic.

Among the nineteen pieces criss-crossed on this chessboard, one by one chess pieces catches each other and kills each other, which is completely life-and-death appearance. Unknowingly, Daxia, which occupies the entire northern border, has also become part of this chess game. A party not to be ignored.

Over the years, Zhao Yu and Da Xia have also been making arrangements.

At this time, the snow lotus religion that the secretary of Hongyu Temple spoke of was a move made by the young emperor before.

"When I was teaching Luo Xuelian, I didn't actually think too much. Now it seems that this move that I accidentally dropped may have unexpected gains."

On the deck of the Crescent Treasure Ship, Zhao Yu, who had heard about the Snow Lotus Sect, showed a slightly different color on his face without anger, and then waved his hand to make the secretary in front of him retreat. The young Diyin continued to speak:

"It's the so-called unintentional insertion of Liu Chengyin. Since the saint of snow lotus has exceeded my expectations, then tell Song Xinhao, as long as he can control the situation, I will not interfere too much with the movements of these casual practitioners.

"What will happen in the end depends on their own destiny."

"Chen, take the order!"

At the same time that the middle-aged secretary of Hongyou Temple answered his orders, a group of people gathered together in the city where the Crescent Moon Treasure Ship was rapidly shuttled through each other, and the voice came out:

"Everyone, the Crescent Moon Treasure Ship is going south again after a few months. You should be very clear about the situation we are facing during this period, right?"

The one who spoke was an older man. Although he was dressed in tatters and his complexion was sallow, if you look closely at the eyes inside his wrinkled face, you will find that he has a pair of dark eyes.

And this kind of eye pupil is unique to one race in the land of the profound, and that is the human race!

It is not only the old man who speaks at this time, but the entire house is densely packed with human races, large and small, both old and young.

These people were all descendants of the Wuxianshan tribe who had not stayed in Shenxian City when they chose a few years ago, but came in groups to settle down on the southern bank of Yuanchuan.

Obviously, judging from the current situation, the choice of these descendants of Wuxianshan was a complete mistake.

"Father, look at our current life, who can't be clear, even the life under the dark sky at the beginning is better than here.

"We starved to death three more here this morning, plus a few girls who were taken away from me who did not know when they were taken away last night. Every day the sun rises, we will find people around us starving to death. Who can't understand!"

With pain in this high cry from the dilapidated house, the slightly stronger adult man clenched his fists and continued to open his mouth with a hoarse roar:

"But what if I understand it, it's all we asked for, you look at the good life of those people in the north at this time, we, we can't go back!"

The man's words, with a strong blame, even the eyes of the old man in front of him, there are also scarlet bloodshot eyes, and then several other men of Wuxianshan descent next to him stretched out their hands and pressed the shoulders of the former, and said:

"Stone, calm down, the matter is over, and it doesn't make sense to blame people again. You must know that the original decision was not made by the father alone, and you have a part!"

"Yeah, the top priority now is to rely on this situation, otherwise, sooner or later, all of us will die."

The word death came out, and everyone who heard the words shuddered, and then someone tremblingly said:

"Or, let's go south, through Broken Yecheng, and go to Central Plains."

Before this statement fell, he was directly interrupted by someone, and the screams came out:

"Go south? Don't you still abandon your own death fast enough? Don't you know what is in the south? Can you pass the Broken Leaf City without mentioning? Do you know how the Central Plains race views our human race?

"In their eyes, we are all walking celestial coins, and can't wait to chop off your head and go to the holy court for wealth!"

This rebuke was extremely violent, and the person who had just spoken directly shuddered subconsciously, and then came out with a crying voice:

"Then what should I do, I can't go back to the north, and I can't go south, is it just waiting to die?"

"Yes, we can only wait for death right now. After resolutely leaving Daxia in the North, those of us have actually been labeled as dead."

As soon as these words came out, the descendants of Wuxianshan who were beginning to recognize them became more and more desperate. Some women and children even buried their heads and began to sob.

Then the atmosphere in the entire ruined house began to become more desperate, and the roaring noise of the eight not far away from the ground-patterned tortoise stepped on the ground, like a heavy hammer, kept bombarding everyone's hearts.

At the next breath, the ground began to tremble slightly, and the shabby house even under the vibration began to become shaky, and then the weeping sound became louder and louder.

That is boundless despair is spreading fast.

But in the next moment, the old man who just said a word at the beginning without saying a word raised his hand, slapped it on the table beside him with all his strength, and made a loud bang.

The sound of beating the table caused everyone in the room to jump directly and watch them one after another. Then the old man slowly stood up, and the old voice came out:

"It is my fault to bring you here to suffer. The old man will go and kneel in front of the Crescent Moon Ship and beg the people on it.

"As long as you can go back, even if you are stepped on to a puddle of flesh, you will not hesitate."

After speaking, the old man strode directly to the door, while the voice continued to be heard:

"This is the old man's mistake. The old man will make up for it. You are not allowed to follow you. If you fail to do this, you can only make atonement with you in the next life!"

When the voice fell, the old man pushed open the door directly, but in the next moment he stood still on the spot.

Because before his eyebrows, a big rune spear appeared.

The big gun shone with cold light, and the old man subconsciously withdrew a step back, and then suddenly raised his head, only to see that holding the big rune gun in front was a tall sergeant wearing black armor and black helmet.

At the same time, under the sergeant, a ghostly winged beast with a head and a horse, back and two wings, was staring at the people in front of them with scarlet icy eyes.

After an instant, rolling suffocation rushed towards his face, almost freezing the entire room.

Then the deputy commander of the Youwing Army made Chen Yan lower his head, holding the gun with his right hand unchanged, and looking at the Wuxianshan descendant who was kneeling in front of him, begging for mercy, and said every word:

"Sometimes, if you make a mistake, you are wrong. When you make a choice, you must be prepared to bear the consequences. There are not so many things in the world that you can go back on, and you have no jokes."

As soon as he said this, the old man snorted, almost spitting out blood, then Chen Yan put away the big rune spear in his hand, and after watching the bottom for several breaths, he spoke again, and the voice continued:

"But with regard to this matter, Lord Sima made an exception beforehand, so your majesty has ordered you to allow you to move back.

"I hope you guys can do it for yourself!"

As soon as he said this, the old man swallowed the blood in his chest, and cried with joy.

"Your Majesty is kind!"

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