Today, the northern border of the Taixuan Land, after being completely reborn, is full of vitality, the weather is smooth and the four seasons are distinct.

After winter, spring comes.

But when the great summer grasses in the north flew, and all things revived and grew, Changming County of Central Plains, separated from the North Sea by a river, still fluttered with snowflakes, and the temperature was biting.

As we all know, the Changming clan living in Changming County, whether in practice or daily life, has a great demand for the light of the sun, and these Changming clan are naturally warm and not cold.

Therefore, Changming County has always had a warm climate, but this year’s winter in Changming County was exceptionally cold and long.

In the southernmost part of Changming County, the sky was full of heavy snow flying between the lofty mountains, and the biting cold wind blew on the black rocks and issued extremely harsh and sharp whistling.


The wind was roaring, the snow was howling, and visibility was extremely low. Among the extremely precipitous mountains and rocks in the southern part of Changming County, suddenly there were very vague figures, flashing away like ghosts.

The speed of these fuzzy figures is extremely fast, and while jumping, ignoring the knife-like wind, they hurried upward along the mountain peak. After a while, the peak of this mountain is easily visible in the line of sight.

Then the first figure stopped directly, raised his right hand, and clenched a fist.

At the next breath, a figure behind him stopped at the same time. During the transition between movement and static, the momentum surged, and even the flying snow spread out, revealing the scene inside.

I saw a large number of black-robed monks standing in the shade of this mountain peak, densely extending downwards, even spreading the entire half of the mountain, and at the same time a strange barrier flowed outward, like a curtain, bringing the breath of these monks Obscured.

After a few breaths, at the very front of this monk, an extraordinarily burly figure stepped up to the top, and then said to a figure in front of him:

"Great Elder, crossing the mountain in front of you is the boundary of Changming County."

There was a hoarse voice in this person's voice, but if he listened carefully, he could still feel a tyrannical air. Then two scarlet eyes lit up from under the black robe, and the voice continued:

"After so many years, my Zong is finally going to take this step."

"West Kuang, you still think too simple."

After the voice of the man named Xi Kuang fell, an old voice sounded immediately between the wind and snow, and then the great elder in front of the former took off the black robe and hood on his head, revealing a particularly old one. Face.

It is worth mentioning that the skin of this great elder is extremely weird blue-purple, and there are dense scales on the skin.

The old man's facial features are a little distorted, it is the coldness that radiates from an old lizard that is not tall, even a bit colder than the surrounding cold wind.

Then the great elder raised his head, his eyes with vertical pupils, as if seeing the highest point of the mountain through the snow in front of him, his voice continued:

"There are reasons why my family has been guarding the county and not going out these years, including at this time, if the situation is not forced, the old man will not make such a risky decision."

"Timing, timing, you keep talking about timing!"

There was a little dissatisfaction in Xi Kuang's voice, and then his mouth cracked open, revealing a particularly sharp fangs, and the voice that raised a lot came out again:

"There are many counties in the northern part of the Central Plains in the Taixuan Land. The more they go north, the weaker they are. We and this Changming County are at the bottom. Although we have been fighting for so many years, no one can do anything.

"A few years ago, in the civil turmoil in Changming County, this Sect Master said that the time had come and he could attempt to annex it, and was stopped by your unreachable force, but now even this Mingshi City has been taken away by wandering and scattered repairs.

"Elder, that's a wandering and casual repair. Those ants can take down one of the great cities of Changming County. If our sect moves first, wouldn't it be within easy reach!"

After speaking, the sect master's violent aura surged, indicating extreme dissatisfaction in his heart. Then the great elder raised his right hand and pressed the shoulder of the former, his voice became more and more majestic, and continued to sound:

"Xi Kuang, calm down for the old man, you don't understand, all this is far from being as simple as you think, let alone the counties around us, which of the counties around us is not like us, staring at this Chang Ming with enthusiasm. county.

"Once we take the lead, we will confirm the facts of aggression, even if we take the city of Mingshi by then, do you think the sects in these counties will be watching?"

As the words fell, the old man held down his shoulder-like right hand, and denser scales began to appear, and finally a crackling sound was emitted. Accompanied by the extremely violent force, the former was forced to move, and he couldn't move. .

At the next breath, the old man’s voice continued:

"Furthermore, you think this Changmingzong is a soft persimmon that can rise and fall at will. You are too naive. You should understand that the entire Central Plains County has been in a state of annexation for tens of thousands of years.

"Now, all the forces that can survive are inextricably linked to each other, including us, do you think there is no major force closer to the Central Plains behind the Chang Ming Sect?

"If not, how can they monopolize the Akashi business for so many years, just think about it with your head!"

The old man remarked mercilessly, and then he took a remake of Xi Kuang in front of him, turned around and stepped forward, and began to walk towards the top of the peak hidden in the wind and snow.

"In this world, you have to live cautiously, because if you are not careful, you will encounter a disaster. The old man has always emphasized the timing, and this timing is an opportunity.

"The old man decided to send troops for two reasons. On the one hand, the wandering and scattered repairs captured Mingshi City, and the rebel forces in Changming County have not ceased in recent years. Therefore, the Changming Sect not only suffered from the enemy, but also gave us the reason to send troops. .

"On the other hand, the World Dao Conference is about to be held, and the big forces behind Changming County are also in discomfort at this time and have no time to take care of this side, so this is an opportunity to get started.

"Do you understand?"

Do you understand these three words, the violent Xi Kuang seemed to have been knocked out of a sap, and suddenly died down, then he grinned and let out a low roar:

"All the disciples of the Crazy Lizard Sect, hide!"

In the next breath, almost half of the surface of countless black shadows in the shadow of the mountain was covered. Suddenly, there was a wave of fluctuations, like a turbulent mirror surface, which began to change and merged with everything around it.

In a blink of an eye, in this land shrouded in wind and snow, there were no traces of anyone there, only black rocks and constant roaring winds.

After an instant, amidst the emptiness and the snow, a roar with an incomparable voice exploded directly:

"Everyone will follow this suzerain and enter Changming County, the Guangyao Sect, dominate the north!"

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